Wondering what’s got your dog breathing so fast? In many cases, rapid breathing is no cause for concern—such as when a dog is dreaming or panting after exercise to cool down. However, prolonged signs of rapid or labored breathing, also known as tachypnea, may indicate an underlying problem that requires medical attention.
How to tell if your dog is breathing too fast
You can conduct a quick at-home test (Trusted Source) to determine if your dog’s respiratory rate falls within normal limits. Set a timer for 30 seconds on your watch or phone. Count one breath when your dog’s chest has moved in and out one time and add up how many breaths occur during those 30 seconds. Next, multiply the number of breaths by two to get the number of breaths for one minute. If the number is far greater than 30 per minute, consult your veterinarian as soon as possible.
In addition to taking your pet's respiratory rate, you should watch for other symptoms that could be associated with heart or lung disease, such as persistent coughing, exercise intolerance, blue or pale gums, or collapse. Excessive panting can also be associated with other medical conditions, such as pain, heat stroke, Cushing's Disease, or more.
Dr. Liza Cahn
When to worry about rapid breathing
Changes in breathing while at rest or while asleep can be a sign that your dog is experiencing a health issue. If you notice any of the following signs, seek veterinary care:
- Labored breathing. Different from panting, labored breath may be accompanied by exercise intolerance, a hoarse-sounding bark, sitting with a wide stance to breathe, and stretching their neck to breathe.
- Hesitance to eat, drink, or move. If your dog is rapidly breathing, they may be unable to consume liquids or eat due to their mouth being the primary source of oxygen. Should your dog stop eating and drinking regularly and choose to stay sedentary, they could be unwell.
- Open-mouth breathing at rest. Dogs normally pant to cool off after warm temperatures or exercise, or if they are anxious or excited. But it can also be a sign of an underlying issue. If stress has also been ruled out, but they continue to mouth breathe, consult a vet.
- Breathing that sounds louder or different. Honking, high-pitched squeals, or low-pitched clicking noises can indicate that your dog is in respiratory distress from tracheal collapse, brachycephalic syndrome, or other causes.
- Different colored gums. If you notice that your dog’s gums have a bluish tint or are pale, they could be experiencing poor oxygen delivery from difficulty breathing.
- Excessive or out-of-character drooling. With open mouth breathing comes more saliva thus creating slobber and drool. If your dog doesn’t normally drool but they have started out of the blue, watch for other signs of distress.
- Other symptoms of heart or lung disease. Symptoms include collapse, fainting, persistent coughing, weakness, exercise intolerance, weight loss, distended abdomen, restlessness, difficulty sleeping, fever (for example with pneumonia), upper respiratory signs.
🚨 Panting and open-mouth breathing is never normal in cats. Seek veterinary care immediately if you notice signs.
16 causes behind your dog’s rapid breathing
If you just returned from a brisk run in the park with Fido on a warm day, his breathing may be faster. But several conditions can cause a dog’s rapid breathing, some more serious than others.
- Breed characteristics. Dogs with squished faces, or brachycephalic dog breeds such as pugs and American bulldogs, are more susceptible to breathing problems known as brachycephalic airway syndrome. (Trusted Source) Many need corrective surgery.
- Heatstroke. Usually signified by rapid panting and a body temperature above 103 degrees, heat exhaustion is the precursor to heatstroke, which can be fatal in dogs. Look for other signs of heat exhaustion such as vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, glazed eyes, lack of responsiveness or coordination, drooling, or rapid heart rate. Seek veterinary care immediately.
- Anemia. Anemia refers to a reduced number of red blood cells or hemoglobin circulating in your dog’s bloodstream. The most obvious signs are pale pink or white gums, compared to healthy pink ones. A dog that tires easily during exercise may also be anemic.
- Poisoning. Certain foods such as onions and garlic are toxic to dogs. Symptoms may include an increased heart rate and heavy panting.
- Heart failure. Just like humans, when a dog’s heart is unable to pump enough blood to the body, it results in heart failure. There are several signs of heart failure in dogs, including labored and rapid breathing, even while resting.
- Fluid around the lungs. Pleural effusion, (Trusted Source) or fluid within the chest cavity, is caused by several conditions including heart failure and cancer. Dogs with pleural effusion often have rapid, shallow breathing.
- Upper respiratory infections. Canine influenza and canine infectious tracheobronchitis (also called kennel cough) are highly contagious respiratory diseases. Any upper respiratory infection may lead to pneumonia, especially in young or immunocompromised dogs. When a dog has pneumonia, rapid or labored breathing may occur.
- Trachea issues. A tracheal collapse (Trusted Source) makes it difficult for air to get to a dog’s lungs. It typically affects middle-aged and older dogs and is a progressive disease. The most common sign is a persistent, dry, harsh cough that may sound like a goose honk. When a dog has a severe case of collapsing trachea, it can have difficulty breathing properly and may have an increased respiratory rate.
