For the Purrbabies

These delicious melons are full of essential nutrients and natural antioxidants, but is it a good idea to feed them to your pet?
Dog owners are always looking for new food that they can use as healthy treats for their dogs. They often turn to fruits, hoping that these healthy foods can be a good choice in place of traditional treats. So, let’s answer the question: Can dogs eat cantaloupe? In moderation, this tasty melon can benefit your dog’s immune system.
In small amounts, cantaloupe is a relatively safe fruit for your dog to eat. They are a great, hydrating snack to give to your pup during the hot summer months due to their high water content. But, it’s important to only give your dog ripe melons.
These high-water content fruits are also a rich source of dietary fiber, aiding in healthy digestion and reducing the chance of constipation. The potassium and vitamin C in cantaloupes can help reduce your dog’s high blood pressure, too. And, beta carotene can help prevent oxidative damage, which can prevent cancer. They are also a great source of other nutrients like folate and vitamin B.
Much like watermelon rinds, cantaloupe rinds can cause gastrointestinal upset if eaten in large quantities. They can also become impacted as a blockage in your dog’s digestive tract. While not toxic, the seeds and rind of a cantaloupe are choking hazards. With a very high sugar content, cantaloupes might not be the best treat for diabetic dogs. But, they are a healthy alternative for overweight dogs if fed in small quantities. If you have any questions, ask your veterinarian before adding cantaloupe to your dog’s diet.
With a lot of sugar, it’s important that you do not add too much cantaloupe on top of a healthy diet. Cantaloupes can be a treat as they are not part of your dog’s natural diet, so they should not account for more than 10% of your dog’s daily calories (Trusted Source) . ⅓ cup of cantaloupe chunks is roughly 15 calories, making them a healthy treat for your dog.
Now that you know cantaloupe is a healthy human food for dogs, you probably want to know the best way to feed it to them.
Many fruits give your dog different nutrients and vitamins that can help them live a healthy lifestyle. Given in moderation, they can be a healthier alternative to some processed dog treats. Unfortunately, some fruits are toxic and carry a risk of giving your dog health problems, ranging from a bad bout of diarrhea to death. It pays to double check.
Cantaloupes are one of the many fruits that your dog can enjoy with you. It’s important to do so in moderation because large amounts of cantaloupe can give your dog too much sugar. If done correctly, though, your dog will absolutely love this treat.
While non-toxic, the cantaloupe rinds should not be fed to dogs. They are incredibly tough and fibrous, and they can be a general health hazard, possibly causing choking, obstructions, or gastrointestinal upset.
Unlike apple seeds which are toxic, cantaloupe seeds are non-toxic. They are, however, a choking hazard that should not be fed to dogs.
Cantaloupe in moderation is a healthier alternative to some brands of dog treats, but you should be careful. With the high sugar content, they can quickly lead to obesity and other complications like diabetes.
It is best to cut cantaloupe into little bite-size pieces because an entire slice could be a choking hazard, especially for smaller breeds.