For the Purrbabies

Activated charcoal can be a lifesaver for dogs in the event of poisoning or ingesting toxins. Here's how to safely give activated charcoal to dogs in an emergency.
Dogs are curious creatures, often sniffing and eating everything in sight. It’s no wonder they get into all sorts of surprises — from investigating yesterday’s trash to sniffing around the new cleaning solution. Other times, your dog may end up consuming something toxic. This is where activated charcoal for dogs comes in. Charcoal binds to the toxic substance, decreasing the risk of your dog becoming poisoned. Activated charcoal is best administered by your pet’s veterinary clinic or under its supervision.
🚨 If you suspect that your dog ingested something toxic, contact the Animal Poison Control (Trusted Source) line immediately at (888) 426-4435.
Activated charcoal is a medication for dogs that have consumed toxic content. Dogs can have activated charcoal in liquid, powder, or a combined slurry. We strongly discourage charcoal pills, capsules, or tablets since they don’t open well on the gastrointestinal tract.
We recommend ToxiBan. There are two types, one with sorbitol and one without. Only administer the sorbitol-containing version one time. If repeated doses are needed, go with ToxiBan without Sorbitol.
Not all dogs will have side effects, and many side effects of activated charcoal are mild, including black feces, vomiting, eye irritations, and constipation. Activated charcoal can cause severe symptoms if misused, and some may have life-threatening implications.
Dogs with specific conditions should avoid treatment with activated charcoal. In most cases, this means those animals with gastrointestinal hemorrhaging (Trusted Source) and bowel impaction. Additionally, dogs suffering from dehydration shouldn’t use the medication. Severe symptoms range from hypernatremia (Trusted Source) to aspiration and gastrointestinal blockages.
Due to the nature and purpose of activated charcoal to remove and bind to toxins, it can also push out recently taken medications at the same time as the toxins. This decreases the absorption of oral medications. Leave three hours or more before taking any medications following charcoal treatment.
Activated charcoal is made by heating natural carbon resources, like wood and coconut shells, at temperatures of 600 to 900 degrees Celsius to make black charcoal. The activation process increases the surface area by removing molecules and creating cracks and crevices known as pores to encourage toxin binding. This allows the activated charcoal to absorb the toxins via these pores in the stomach and gastrointestinal tract. And it works well, too. Activated charcoal can reduce toxins by 80% in just three hours.
Not all poisons bind to the pores as some are too small, making activated charcoal effective on only specific toxins. Activated charcoal is used in conjunction with cathartic sorbitol, (Trusted Source) which uses osmosis to help move the toxins out of the system. The treatment detoxifies your dog’s system, flushing out the activated charcoal with the toxins as feces.
Activated charcoal is a black powder that has a very fine texture and no odor. In a veterinary office, oral supplements are the most common form of the medicine. They may be a brand where the activated charcoal has already been made into a thick, black liquid. Some veterinary offices may also mix the powder up into a liquid.
The cost of activated charcoal varies depending on the amount needed. Dosages are calculated by your dog’s weight. You may also be able to purchase extra to keep on hand in case your dog swallows a toxin at home. Prices can range anywhere from around $7-$30.
Activated charcoal should be stored in an airtight container. Keep it away from direct sunlight, moisture, and heat. Proper storage will help ensure your activated charcoal has a long lifespan.
Activated charcoal dosage for dogs depends on weight. A study in the Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care (Trusted Source) recommends 1 to 5 grams of activated charcoal for each kilogram of weight of your dog. It takes about 2-4 hours for something to clear the stomach, and the effectiveness of AC decreases over time as exposure increases, so act quickly if you think your dog has ingested something poisonous.
Your veterinarian may recommend repeating doses of activated charcoal every 6-12 hours for a few days, depending on the toxic substance in question.
While vets are mostly the ones administering this, you can give your dog charcoal orally via a syringe, but sometimes a stomach tube may be necessary if your pet isn’t agreeable or able to swallow. Administer the supplement slowly. Offer your dog small parts of the dosage at a time and remember to allow enough time for them to ingest.
If your dog’s interested in eating it, they can consume the charcoal on their own. To encourage eating, the ASPCA suggests serving dog food on top of the activated charcoal in a dog bowl.
Consult your vet or Animal Poison Control during any potential poisoning event, as they will know if your pet is properly hydrated to receive the activated charcoal. The charcoal pulls body water into the gastrointestinal tract, so if your pet is already dehydrated, this could make a bad situation even worse. If the toxin was ingested within 2-4 hours, there’s a possibility your veterinarian may opt to induce vomiting instead. In many cases, it’s better to get the poison out than let it run its course.
Experts agree that the most effective use of activated charcoal in dogs is for poisoning. But this is only effective to a degree, as activated charcoal doesn’t protect against all toxins.
Unfortunately, activated charcoal isn’t always effective. And in some circumstances, the supplement shouldn’t be administered at all. Keep an eye on your dog’s symptoms for the following red flags:
Activated charcoal may help if your dog has consumed chocolate. A typical dose of charcoal would be 1 to 5 grams of activated charcoal for each kilogram of weight of your dog (1 kg equals 2.2 lbs). It’s best to check with your vet before administering activated charcoal.
It is possible that activated charcoal can cause diarrhea in dogs, but not all dogs will have this side effect or any side effects at all. Side effects of activated charcoal can also be mild and may include black feces, vomiting, eye irritations, diarrhea, and constipation. Activated charcoal can cause severe symptoms if misused.
It is possible that activated charcoal could cause vomiting in dogs, but not all dogs will have this side effect or any at all. Side effects of activated charcoal can also be mild and may include black feces, vomiting, eye irritations, diarrhea, and constipation. Activated charcoal can cause severe symptoms if misused.
Do not give your dog more than the recommended dosage of activated charcoal. A typical dose of activated charcoal would be 1 to 5 grams of activated charcoal for each kilogram of your dog’s weight (1 kg is 2.2 lbs), but it’s best to check with your vet before administering. Side effects may be severe or life-threatening if misused.
Activated charcoal is pretty cost-effective for pet owners. Available as a prescription and non-prescription drug, it costs between $20 to $30 on average. Depending on the number of doses required, the cost could rise with the extra doses needed for the treatment. The addition of veterinary medicine prescribed in treatment will also increase the cost.
Stored under the proper conditions, activated charcoal has a long shelf life. Store activated charcoal in its original container or another tightly sealed container in a temperature-controlled location free from all moisture.