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Can My Pet Have This
Food and Nutrition
Can my dog have mango?

Can my dog have mango?

Mangos are safe for most dogs in moderation. Here’s what you need to know to share this treat with your pup safely.

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  • Mangos are high in nutritional benefits — Mangos are rich in antioxidants, potassium, beta carotene, and vitamins A, B6, C, and E.
  • They have health benefits for dogs — Mangos can support eye health and help boost their immune system.
  • What you share with your pup matters — Too much mango can cause an upset stomach, so only feed mango in small doses. Also, you should only feed the flesh or inside of the mango, avoiding the peels, pits, and seeds.

Mangos are a safe and nutritious occasional treat for dogs. They contain lots of essential vitamins that help support the immune system and break down food — and they taste pretty good, too!

While the mango flesh is safe for your dog, the hard center seed (or pit) is not. The seed of the mango is a choking hazard and can cause intestinal obstruction. It also contains cyanide (Trusted Source) , posing a potential risk of poisoning. Only give your dog the juicy inside of the mango and never the hard part in the center.

Are mangos good for dogs?

Mangos can be a healthy treat (Trusted Source) for dogs due to their high nutritional value. They’re low in fat and packed full of minerals and fiber — which are great for improving and regulating digestion. They are also considered a superfruit due to their abundance of antioxidants and nutritional benefits.

Mango also contains essential vitamins, like:

Beyond these benefits, mangos have a high water and fiber content. The water content can help keep your dog hydrated, and the fiber can support gut motility (Trusted Source) . However, high amounts of fiber (Trusted Source) can be too much sometimes for a dog’s stomach — leading to discomfort and blockages if too much is consumed at once.

Additionally, if your dog has underlying health conditions, allergies, diabetes, kidney disease, or gastrointestinal issues, you’ll want to speak with your veterinarian. They may suggest different types of treats based on your dog’s condition and nutritional needs. Those with diabetes, for instance,  may require lower sugar and lower glycemic treats than a dog without diabetes.

👉 The nutrients found in mango are essential vitamins, but your dog should already be getting enough of these if they’re eating a well-balanced diet.

Mango is a healthy snack for dogs, but there are many other pet-safe foods and fruits to choose from. You can also safely share small pieces of bananas, blueberries, and watermelon with your pup.

Be sure that the majority of your dog’s calories are coming from a complete and balanced dog food — snacks and treats should make up less than 10% of their diet (Trusted Source) .

Risks for dog owners to be aware of

While mangos are a generally safe treat to share with your dog, not all parts of the mango are edible. Here’s what you need to know before feeding your dog this fruit:

Avoid giving your dog the pit or “seed” — Mango pits are large, and can be a choking hazard. If ingested, they can cause an intestinal blockage (Trusted Source) . Mango seeds and pits also contain small amounts of cyanide, which is toxic to dogs.

Steer clear of the skin — Mango skin is difficult for pups to digest. It could also be a potential choking risk.

Watch the sugar and fiber content — Mangos are high in both natural sugar and dietary fiber (Trusted Source) , so feeding large amounts to your dog can cause an upset stomach or diarrhea.

🚨 If you think there’s any chance that your pup has swallowed a pit or seed, contact your veterinarian immediately. Mango pits can be a choking risk, cause an intestinal obstruction, and may lead to cyanide poisoning.

How much mango can you feed your dog?

The amount of mango you give to your dog should be based on their size and weight — and should only be given as a treat. Too much mango, or too much fruit in general,  can cause an upset stomach.

When introducing a new food or treat like mango, start with small portions and see how your dog tolerates it. This allows you to monitor their reactions and make sure they don’t experience any adverse effects.

Besides vomiting and diarrhea, symptoms of an upset stomach from too much fruit can include a decreased appetite (Trusted Source) , constantly licking their lips and drooling, and generally acting uncomfortable (Trusted Source) . If you’re unsure about the appropriate amount of mango to feed your dog, your veterinarian can provide recommendations based on your dog’s specific needs.

🚨Call your vet immediately if you notice certain symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, or collapsing.

Ways to feed your dog mango

You’ve probably seen the many forms mango comes in — and, while it may seem tempting to treat your pal, you should steer clear of prepared mango products. Instead, you’ll only want to give them fresh fruit.

Start with small amounts when giving your dog any kind of new treat. This can help make sure that they don’t have an allergic reaction or gastrointestinal issues.

🚨Different types of store-bought mango products can contain more sugar, preservatives, and other ingredients like xylitol that are not safe for dogs.

Once you know this fruity snack sits well with your dog, there are many ways to incorporate it into your dog’s bowl. Here are some of the best ways to share this tropical fruit with your pup.

Fresh picked and cut

This method is simple: You can slice a fresh mango into pieces and feed it to your pet as a treat. (You can even put a little over your dog’s food as a topper!)

Before feeding your dog this sweet fruit, remove the pit (the flat and hard long seed in the middle), skin, and any leaves. Then, cut the mango into small cubes. These pieces should be ½ inch wide by ¼ inch thick for extra small dogs, and 1 inch wide by ¼ inch thick for dogs ranging from small to extra large.

Some pups love the soft texture, and others don’t. Just remember that mango should be fed in moderation and in small portions.

Freeze into a cool summer treat

Frozen fruit ice cubes are a fun and yummy warm weather treat for your furry friend, and they can cool them down after playing outside. Simply cut the mangos up into small chunks, and pop them into the freezer for a few hours. They’ll be ready to serve as needed.

👉 You can also put these pieces into a Kong to keep them entertained inside during hot summer temperatures.

Make a doggo-friendly smoothie with dog-safe ingredients

Pureeing mango is another great way to feed this fun, sweet treat. Toss some mango into a blender or food processor with a bit of water, and blend. You can also add in other dog-safe ingredients, like carrots, blueberries, or bananas. Try freezing them into pup-sicles, or in ice cube trays for another frozen treat.

👉 Check out our list of fun DIY frozen tasty treats you can make for your dog.

Dried or dehydrated

Dried mango should only be given to your dog if you are dehydrating the mango yourself. Aside from preservatives and added ingredients found in store-bought dried mango, small pieces of dehydrated mango have a lot more sugar — so it might be best to stick to fresh mango.

Mango is a fun and healthy treat for your dog as long as it’s given in small portions. Make sure to remove the skin and the pit, and start with just a small amount to see how your dog does with it. Always monitor your dog’s reaction to new foods and talk to your veterinarian before incorporating anything new into their diet.

Frequently asked questions

How much mango can a dog eat?

Only share small amounts of mango at once with your pup. If you feed too much, the high sugar content and high fiber content can upset their stomach.

Can dogs have mango skin?

No. Always keep the peel, pits, and seeds away from dogs because they’re hazardous.

What should I do if my dog eats a mango pit?

If your dog eats a mango pit (or you think they did), consult with your dog’s veterinarian immediately. Consumption of mango pits can pose a choking risk, and may lead to cyanide posioning. They can also lead to an intestinal obstruction.

Can dogs drink mango juice?

Unfortunately, no. Most fruit juices are high in added sugar, and are best left for human consumption.

Why can’t dogs eat mango?

Dogs with diabetes should not eat mangos. While mango is safe for dogs and contains lots of vitamins, it’s still high in sugar and carbohydrates. Feeding too much of it can also cause gastrointestinal symptoms, like an upset stomach and diarrhea.

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