For the Purrbabies

Picking up poop isn’t the best part of being a pet owner but it needs to be done! Pooper scoopers can make the process easier, more convenient, and less icky. But with so many products on the market, how do you choose? To help you out, our team of experts has reviewed a range of pooper scoopers to determine their ease of use, design, durability, and how simple they are to clean.
For years, dog owners carried plastic bags in their pockets to clean up after their canine companions. While this works well for some, it can be a difficult task for people with health issues and joint problems. If you can’t bend down without feeling pain, a long-handled pooper scooper can be a lifesaver.
If you live in an urban area, a bag is not the most convenient way to peel poop from a gravel path or sidewalk because you might end up smearing it. Pooper scoopers come in a wide range of designs and sizes to effectively pick up poop from even the most unforgiving surfaces.
Pooper scoopers are also great tools for pet parents who get a little squeamish about getting too close to their dog’s poop!
👉Most states have dog poop laws that come with hefty fines. Dog poop is bad for the environment and our health, so always pick up after your pup.
All pooper scoopers have their own unique designs and mechanisms. So, there is bound to be one that suits your needs. Here are some of the factors you need to consider when picking out the best dog pooper scooper:
Handle length: This is especially important if you are tall. The longer the handle, the less you will need to bend over to pick up your dog’s waste. Don’t forget that many pooper scoopers also have extendable handles. So, always look at the extended length of the product.
Storage: Some pooper scoopers fold down so they can be easily stored in your shed. Others have convenient hooks so they can be hung on the wall or fence until you need them.
Material: Pooper scoopers generally come in plastic and metal varieties. Metal is more durable and hard-wearing. So, these pooper scoopers are more likely to last longer. However, they can be prone to rusting, especially if left outside. Plastic pooper scoopers are more lightweight so they are much easier to carry around.
Portability: If you are looking to purchase a pooper scooper that you can take with you on doggie walks, you’re going to want to look for something lightweight and small. Some pooper scoopers also come with built-in bag dispensers or poop bag disposal compartments which can come in handy when out and about.
Scoop shape: The shape and design of the scoop will determine how well the product works on different surfaces. For soft surfaces such as grass and sand, a rake-style scoop is best because this will cause the least damage to grass and scoop up less substrate. For hard surfaces like concrete, teeth-style claws or smooth spade scoops work best.
Affordability: We are not just talking about the price of the product itself here, but also the waste bags. Some pooper scoopers require specific heavy-duty bags that can become pricey in the long run. Others allow you to use any carrier bag you have in your cupboard. Metal pooper scoopers tend to be more expensive than plastic ones. However, they are much better for larger dogs and multi-dog households. Cheaper plastic pooper scoopers are more suitable for smaller dog breeds and cats.
Ease of cleaning: Some pooper scoopers have anti-microbial and non-stick coatings that prevent odor and waste from sticking to the product. These can make them much easier to keep clean in the long run.
This may sound a little gross, but visually checking your dog’s poop can tell you a lot about their overall health. As you are scooping up their mess, look for signs that may indicate a health issue. Factors include:
Shape: Normal dog poop should be soft and sausage-shaped. Small, hard pebble-shaped pellets can indicate dehydration or joint issues. Similarly, hard lumps in the poop could indicate mild constipation. Liquid or soup-like poop is a sign of diarrhea.
Size: The size of the poop will obviously depend on the size of your dog. However, it should remain fairly consistent and correlate to the amount of food they have eaten. Check out how much food to feed your dog if you’re unsure. Significantly smaller poops may suggest a loss of appetite which can be caused by an illness of blockage. Larger than normal poops could indicate a digestive issue. However, remember that a high intake of fiber will also increase the size of your dog’s poop.
Color: A normal, healthy dog poop will be a milky brown color. However, it can range from light to dark brown. Other colors may indicate a health problem. For example, white specks in your dog’s poop could be a sign of an intestinal parasite which requires treatment. Orange or yellow poop could indicate an issue with the liver, whereas black or tarry poop could be a sign of internal bleeding which is a medical emergency. Green poop can indicate a problem with the gall bladder but it can also be the result of your dog eating grass.
Frequency: Dogs should be fairly regular with their bowel movements. If you suddenly notice you are scooping up more or a lot less often, you may want to get your dog to the vet for a check-up.
Remember, if you have just changed your dog’s diet, this can cause a change in bowel movements until they get used to the new food. Always make sure you introduce any new food gradually over the course of a few weeks to limit the risk of digestive upset.
The betterpet lab developed a set of criteria then put them to the test in real-world situations. Those factors included:
The writers, editors, and staff of betterpet are pet parents, and we know the value of accurate, trustworthy information. Because of this, the content we create is reviewed and approved by our vets.
Look for something small and portable that you can easily carry around with you. For example, the DogBuddy Portable Dog Poop Scooper has a handy clip so it can be attached to your dog’s lead. You can also look for pooper scoopers that fold down so they are easy to transport.
If you struggle to bend down to pick up your dog’s poop, look for a long-handled pooper scooper with a rubber grip handle. Claw-design pooper scoopers also work well because they eliminate the need to lean forward to scoop up poop.
We reviewed the best pooper scoopers on the market and our top pick was the Heeyoo Dog Pooper Scooper Dog Poop Tray and Rake Set. This product has a long adjustable handle and comes with both a rake and spade to effortlessly pick up waste from any surface. However, pooper scoopers come in a wide range of sizes and designs. So, you will want to make sure you purchase the best pooper scooper for your needs.