For the Purrbabies

Most people take their dogs to the local groomers without a second thought, but did you know it’s possible to pamper your pup without taking them to a professional? DIY dog grooming is inexpensive, easy to do, and builds stronger bonds between us and our beloved pets.
These tricks and tips can help you recreate the spa day experience for your dog at home, with no outside help necessary. Because different dogs have different grooming needs, we’ll start by digging into what you’ll need for the job based on their breed.
Coat maintenance plays a key role in preventing flea infestations, and it’s an essential part of every good grooming session. Take care to brush the grain of your dog’s fur in smooth, firm strokes to prevent painfully pulling on their hair. You should brush them before and after bathtime to prevent tangles.
Most dogs require brushing at least once a week, but some need even more depending on their coat type. The only exception is dogs with corded fur, such as the puli, who don’t need to be brushed at all once their dreadlocks are formed.
Just as each breed is unique, so are the tools required to properly groom them. You wouldn’t use the same brush for a corgi as you would for a poodle, right? Use these guidelines based on your dog’s coat to give them the best, most comfortable brushing experience possible:
For smooth-coated breeds like the French bulldog and the dachshund, a weekly once-over with a rubber glove brush should be enough to comb their fur and distribute oils on their skin. Short-haired dogs have sensitive skin that’s easily damaged, but if you decide they need a traditional brushing, opt for a soft boar bristle brush instead of a bin brush or slicker.
Siberian huskies and corgis fall into the medium double-coated category. These dogs benefit from being groomed with a slicker brush weekly, but they’ll need more frequent brushing when they start to “blow” their undercoat during the spring and fall. Their skin isn’t as sensitive as smooth-coated breeds, so you can use a de-shedding tool to help with this, if necessary.
Long hair requires regular attention to avoid the formation of unhealthy knots. This is just as true for breeds that barely shed, like the Havanese and Yorkshire terrier, as it is for breeds that shed a ton, including the Old English sheepdog and Lhasa apso. We recommend brushing these dogs once or twice a week with a stainless steel comb to detangle knots, but it’s a good idea to have a slicker brush on hand to get to the hairs trapped deep in the undercoat. Some long-haired dogs may require daily brushing during shedding seasons.
👉 You can help long-haired breeds maintain an evenly parted coat by running a comb down the middle of their body, starting at the top of their head and gently working your way to the base of the tail.
If your dog has tight curls or wavy hair that doesn’t really shed, such as the poodle or Portuguese water dog, a slicker brush will be your best friend. Dogs with curly hair ideally need brushing daily — or at least several times a week — to prevent matting. Apply light but gentle pressure when brushing these dogs to make sure you’re reaching the skin, as only brushing on the surface can make mats harder to detangle. Once you’ve brushed them with a slicker, follow up with a metal comb to make sure they’re tangle-free.
If you have dog hair all over your sofa, chances are good that you won’t need clippers. Short-haired breeds that shed, such as the Labrador, don’t need clipping at all. Dogs with longer coats that shed only require occasional sanitary trims around their paws, ears, and tail. On the other hand, hypoallergenic breeds like the bichon frisé or Maltese require full haircuts every 6 to 8 weeks, depending on how fast their fur grows and your preferred length.
👉Some curly-haired breeds, such as the Schnauzer, can have their fur hand-stripped instead of clipped. If you decide to go the more traditional route, expect to trim them once every couple of months.
While nobody wants a stinky pup, overbathing a dog can strip their skin of the natural oils their body needs for a healthy coat. A good rule of thumb is to bathe them no more than once a month unless they’re excessively dirty. Try these tips to cut down on baths and make the process as easy as possible for you and your dog:
👉 For large dogs that have to stand in the shower, you might want to invest in a non-slip mat to give them a little extra grip.
Any patches of hair loss or extreme scaliness, dry skin or signs of extremely red or abnormally moist skin including pimple-like skin changes can be indicative of more serious skin problems as infection (pyoderma), and of course, flea dirt and fleas are signs of infestation.
Dr. Bruce Armstrong
Nail trims are an essential part of pet care for every dog breed. Overgrown nails can cause injuries, not to mention unsightly scratches to your legs and furniture. For the first time, though, it’s important to build trust with your dog instead of jumping right in.
Follow these steps to get your dog more comfortable with nail trimming. Be patient with them and avoid rushing any part of the process — most dogs take a few days to acclimate. We recommend starting off slow, gently touching their paws and introducing them to the smell and sound of the clippers before you actually start trimming.
