For the Purrbabies

Breed, size, and temperament are all important considerations when looking for a canine companion to welcome into your life. But coat color or pattern ends up being a major factor when aspiring owners first lay their eyes on a dog whose coat they just can’t resist.
This especially rings true when it comes to black-coated dogs. Whether they’re large or small, short-haired or fluffy, energetic or mellow, these often beautiful and majestic pooches have earned a special place in the hearts and homes of many owners across the globe. Here are some facts to know about some of the most popular black dog breeds.
For over three decades, Labrador Retrievers held the title of America’s most popular dog breed, before being dethroned by the French Bulldog in 2022. Labs come in three different colors – black, yellow, and chocolate – and those with black fur are especially popular. A friendly personality combined with high intelligence makes the Labrador retriever a common choice for those seeking service or emotional support dogs. These playful and energetic pups also make a great fit for families with restless children up for the task of tiring them out. Bred to aid fishermen in the icy waters of Newfoundland, Labs are natural swimmers with a thick double coat to fare well in colder climates.
This breed conjures images of Scooby-Doo hunting ghosts with a ragtag team of teenagers. Although that beloved cartoon character was mostly brown with black spots, Great Danes commonly come with solid black coats. As one of the tallest dog breeds, their sweet demeanor and affinity for cuddling have earned them a reputation as “gentle giants.” Though considered moderately intelligent, they are eager to please their humans, making them easy to train. Nonetheless, caution should be exercised around small children as the large breed could knock them over when feeling rambunctious.
The Belgian Shepherd (or Belgian Sheepdog) is one of four recognized varieties of the Belgian shepherding dogs, a cattle-herding group of dog breeds from Belgium with roots in dairy farming. Their thick double coats are often solid black or black and white with spotted markings. They are considered loyal companions and are still used for guarding, making them a bit standoffish when it comes to strangers. But above all, the Belgian Shepherd is loving, energetic, and easily trained.
Weighing just 6–11 pounds, the Affenpinscher is a toy breed whose name translates to “monkey terrier” in German, a name derived from their ape-like appearance. Their black wiry coats can get knotted up easily and require a good amount of grooming. Their low shedding makes them good companions for owners with allergies, even though they are not truly hypoallergenic (there’s no such thing!). Affenpinschers are not especially high-energy and will prefer couch cuddle sessions to long outdoor hikes. That said, they’re also very playful and love any activities that stimulate them both mentally and physically.
Solid or bicolor variations of black and white are the norm for these active dogs known for their incredible swimming abilities and made popular as presidential pets to the Obamas. As with the smaller Affenpinscher, the Portuguese Water Dog (PWD) is a popular choice for people with canine allergies. But instead of shedding, their thick coats grow continuously, so owners will need to brush and groom them regularly to keep them from becoming too shaggy. If you’re looking for a dog who loves a ton of outdoor play and exercise, you may be looking for a Portuguese Water Dog.
Flat-coated Retrievers are not only one of the happiest dog breeds but may be among the happiest creatures in the animal world. Their high energy levels paired with their goofy personas provide endless entertainment for their humans and visitors. They get along well with kids, strangers, and other pets, making them easy to bring along with you. What sets flat-coated retrievers apart from other retrievers is their shiny and slightly wavy black (or liver) coats with no patterns or makings.
Most commonly seen with black coats, Schipperkes are considered very loyal to their humans—so much so that you’ll want to make sure they’re properly exercised before leaving them alone or they’ll resort to barking, chewing, and other destructive behaviors. The good news is they have a moderate level of energy and will only require around 30 minutes of daily exercise to tucker out. At home, these little fur balls will want a lot of attention, and thrive best with owners willing and able to give it to them.
Clocking in at 100–150, Newfoundlands are one of the largest dog breeds. Newfies come in a variety of colors including all-black, brown, or a black-and-white variety known as Landseer. Despite their intimidating size, they are total sweethearts and have been dubbed “nanny dogs” for their tenderness when it comes to children. Although they don’t frequently bark, they are considered loyal guard dogs and will alert you (and probably the rest of your neighborhood) when someone is approaching the home. With a history as fishermen’s helpers, they have incredible lung capacity and have been used as water rescue dogs due to their ability to swim long distances. Owners will need to use a long-toothed comb to prevent their heavy double coats from matting.
The Scottish Terrier sports a dual coat with a wiry outer layer and a soft undercoat. Bred to drive away badgers, this small breed loves to burrow. But don’t let their tiny stature fool you, Scotties are incredibly tough and considered loyal watchdogs to their humans. Because of their strong prey drive, owners should keep them leashed during outdoor activities so they don’t take off after tiny critters. That combined with their size makes them a good fit for apartment living.
Black with brown patches around the legs, chest, muzzle, and eyes make up the typical coat color of these big dogs of German ancestry. Dobermans make for great family dogs and love to go on long walks and play with their humans. Although they have a reputation as watchdogs, they can be very friendly with visitors so long as they’ve been properly trained and socialized. They shed a good amount for a short-haired dog and will need to be groomed regularly.
Unfortunately, many black-coated dogs have trouble getting adopted because of a perceived phenomenon known as “black dog syndrome.” The theory suggests, consciously or not, prospective pet owners overlook black dog breeds up for adoption at shelters due to factors like negative media portrayals and the difficulty of photographing the color black in low-light settings. However, studies on the topic have shown conflicting evidence, and there remains much dispute over whether black dog syndrome truly exists. Veterinarians and experts agree that coat color alone does not play a role in a dog’s temperament, and most black dog breeds are just as loving and loyal as any others, with many personality types.
While coat color plays no factor in a dog’s temperament, there are some advantages to black dogs aside from their appearance. For example, their shedding black fur can be less visible on darker clothing and furniture. You will also get to celebrate National Black Dog Day each October 1st with other owners of these darked-coated dogs.
Black absorbs heat, which unfortunately puts your black-coated dog at greater risk of overheating than a light-coated one. Owners will need to provide plenty of water and limit outdoor time on excessively hot days.
Popular large black dog breeds include Great Danes, Newfoundlands, Cane Corsos and German Shepherds.