For the Purrbabies

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Cats can eat small amounts of ripe tomatoes, but the fruit can still cause problems if you don’t take steps to ensure you’re serving them safely.
Of all the foods you’d think to give your pet as a treat, chances are tomato isn’t high on the list. Often mislabeled as vegetables for their savory taste, tomatoes are actually fruits belonging to the nightshade family of crops like potatoes, eggplant, peppers, and tobacco. Humans enjoy several health benefits from the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients found inside tomatoes, but that doesn’t mean they’re beneficial for our beloved cats and dogs, with gastrointestinal systems very different from our own.
Cats are obligate carnivores, which means their diets should consist of at least 70% meat. They can still eat certain fruits, vegetables, and grains, but they don’t require these foods as humans do. Veterinarians agree that most cats should receive their nutrition from balanced, professionally-formulated commercial cat food. However, there are safe ways to give your cat small amounts of certain “people foods,” including tomatoes.
🚨 Never put your cat on a vegan or vegetarian diet.
While some tomatoes are safe for cats to eat in small amounts, many tomatoes are not. Unripened tomatoes and all parts of the tomato plant, including stems and leaves, contain a compound called solanine, which is toxic to cats, dogs, horses, and many other animals. If eaten in large quantities, the solanine in tomatoes can cause cats gastrointestinal distress and lead to other health problems, including lethargy, a dangerously slow heart rate (known as bradycardia), severe vomiting, and diarrhea.
Cooking green tomatoes can help neutralize the solanine in them and make them safer for your cat to eat, but even these, in large enough quantities, can lead to stomach upset. Tomato-based products like ketchup, soup, juices, and sauces aren’t usually safe because they contain toxins like garlic, onion, and salt. For these reasons, we only recommend feeding your cat one or two bites of the ripened flesh from fresh red tomatoes.
Like many other fruits and vegetables, tomatoes are packed with nutrients essential to the health of human beings. However, cats are carnivores with digestive systems undesigned to break down plant-based foods. This means they can’t absorb the nutrients in fruits and vegetables the same way we can and are incapable of receiving the same health benefits. Some possible benefits of tomatoes include:
While it’s unclear whether tomatoes can definitively benefit a cat’s health, they absolutely pose some major health risks. These include:
The feeding of tomatoes to cats should be avoided, as should the feeding of potatoes, as there is a higher risk of toxicity and need for veterinary care and hospitalizations as they can get very sick.
Bruce Armstrong, DVM
Cats are notoriously picky eaters with significantly fewer taste buds than either humans or dogs. This makes them incapable of experiencing certain flavors like sweetness, which means most cats probably won’t be interested in eating tomatoes after trying a bite. If your cat hasn’t tried the fruit yet and seems curious about eating some, serve them in a way that makes the experience safe and enjoyable.
🚨 Never force any food on your cat, whether it’s commercially-prepared cat food or people food.
Since tomatoes and tomato-based products pose potential risks to cats, they aren’t usually considered a good or healthy treat. However, your cat can still enjoy the nutrients found in tomatoes by consuming other healthier, safer, tastier foods. These include:
There’s nothing wrong with feeding your cat small amounts of safe human foods now and then, but tomatoes are an unnecessarily risky treat that doesn’t offer cats a lot of nutrition. The best way to keep your cat healthy is to feed them a balanced diet mainly made up of vet-formulated cat food. If your cat seems curious about trying human food, consider one of the healthy alternatives listed above. If they’re particularly keen on trying tomatoes, give them only a small amount of ripe, red tomato flesh.
See your veterinarian before giving your cat tomatoes or any other human food, and ask them about your cat’s specific nutritional needs to ensure you’re feeding them the diet they need to thrive.
If your cat eats a small piece of tomato skin that’s dropped on the kitchen floor, there’s usually no cause for concern. However, cats that consume large amounts of the unripe fruit or any other part of the tomato plant may experience gastrointestinal upset in the form of severe vomiting and diarrhea, as well as slow heart rate, excessive salivation, weakness, drowsiness, confusion, and other behavioral changes. Keep a close eye on your cat if you know they’ve eaten tomato, and seek immediate veterinary attention if they exhibit an adverse reaction.
Most cats are uninterested in tomatoes since they lack the taste bud receptors required to taste the sweetness of the fruit. If a cat seems curious about trying tomatoes, it’s likely because they’ve seen their owner eating them. In other cases, cats may try different foods because they’re lacking something in their daily diet. Keep a close eye on your cat and contact your vet if you suspect this might be the case.
No. Most store-bought tomato sauces have additional ingredients like salt or sugar that are either toxic or indigestible to cats. If you feed your cat tomatoes, you should only feed them one or two bites of fresh, ripe, red tomato flesh.
Tomatoes can be toxic to cats and should only be served in small quantities when ripe. Additionally, cats should never eat vegetables like eggplant, onion, garlic, chives, leeks, scallions, and shallots, which can cause gastrointestinal irritation and red blood cell damage.