👉 First-time nail trimmers should start by removing small amounts of the nail until they can comfortably identify the quick.
Many different tools are available for trimming dog nails. The best one for your dog will depend on the shape and size of their nails, their overall temperament, and how comfortable they feel around each instrument as they’re introduced to it.
Watch their behavior for clues about how they’re feeling, and always prioritize your dog’s comfort and safety above all else.
Hygiene is essential for a happy, healthy pup. This is just as true for their fur and nails as it is for their ears and eyes. You don’t necessarily need to do routine maintenance on these parts if there don’t seem to be any health problems at play — but there are some important considerations to keep in mind for each.
A good rule of thumb for ear cleaning is to only clean what you can see. Some wax is normal in clean dog ears, but there shouldn’t be any odor present.
To clean your dog’s ears, apply a specialized dog ear cleaning solution to a cotton round, gently wiping away dirt and wax near the inner ear without pushing too far in. If you have a dog with drop ears like a Basset hound or cocker spaniel, you’ll periodically need to wipe away the dirt inside the ear flags as it builds up over time.
👉 Clean your dog’s ears once a month if they’re susceptible to ear infections.
Eye cleanings can typically be more sporadic, though extra maintenance may be required for breeds with large eyes, including pugs, Pomeranians, and Pekingese. Similarly, long-haired and white-haired dogs will need help getting tear stains and other trapped debris out of the fur around their eyes. You can wipe up small amounts of discharge from the eye using a moist cotton ball.
Many owners skip brushing their dog’s teeth in favor of treats like dental chews to make the job easier on themselves — but daily brushing is far more effective at reducing their risk of several life-threatening conditions, including kidney, liver, and heart disease. It may take some getting used to at first (for both of you), but it only takes minutes a day, and it’s a great benefit for your dog’s overall health.
Use these tips to help your dog into the toothbrushing process:
Commonly referred to as “scent glands,” anal sacs are the glands on either side of a dog’s anus that release a scent every time the dog has a bowel movement. This helps dogs identify each other and mark their territory when they do their business.
When these glands fail to empty normally, they’re deemed “impacted.” Vets and professional groomers can treat anal sac impaction (Trusted Source) by manually draining the sacs but don’t try to do this yourself at home.
While grooming sounds straightforward in theory, it can be tricky in practice depending on your dog’s temperament. Whether you’re brushing, trimming, or cleaning their ears, the best course of action is always to start by introducing the grooming tools while giving them praise and treats. Follow these key grooming do’s and don’ts, and they should warm up to the process before long.
In addition to replacing funky smells with the aroma of a freshly washed pup, routine bathing and brushing helps distribute oils across their skin and keep it healthy. Mats and tangles prove similarly dangerous by restricting blood flow and hiding harmful parasites like fleas. Regular grooming prevents these complications and helps your dog look and feel their best.
Grooming a dog from top to bottom can seem like a tall order if you’re new to it. Professional groomers are a good option for owners who are unable to groom their dogs themselves, but the DIY route is well worth trying if you want to save a little extra money or if you want to build a deeper connection with your furry best friend.
Dog grooming is largely about patience, especially if it’s your first time doing it yourself. Follow the procedures outlined above to safely and comfortably brush and trim your dog’s fur, trim their nails, brush their teeth, and clean their eyes and ears. Essential grooming tools include brushes, combs, nail clippers, cotton balls, specialized dog toothbrushes, hygiene products like shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste (formulated specially for dogs), and styptic powder to prevent excess bleeding.
A good rule of thumb for dog grooming is to only groom the things you can see. If your dog’s nails or fur don’t look overly long, they’re probably not ready for the next trim. Whether you’re brushing, trimming, or wiping, always be gentle with your movements, and be patient with your dog as they ease into the unfamiliar process.
Every groomer’s process is different, and some groomers may perform certain procedures before others. In general, the grooming process typically goes like this:
Never pressure your dog to endure any grooming procedure they seem uncomfortable with; grooming is all about patience. Start slowly and allow them to get used to the tools and sensations of brushing, bathing, and trimming before you attempt any actual grooming.
Dry. Dog hair works similarly to human hair in that it shrinks up when it dries. If you cut a dog’s hair while it’s still wet, you risk cutting it too short and leaving them exposed to environmental conditions like the cold and sun.