For the Purrbabies

Don’t miss these heat-busting getups!
Panting, frozen water bottles, and cold packs, oh my! While these are all great ways to help your dog cool down for the summer, there’s nothing that compares to a dog cooling vest. These summer outfits give your pet a refreshing cooling effect close to the body, easily penetrating thick coats and combating the summer heat. They come in various sizes, too, meaning that pets of all sizes can stay comfortable in the warm weather.
A dog cooling vest is your ticket to a safe and healthy summer — whether your pet is doing outdoor activities or staying extra cool in their favorite nap spot at home. Here’s what you need to know about available options and our top picks.
It’s not magic (although it sure seems like it!) Here’s the general science behind dog cooling vests:
Many vests work like human sweat does — using an evaporation-based cooling system with fabric that’s designed to retain water. Often, this fabric will be dense and absorbent, giving your pet a faster cooling experience.
Your vest might also be made of heat and light-reflecting material, or it might have areas where pet parents can slide a vest-shaped ice pack right in. There are plenty of convenient ways to cool your dog.
There are two primary reasons why your dog needs a cooling vest: Their physical safety and their overall comfort. Here are a few other reasons to think about:
Your dog’s temperature can dictate their physical health and safety. Dog heat stroke (Trusted Source) is a very real risk in the summer, and can present with symptoms such as:
⚠️ We do want to note: You don’t need to be in a place with excessive heat for this to happen. Living in a warm climate can be enough, as your dog’s temperature is very sensitive. This is especially true if you have a brachycephalic breed, since they can’t expel warm air quickly enough to really cool off. Keeping your pup cool is KEY for their health (Trusted Source) , especially on hot days.
No one likes getting too warm on those white-hot summer days! When it comes to cooling off and staying comfortable, consider your pet as well. After all — you can safely assume that your pet is pretty toasty, especially under all that fur. Cold products such as cooling vests, and plenty of cold water and shade can help to regulate your pet’s temp.
Here’s what to watch for so that you walk away with the best possible vest for your dog:
You’ll want your furry friend to have a comfortable fit in whatever cooling wrap you pick — so be sure to measure before you order to ensure you get the right size. Generally, you’ll want to measure your dog’s length, width, neck, and chest area, getting every angle you can of your dog’s body and girth. The vest options we list here will offer dimensions so you can buy with confidence.
Whether you’re choosing an evaporative cooling option, or you’re shopping for discounts, you’ll want to pick a comfortable vest option for your pet. Many reputable vest options use lightweight materials (such as breathable neoprene) that give you the absot-yet-light quality in good cooling vests. This is an awesome feature, especially because too heavy of a fit can make your dog feel anxious.
Dog vests can only cool for so long! The answer to this is usually in the tag or description of the product, outlining exactly how much time your dog’s body temperature can be regulated in a single use. Generally, you should look for an option that can cool for multiple hours.
Here are eight staff-selected awesome vests that we’re sure will keep your pet cool all summer long!
Yes, cooling vests can be incredibly helpful and can cool your dog down quickly. They generally rely on evaporation and direct ice pack contact with your dog’s coat, making them near-foolproof.
The main disadvantage to cooling vests is the chafing that can occur if they are not sized correctly. Following the sizing charts for the item that you are purchasing can help you to limit this risk.
Yes, you will generally wet a cooling vest, especially if it uses evaporation technology. Be sure to follow the instructions on your vest of choice for the best results for your pup!
While you can, we don’t recommend this unless the instructions say you should. Putting it in the freezer can make it too cold or uncomfortable for your furry friend’s sensitive skin.
You can use a cooling vest for your pet if you are indoors. Just be sure to check in on your dog’s temperature to make sure they aren’t getting too cold in their current climate.