For the Purrbabies

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Here’s how to safely feed the potato lovin’ feline in your life.
It’s complicated. Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they can get all the nutrients they require from animal proteins, so they don’t need vegetables (including potatoes!) to survive. Commercial cat foods cover all their dietary needs, too.
However, if your cat has an affinity for the potato and its texture, or if you’d like to feed your kitten an occasional treat now and then, the vegetable, when cooked and served properly, can be a tasty addition.
The starchy root vegetable is a favorite among humans, but when it comes to giving your cat a taste, there are some essential safety guidelines :
Cooked sweet potatoes don’t contain solanine and can make great treats for your cat, but as with any food, moderation is key. When feeding sweet potatoes, opt for a small portion of peeled, mashed sweet potato cooked without fats, salts, or spices.
Solanine poisoning in cats occurs when a feline consumes more than the suggested bite-sized amounts of plants high in the toxin. The toxic substance is most commonly found in potatoes, particularly raw potatoes, raw potato peels, and boiled potatoes — but solanine also occurs naturally in tomatoes, apples, bell peppers, cherries, and sugar beets. Solanine poisoning isn’t typically fatal, but symptoms can be quite uncomfortable.
Consult your veterinarian right away if you suspect solanine poisoning. Your vet will conduct a thorough exam of the mouth and lips and may take blood and urine samples to rule out other causes. If your cat has consumed a high amount of solanine, heart tests may be necessary.
Treatment for solanine poisoning largely depends on your cat’s symptoms and what’s needed to manage them. If a large amount of solanine was consumed, your vet may try to induce vomiting before providing supportive care.
Research shows excess carbohydrates can lead to diabetes mellitus, an illness often caused by obesity in which the body struggles to produce insulin. Because potatoes are a carbohydrate-rich vegetable, moderation is key when feeding your potato-loving kitty.
Consult your veterinarian if you suspect diabetes or notice significant weight gain. Your vet will conduct appropriate tests and, if necessary, determine which of the three types of diabetes your cat may be suffering from. Once diabetes is confirmed, you can expect your vet to share a treatment or therapy plan to help normalize blood glucose levels.
This common, painful condition occurs when the pancreas becomes inflamed and leaks digestive enzymes into pancreatic tissue. High-fat, inflammatory foods like potatoes — or diabetes as a health condition — may make things worse.
Your vet will conduct a medical history review and administer a physical exam with blood tests or an ultrasound to better understand whether your cat suffers from feline pancreatitis. The only way to make a definitive diagnosis is through a biopsy, but this procedure is limited to extreme cases.
Treatment typically involves comfort care, including hydration and diet management. For more severe cases, hospitalization and medication may be required.
Now that you know potatoes cooked and served appropriately are safe, you might wonder what other human foods are OK to give your curious feline friend.
Most table scraps (Trusted Source) should be avoided as they contain oil and butter. All of those delicious ingredients that may taste wonderful to us can cause gastrointestinal upset or worse in our pets. Onions, grapes, raisins, and garlic are especially toxic to cats.
Below isn’t an exhaustive list of appropriate human foods for cats, but it’s a great place to start. Note that you should run any change in diet by your veterinarian — and each of these should be consumed in small quantities and moderation.
Before replacing or supplementing your cat’s vet-approved commercial meal plan with a homemade regimen, be sure to consult with your veterinarian or vet nutritionist.
No. Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they can get all the nutrients they require from animal proteins, found in most commercial foods.
No. Raw, uncooked potatoes of any kind contain a toxin called solanine, which is poisonous to cats when digested.
A small portion of peeled, mashed sweet potatoes cooked simply without fats, salts, or spices is OK in moderation.
No. The high salt and fat content in fried or even oven-baked chips, fries, and crisps can cause digestion problems in cats, even if consumed in small amounts.
Steamed peas, chopped carrots, frozen corn, green beans, broccoli florets, zucchini, lettuce, pumpkin, winter squash, and spinach are all safe in moderation.