For the Purrbabies

Canine nasal mites (Pneumonyssoides caninum) are microscopic parasites that inhabit dogs’ nasal passages and sinus cavities. Nasal mite infestation in dogs causes painful symptoms or infection when unaddressed. Recognizing warning signs as soon as possible is essential to rid your pup of pesky nasal mites.
Scientifically, we don’t know much about the life cycle of nasal mites or why dogs get them. Large dog breeds or those with large noses seem more at risk. Pneumonyssoides caninum (Trusted Source) transfer from dog to dog, presumably through sniffing each other’s noses. If your dog exhibits symptoms and has recently been to the vet, a dog park, or a boarding facility, they may have nasal mites.
“Nasal mites aren’t very common, but they can be hard to diagnose, so some cases may be missed,” Dr. Schott says. “Nasal mites typically won’t cause coughing, so that can be a good way to distinguish between them and kennel cough.”
As the name suggests, nasal mites often affect the nose and nasal cavity. However, they can also affect other areas and bodily systems. Some general behavioral signs of a problem include increased restlessness, head shaking, and noisy breathing, but some signals are more specific. Here are some common warning signs of a nasal mite infestation.
Symptoms of mites can often mimic signs of more serious issues, like a nasal tumor. Therefore, a vet visit is a must if you’re unsure of the cause of the problem.
Vets may perform several tests before diagnosing a nasal mite infestation. First, blood and urine tests, X-rays, and CT scans can help to rule out more serious conditions, like respiratory disease. A more targeted approach often follows those broader bodily exams.
Nasal scoping, (Trusted Source) also called rhinoscopy, allows veterinarians to use a flexible tube (endoscope) to observe inside the nasal cavity for the presence of mites. Following rhinoscopy, vets often perform nasal flushing with a saline solution. This can help to flush out existing mites and allow vets to test fluid for the presence of the parasites.
Once mites are detected, your veterinarian will decide on the best action plan. There’s no single approach to treating nasal mites, but antiparasitic medications are often effective in many cases. Among two commonly prescribed antiparasitic medicine options used to treat nasal mites are ivermectin (often given orally in tablet form), and topical application of selamectin (Trusted Source) .
Unfortunately, treatment may not always eliminate symptoms associated with nasal mites. An infection may be present in these instances, and another vet visit may be necessary.
Since they’re difficult to detect, nasal mites can be tough to defend against. However, certain preventative measures can help keep your pup parasite-free.
First, it’s important to note that mites can be transmitted through direct or indirect exposure to an affected dog. Therefore, steer your pets clear of any dogs you know or suspect to be infested with mites. This includes unknown dogs like strays, who may have mites without you even knowing it.
When applied monthly, topical antiparasitic preventatives containing selamectin or imidacloprid/moxidectin, such as Advantage Multi, can also help prevent nasal mites.
👉 Some antiparasitic medications need a prescription from your vet, so always check with them first. They’ll prescribe or recommend the best preventative based on your pup’s age and health.
Reverse sneezing can be a sign of many respiratory issues, including nasal mites. If the issue is frequent or recurring, you should take your pup to the vet for a diagnosis.
Nasal mites are among the common causes of symptoms like sneezing, nasal discharge, nose bleeds, and other nasal cavity-related conditions.
Vet testing is required to pinpoint the presence of nasal mites. Nasal scoping identifies and flushes the mites, while antiparasitic medications can aid in getting rid of them.
There’s no evidence that canine nasal mites can be transmitted to people. However, they can be passed from dog to dog through direct or indirect contact.
There aren’t any safe home remedies that kill nasal mites. However, using a humidifier can help alleviate your dog’s symptoms.