For the Purrbabies

Apples have many health benefits for humans. But does the same apply to our feline friends?
Rich in fiber and vitamins, apples serve countless nutritional benefits for humans. And with over 7,500 varieties of the fruit, they’re easy to come by. But what happens if you slip a piece to your favorite feline while baking an apple pie or chopping up slices for your salad? When it comes to cats, are apples the forbidden fruit?
Generally speaking, it is okay to feed most kitties a small apple treat, but there are several important considerations to keep in mind.
As you sit on your couch enjoying the refreshing sweet taste of a juicy apple, you may be wondering if you could share a little with your whiskered friend.
First and foremost, you need to understand that cats don’t have the same nutritional standards as people. They are obligate carnivores who only benefit from vitamins and minerals found in animal-based cat food products, whereas humans and dogs are natural omnivores who can rely on both animal and vegetarian diets.
That’s not to say cats don’t get any benefit from plant-based products, as certain grains and fibers can be found in the digestive tracts of their prey. But for the most part, it’s unnecessary. So, while a little apple probably won’t hurt healthy cats, it won’t meet their dietary needs and absolutely shouldn’t serve as a substitute to their regular food.
Another important thing to consider is that only the flesh and skin of the fruit is considered non-toxic to cats. The apple seeds, stem, or leaves contain a poisonous chemical called amygdalin that releases a small amount of cyanide into the bloodstream. Your cat would likely have to consume a large quantity for any serious poisoning effects, but you should still seek veterinary care or call poison control if they’ve ingested any.
While the thought of a cat simply biting into a round apple is nothing short of cute, preparation is key when it comes to safely feeding the fruit to your little one.
If you’re still not sure if you want to give your cat apples, or you did give them some and they had a bad reaction, there are other human foods deemed safe for the pet if consumed in small amounts. But just like with apples, owners should not feed their cats these items regularly or in place of their everyday food. Here are some feline-friendly staples for your feline friend:
Bear in mind that every cat is unique. Although apples are generally considered safe for the pet, owners will need to determine if feeding their specific cat the fruit is a good idea or bad idea based on any pre-existing conditions or sensitivities they have. For instance, kitties who are more prone to gastrointestinal upset may have an adverse reaction to the high amount of fiber in apples. The fruit also has high sugar content (with some types higher than others), which can be bad for cats with diabetes or elevated blood sugar.
Unfortunately, you likely won’t know if your cat is allergic to apples until you try giving it to them. That’s why it is advised you only feed them a very small amount at first and then monitor their reaction, keeping an eye out for allergy symptoms like itching or wheezing. As with any dietary consideration, it’s best to consult your vet to get a sense of which foods are safe relative to your specific cat.
As pet owners, we naturally want to make sure we’re always doing right by our four-legged friends and keeping them in good health. If you are too nervous to branch out from your kitties regular food to give them some apple bits, you can rest assured that they won’t be deprived of any important nutritional needs, as fruits just aren’t an important part of a cat’s diet. But if you do wish to share some of your granny smith with your healthy kitty, they will likely be perfectly fine.
While the skin is considered safe for cats to ingest, it is recommended that you peel apples first so it’s easier for them to digest.
You may be surprised to learn that most cats actually don’t like apples. This is because they lack the taste receptors for sweetness. Cats who do enjoy the fruit might not mind the sugary taste, or they could just be mimicking their owner’s behavior.
Owners should start by giving their cat apples in small portions so they can monitor their reaction to it and ensure they’re not exhibiting allergy symptoms like itching or wheezing. Also keep in mind their daily caloric intake and make sure you’re not allotting more than 10% a day to treats.
First you should rinse the apple, then remove the peel, core, seeds, and stems. Next, cut the apple into tiny pieces to avoid choking.
As long as it’s fully natural with no added sugars or ingredients, it is safe to feed your cat apple juice so long as you are aware of the high sugar intake. As with regular apples, the juice will not offer any of the nutrients or minerals necessary for a cat’s balanced diet.