For the Purrbabies

Zinc-related health problems are more common than you’d think. Here’s how to identify a zinc deficiency in your dog.
Zinc is an essential mineral in your dog’s body that helps produce cell membranes, hormones, proteins, and over 300 enzymes. It plays a crucial role in primary bodily functions. It supports thyroid functionality, immune system activity, and sexual responses. On top of all that, it also keeps your dog’s skin and fur healthy. In other words, things can go seriously wrong when there isn’t enough zinc in your dog’s system. The challenge is that too much can be toxic — more on that later.
The commonly accepted recommendation is 120 mg of zinc per day for adult dogs, with a maximum daily consumption of 1000 mg. The good news is that most quality dog foods carry just the right amount of zinc to meet your dog’s needs.
If zinc isn’t absorbed into your dog’s body, a zinc deficiency known as zinc-responsive dermatosis can occur. The most common symptoms are crusty skin lesions around the eyes, mouth, and scrotum. Although rare, zinc-responsive dermatosis causes a breadth of problems for your dog, from skin abnormalities and digestive issues to complications with the immune system.
Zinc-responsive dermatosis is a result of malabsorption in the small intestine. It prevents the body from absorbing zinc and all the nutrients it offers. Typically, your dog’s body absorbs between 15 and 40 percent of zinc consumed. The problem is that your dog’s body has no way to store zinc. So without maintaining sufficient intake, your dog can’t reach the necessary zinc levels.
Three types of zinc-responsive dermatosis stem from genetics, diet, and lifestyle.
Zinc levels are pretty challenging to read, so most diagnoses are made based on a combination of your dog’s past medical history, skin biopsies, and a physical exam. Your vet may recommend a skin biopsy, so a pathologist can look at the cells of your dog’s skin underneath the microscope to get an official diagnosis.
🚨 If you think your dog may have a zinc deficiency, make sure to consult with your vet to create a diagnostic and treatment plan.
If your dog has a zinc deficiency, there are ways to treat it. You can start by making sure your pup has a proper diet with AAFCO (Trusted Source)-approved dog food. Speak to your vet if you’re wondering what type of food is best to feed your dog that suffers from zinc deficiency.
Zinc is usually administered orally. However in severe cases, your vet may issue an injection. Experts recommend crushing the tablets to serve with food to increase the absorption process. According to a journal (Trusted Source) in the National Library of Medicine, Type I dogs may require zinc supplementation for life. To manage the zinc supplement for your dog, speak with your veterinarian.
👉 Always best to consult with your veterinarian regarding the specifics for your dog.
For educational purposes, the dosage is individualized based on your dog’s weight. The general recommendation is 25 mg of zinc for every 50 pounds of your dog’s weight. For an exact dosage formula, convert your dog’s body weight to kilograms. Then, take the kilogram weight to the power of .75 and multiply by 2 for a personalized dosage.
As mentioned above, giving your dog too much zinc can lead to zinc toxicity. Zinc toxicity (Trusted Source) is lethal for your dog — and all it takes is one large dose. Single doses of 225 to 450 mg induce vomiting in your dog. Doses above 900 mg can cause death. To prevent an overdose, administer the correct dosage for your dog, keep all medications safely secured and stored in areas that are inaccessible to pets in the household, and pay attention to the signs of zinc toxicity:
⚠️ If you suspect that your dog has zinc toxicity, contact Animal Poison Control immediately: (888) 426-4435