- Smoke inhalation. Both small and large quantities of smoke inhalation (Trusted Source) can affect your dog’s airways, lungs, and overall health. Dogs exposed to smoke from a fire can exhibit some amount of respiratory distress, including labored breathing, depending upon how much smoke was inhaled.
- Lung disease. Dogs can contract canine chronic bronchitis, a long-term condition that causes inflammation in the respiratory system. Over time, it results in permanent lung damage. Signs include coughing, difficulty breathing, wheezing, or other abnormal lung sounds.
- Cancer. Dogs can develop both benign and malignant tumors (Trusted Source) in the lungs or develop an abdominal mass that may apply pressure to the diaphragm. Both cases can cause labored or rapid breathing. Other symptoms may include lethargy, pale gums, decreased appetite, and coughing.
- Trauma. When a dog has trauma to the chest cavity (for instance, one hit by a car), this can also cause abnormal breathing – labored, rapid, or shallow breathing.
- Pain. Signs that your dog is in pain and may have incurred an injury include excessive panting. They also may whine, whimper, groan, yelp, or howl to indicate distress. (Trusted Source)
- Medication side effects. Certain medications to treat conditions in your dog such as steroids can result in rapid breathing or panting.
- Overexertion. If your dog is running or playing vigorously, they might pant. This is an indicator they need to slow down. Be sure to supply your dog with cool water after heavy exercise.
- Endocrine disease. Diseases like Cushing’s disease that affect the endocrine system (the glands and organs that make and release hormones) can cause an overproduction of cortisol. Like in humans, too much cortisol can cause rapid breathing and higher heart rates.
- Fever. Underlying illness and environmental temperature are just some of the things that can spike your dog’s fever, leading to rapid breathing to cool down. Read our guide to learn how to take your dog’s temperature.
- Anxiety. Anxiety can cause a rapid heart rate and thus rapid breathing. A veterinarian or vet behavior specialist can help determine an appropriate treatment plan to ease your dog’s fear and discomfort.
- Asthma. Dogs can suffer from asthma, just like humans. It’s typically caused by an allergic reaction that affects the airways and can result in difficulty breathing, excessive panting, coughing, and wheezing. Older dogs and certain smaller breeds, such as pugs, American bulldogs, and Maltese, are more prone to asthma. This affliction is more common in cats.
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Rapid breathing during sleep
Again, while most rapid breathing during sleep isn’t a reason for alarm, there are steps you can take to ensure your dog is OK.
- Wake them up. Gently stir your dog awake to see if the rapid breathing was just a symptom of a dream. Be careful not to over-excite them, especially if they’re waking up from the REM stage, as it can be very disorienting.
- Check for other symptoms. For example, rapid breathing while sleeping, when paired with stomach issues, could indicate abdominal pain. Additionally, pale or discolored gums in conjunction with rapid breathing could indicate anemia.
- Seek a vet’s advice. If your dog is showing other symptoms or they’re breathing fast throughout much of the night, contact your local emergency vet or regular veterinarian to schedule an appointment.
Rapid breathing on its own usually does not cause concern for a healthy dog. However, if your dog frequently pants or breathes rapidly in addition to other symptoms, it could indicate an underlying health condition. Reach out to your vet if you have any concerns regarding your dog’s breathing when at rest and sleep.
Frequently asked questions
Do dogs breathe faster when they are in pain?
Yes. When in pain, dogs will breathe faster and can also show signs of shaking, aggression, loss of appetite, lameness, reluctance to play, and crying.
Why is my dog breathing fast, but shallow?
Short, quick breaths can be a sign of panting, which is considered a normal means for dogs to cool themselves down. However, rapid shallow breathing (tachypnea) can also be abnormal and a sign of one of the many medical conditions mentioned above. Consult your vet with any concerns.
Is it normal for my dog to breathe rapidly while sleeping?
Sometimes. Rapid breathing while sleeping may mean your pup is having active dreams. However, an elevated sleeping or resting respiratory rate can also be a sign of heart disease among other things. Don’t ignore any breathing that’s out of the ordinary for your dog, including wheezing, labored breathing, or open-mouthed breathing with nostrils extended. Take a video of your dog’s breathing to send to your local veterinarian for review.
Do some dog breeds breathe faster than others?
Yes. Smaller dogs tend to breathe more rapidly due to a faster resting heart rate. Also, certain breeds, including the Pekingese, pug, and American bulldog, have narrow nostrils that can complicate breathing.
Why is my dog breathing fast?
Normally, your furry friend is breathing fast because they’re trying to get extra oxygen, during exercise, for example. There are also a range of health conditions like heatstroke and Cushing’s disease, as well as certain medications like steroids that can cause dogs to pant.