For the Purrbabies

When a cat suffers from hair loss, it can appear as bald spots, patchiness, or as a general thinning of their coat. Medically referred to as “feline alopecia,” this condition tends to be accompanied by other unwanted symptoms, including scabs, lesions, bumps, and an increase in licking (and, subsequently, hairballs).
In some cases, hair loss in cats is considered normal — like when it’s time for your cat to shed their winter coat.
On the other hand, sudden hair loss may also be a sign of an underlying illness or parasite. That’s why it’s key to call up your vet as soon as you spot changes in your pet’s coat.
Hair loss in cats has been linked to several different conditions, from breed and allergies to more serious conditions like infection or cancer. Cats can lose hair on just one or multiple parts of their bodies, but patches tend to be most common around their belly, sides, and legs when they scratch or lick themselves non-stop.
The good news is that most cases of feline alopecia are easily reversible — the trick is simply to treat the underlying cause. Keep an eye out for symptoms of these conditions to help pinpoint the cause behind your cat’s hair loss:
This is one of the most common causes of hair loss in cats. Signs of allergies in cats are excessive licking, itching, and scratching in response to a food, pharmaceutical, or environmental allergen. Consequently, cats with allergies often develop scabs, red marks, and open wounds at the site of hair loss.
Some purebred cats are more likely to have alopecia. These cats include Himalayans and Bengals, among others. Other breeds, like the Sphynx, are naturally hairless. Hereditary alopecia is a congenital condition that doesn’t present with accompanying inflammation. This type of hair loss is apparent very early in a cat’s life — sometimes at birth or shortly after.
While hair loss can be the result of a physical ailment like an infection, it can also be caused by anxiety. Over time, many of these cats begin to display pattern baldness as a result of scratching or licking an area of their body, which causes it to shed.
Other compulsive disorders, like psychogenic alopecia, can cause a cat to obsessively groom itself to relax when they’re feeling stressed.
A flea, parasite, or mite could be the cause behind your kitty’s discomfort and intense itchiness. Outdoor cats are especially prone to flea infestations, which can result in symptoms including non-stop irritation and miliary dermatitis (small bumpy red scabs). In severe cases, lethargy and pale gums can be brought on by a potentially life-threatening condition called flea anemia. (Trusted Source) Some cats are also allergic to fleas, which causes intense pruritus.
Live fleas or flea dirt may present as small black specks you can see in your cat’s fur, but mites are a bit trickier to detect. Mites burrow into a cat’s skin and can only be seen under a microscope. Similarly, Notoedric mange (Trusted Source) (Notoedres cati) is caused by a rare parasite that causes hair loss on a cat’s face or eyelids.
The hormones produced by the thyroid play a key role in regulating the body’s metabolism. When the thyroid makes too much (hyperthyroidism) or too little (hypothyroidism) of these hormones, cats can experience several physical side effects, including weight loss, vomiting, hyperactivity, and changes to the skin and fur coat. Cats rarely experience hypothyroidism, but many cats, especially those over the age of 15 years are affected by hyperthyroidism.
Bacterial infections, like pyoderma, (Trusted Source) usually arise when a cat scratches or excessively licks their skin, or secondary to underlying allergies. Infections cause hair loss in localized areas and can also produce discharge. Other infections, like ringworm, are fungal infections that impact both the hair and skin.
Cats experiencing pain in their joints, especially those with arthritis, may lick their bodies to relieve their pain. Cats with gastrointestinal, bladder, or urinary issues may overgroom on their abdomen, leading to hair loss in specific places.
For example, cats with urinary tract infections (UTIs) have been known to excessively lick their genital and abdominal areas. Because you can’t see what’s causing the pain in some cases, this type of hair loss is often mistaken for a behavioral issue rather than a medical one.
Your cat could have a harmless skin condition, like feline acne. Skin conditions like these can cause dryness, redness, swelling, bumps, scabs, pustules, irritation, and excessive grooming that leads to shedding.
Because feline acne is most common in a cat’s chin, you may notice your cat rub their face against the carpet for itch relief. You may also notice blackheads on your cat’s skin in addition to hair loss.
There are a few other — and possibly more serious — health conditions that can cause hair loss in unlikely circumstances, including:
Here are a few preventative measures you can take to ensure that your cat’s skin and fur remain healthy and intact.
For most vets, the first step in treating a cat’s hair loss is reviewing their medical history. Age, vaccination records, and history of any other recent stressors all go into a vet’s diagnosis and treatment plan.
After looking over your cat’s medical history, most vets will perform a physical exam to look for the cause of their condition. Some common diagnostic tests associated with feline alopecia include:
The best treatment plan for your cat’s alopecia will ultimately depend on the underlying cause of their hair loss. In cases where cats are excessively licking or biting their skin, vets may advise you to temporarily keep an Elizabethan collar (Trusted Source) (also known as an “e-collar,” or the “cone of shame”) on them to prevent infection and give the hair a chance to grow back without further irritation.
Common treatments for hair loss in cats include:
Depending on the cause of your cat’s alopecia, it may take weeks or even months for hair to grow back fully. In the case of chronic issues like allergies or fleas, it’s up to the owner to implement long-term prevention strategies so their cat doesn’t lose hair all over again.
Be patient with the process, and work with your vet until you can pinpoint the cause and get your cat back on the path of wellness.
Yes. While most cases of feline alopecia are reversible, hair loss in cats is almost always an indicator that something else is wrong. The underlying cause may be parasites, illness, or stress, but all of these require thorough treatment if you want your cat to make a full recovery.
Hair loss in cats occurs for many different reasons, including allergies, genetics, parasites, and, in rare cases, systemic illnesses like diabetes and hyperthyroidism. The area of hair loss can usually provide clues as to the cause, but the only way to know for sure is to take your cat in to see a vet.
Facial alopecia is the closest thing cats have to age-related baldness in humans. As long as there are no other signs of infection, itchiness, or skin lesions, it’s perfectly normal for cats to lose hair density between their eyes and ears as they get older.
Depending on the cause of your cat’s hair loss, you may or may not be able to treat it at home. For example, skin infections must be treated with antibiotics prescribed by your vet.. Hair loss caused by stress-related grooming may be mitigated with the help of OTC calming supplements — though these aren’t regulated by the FDA, and you should always seek a vet’s guidance before introducing anything new into your cat’s diet.
Ringworm in cats is most commonly characterized by circular patches of hair loss in a cat’s coat, as well as inflamed, scaly, or crusty skin, dandruff, and infection of the claws or nail beds. This condition requires antifungal medication for proper treatment. Consult your vet for more information.