For the Purrbabies

Loose stools in cats are often accompanied by a host of other problems, including vomiting or the presence of tapeworms in poop. Diarrhea isn’t a stand-alone medical condition — it always has a root cause, even if it’s something as simple as a greedy kitty sneaking too many snacks behind their pet parent’s back.
Figuring out the underlying cause is the first step to resolving the issue and getting the litter box back to normal. Here’s our guide to possible reasons behind cat diarrhea and what to do about it.
Diarrhea is not a disease in itself — it’s a clinical sign of an underlying issue, and it’s usually the result of some degree of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. If it’s not treated promptly and effectively, it can lead to other complications, like severe dehydration and GI tract irritation.
Just like humans, cats can be prone to an upset stomach now and then, and it isn’t always cause for concern. However, the only way to treat diarrhea is to figure out exactly what’s causing it.
Cats experience diarrhea for many of the same reasons that dogs and humans do. Acute causes of diarrhea tend to hold the highest risk of immediate danger, but chronic causes should be addressed by a veterinarian if the problem persists.
Spoiled food, infections, and parasites can plague a cat’s gastrointestinal tract and top the list of ailments that cause sudden diarrhea. Some possible reasons require immediate veterinary care, such as if you suspect your pet may have ingested something toxic. Common culprits include:
If diarrhea persists for longer than 24 hours, consulting your veterinarian is always the best course of action. However, what if your cat has intermittent diarrhea over a longer period of time?
If your cat’s stools are softer than usual for 3 weeks or more, they have chronic diarrhea — regardless of whether they experience this problem consistently or not. Possible reasons for chronic diarrhea include:
Diarrhea coupled with vomiting is always a medical emergency. Your cat can dehydrate quickly in this instance, and it’s often a sign that they ingested something toxic or have an obstruction.
Since there are so many possible causes of diarrhea in cats, it’s important to recall any information that might give you or the veterinarian a clue. Can you remember when the diarrhea started? What was the color and consistency? How many episodes has your cat experienced?
Your vet will review your cat’s medical history, perform a physical examination, and conduct laboratory tests such as blood work and X-rays to find the root cause. If possible, bring a stool sample to your veterinarian in case they can’t procure one from your pet.
If your cat is dehydrated, they may require intravenous fluids and a brief hospital stay. Ingesting toxic substances or foreign objects could also put your cat in the clinic overnight so the veterinary team can keep an eye on them—especially if the treatment requires surgery.
Cat diarrhea isn’t always dangerous, but it should always be addressed. Understanding the underlying cause leads to a quicker recovery, so be sure to pay attention to any other clues, such as vomiting, and when the problem started.
While an episode can sometimes pass at home, it’s a good idea to take your cat to the vet if the problem persists for longer than a couple of days or if your cat is in an at-risk population due to age or health issues.
Depending on the cause, mild cases of diarrhea may pass at home. However, you should take your cat to the vet within 24 hours if they’ve experienced multiple episodes, have been exposed to something toxic, or if they have health problems. Kittens, seniors, and pregnant cats are at greater risk of dehydration and should also be taken to the vet within a day for severe acute diarrhea or within a couple of days for intermittent runny stools.
Normal cat poop should have a defined shape and leave little residue. Cat diarrhea feels softer than usual and might not have a shape at all. Liquid diarrhea is especially dangerous because it can quickly dehydrate your cat and deprive them of electrolytes.
Any sudden diet changes can cause diarrhea in cats. However, if your cat has been on a wet food diet for a long time, it’s more likely that they’re experiencing another problem, such as tapeworms from fleas. In general, wet food is good for cats because it hydrates them. Not all types of wet foods are equal. For example, a gravy-typed wet food is more likely to cause indigestion than pates or minces due to its high carb and fat content. There’s also a chance wet food doesn’t agree with your cat due to a food allergen. Consult your vet about the best type of food to feed your cat—and how much.
Senior cats can have diarrhea for the same reasons younger cats do. The first step is to determine whether your cat is experiencing acute or chronic diarrhea. Acute diarrhea is usually an indicator of parasites, a bacterial infection, or a sign they’ve eaten something toxic. Chronic or intermittent diarrhea is more likely stress-related or could be a sign that something’s wrong with their gallbladder or liver. Either way, it’s a good idea to take your senior cat to the vet for a checkup exam.
Gradually transitioning foods should reduce or eliminate diarrhea resulting from a change in diet. However, if there’s a correlation between the new food and your cat’s tummy woes, the problem should subside within a couple of days. If it doesn’t—or if it gets worse—stop giving them the new food and call your vet.
A single occasional episode of diarrhea usually isn’t anything to worry about. However, you should take note of when it happens and call your vet if the problem persists. If you have a healthy adult cat, you might wait a couple of days to see if the issue goes away on its own. You should always call your vet within 24 hours though if you have a cat who’s at risk due to age or medical conditions, or if they show other signs of illness such as vomiting.