For the Purrbabies

Rough, cracked paw pads are common and painful. Here's how to treat and prevent them at home.
Just like humans get chapped hands, our pups can also have dry, cracked paw pads. There are a variety of reasons why dogs’ paw pads get rough and dry, including environment, allergies, or more serious medical concerns. Whatever the reason, this condition can be very uncomfortable or even painful to your furry friend.
It would be great if our canine friends could let us know why their paws are irritating them. While we may be a few years out from dog-to-human translation technology, fortunately, experts have studied the common reasons for dryness in dog paws. Dog parents can evaluate the cause of their pup’s rough and cracked paw pads based on these common reasons:
Avoid extreme weather when possible. On hot summer days, it’s a good idea to walk early in the morning or later in the evening to avoid high heat when the ground is cooler. During winter, take shorter walks and wipe your dog’s paws with water before drying them with a towel. If your dog will tolerate it, put booties on their paws to protect them from extreme temperatures.
At-home grooming like washing your dog’s feet, grooming their nails, and cutting their fur can help protect paws from irritants and prevent bacteria from forming. Dog booties are also a great option — like these anti-slip booties with reflective straps.
Prevention is key to protecting your dog’s feet, but sometimes, we don’t know until the problem’s right in front of us. If your dog comes down with dry or cracked paws, you might be tempted to reach for lotions or balms in your medicine cabinet. Resist this temptation! Not all human products can be used safely on animals. You will want to buy pet-safe balms with natural ingredients.
Avoid products with artificial fragrances or chemical ingredients, as they may sting or irritate your dog’s paw pads. Essential oils would also be included in products to avoid, as the fragrance may cause skin irritation. A few key things to look out for in a paw balm:
Applying balms or oils to a dog’s paw pads before bedtime is ideal because your pooch is relaxed and calm. It can also help to put socks or booties on your dog’s feet to prevent them from licking the product off.
You can also apply balm after a long walk to soothe your canine companion’s weary and dry paw pads.
It might sound simple, but the best way to discover if your dog’s paws are cracked or dry is to touch them. Your pet’s paws should be tough, but not too rough. Paws should not be too soft, either, as they have to work as shoes while walking.
Check for any cracks, cuts, and bleeding daily. Dog owners should inspect their dog’s paws after every outdoor adventure in case glass, sticks, or rocks punctured them. Sometimes dogs will even step on a bee stinger, so check both in a paw and in between their toes.
Watch your dog’s behaviors. If they’re excessively licking or chewing their paws, it can be a sign something’s wrong. If your dog is favoring one paw, not putting weight on a paw, or avoiding walking, it can be a sign of an injury or dry paw.
Some pups loathe having their sensitive paws touched. If your pooch is fighting your touch, try easing them into a regular paw care process. We have a few tips for you:
Keep your canine companion comfortable — Dogs will feel more relaxed in a familiar environment.
Rubbing paw balm into their pads a few times a week helps dogs’ paws stay conditioned and healthy and helps prevent cracked dog paws in the first place. It can even create a tighter bond between humans and dogs!
Dog owners should take their canine companion to the vet any time they notice signs of pain or discomfort. Veterinarians can often determine the severity of your dog’s condition and make a diagnosis. Vets will determine if dogs need medical treatment and how to treat your dog’s feet and paw pads.
👉 If your dog’s paws are bleeding, it’s time for a trip to the veterinarian.
Depending on the severity of your dog’s paws, you can use a dog balm or wax and then protect their paws with socks or dog booties. For less severe dry, cracked dog paws, simply using the balm or wax often and limiting exposure should help.
Wear and tear on a dog’s paws are normal but persistent cracked dog paws can be concerning. Look for other signs of something being off, like a change in behavior, limping, or excessive licking. If your dog’s paws remain rough after applying balms and waxes, and any other symptoms are present, a vet visit is in order.
Technically Vaseline (or other petroleum jelly) isn’t toxic for dogs, but it isn’t good for them when they ingest it, and it isn’t the best option. Shea butter, beeswax, and vitamin e are all good choices for this, along with dog balms and waxes. And our veterinarian expert Dr. Irish reminds you, “All pet owners should STOP trying to touch the paws if the dog is not willing to be touched. This is the best way for everyone to avoid injuries.”
Paw pad hyperkeratosis is a skin condition that causes thickened or extra skin growth on a dog’s paw pads. The skin sometimes cracks, which can lead to secondary infections or ‘hairy feet,’ since the cracked paw pads typically look like hair.
Dogs may develop canine hyperkeratosis because of genetics, age, or health conditions like canine distemper, or pemphigus foliaceus. Some breeds are more prone to hyperkeratosis, like Labradors or English cream Golden Retrievers.
Dog owners can take one simple step to decrease the severity of canine hyperkeratosis: apply a moisturizing balm or ointment daily. A paw balm, salve, and other at-home remedies for rough dog paws can go a long way towards helping the skin heal.