For the Purrbabies

This stone fruit makes for a succulent, sweet treat for your pet.
Sweet, juicy and delicious, peaches are one of the best summer treats to enjoy if you’re looking for some serious refreshment. You pup might think so, too — prompting you to question the safety of everyone’s favorite stone fruit.
Thankfully, peaches are safe for dogs, offering a range of health benefits like healthy digestive motility, a smoother aging process, and gut health to name a few!
Below, we’re digging into everything you need to know about your pet’s peach consumption. We’ll be covering topics like the range of peach treats your pet can safely enjoy, the risks of peach pit ingestion and how to prepare peaches safely for your dog. We’ll also be covering other dog-safe fruits, giving your pet more options for a refreshing summer treat.
Dogs can safely eat raw or cooked peaches, so long as it is within moderation and prepared without the peach pit or any artificial sweetener-based toppings.
When your pet eats peaches, they’ll enjoy a range of benefits — as well as a comprehensive profile of nutrients to keep them healthy and strong.
Some of the most noteworthy mentions include:
👉 While these fruits are great nutritional additions to your dog’s diet, they would have to consume higher quantities than you’re likely thinking for there to be much effect. Your vet can help you to determine the best possible amounts of each item to give to your pet.
Peach pit ingestion is a fatal risk to your pet, and it’s a reason why many pet owners steer clear of preparing peaches for a summer snack. The seeds themselves contain a high concentration of a compound called hydrogen cyanide — which directly impacts your dog’s ability to breathe well and circulate blood. In high amounts, hydrogen cyanide causes cyanide poisoning (Trusted Source) , which is a fatal condition.
Peach seeds are never safe for your dog — and may prompt many to choose a different summer fruit snack. Hydrogen cyanide is also in peach stems or leaves from your peach tree. To avoid cyanide poisoning, we recommend preparing peaches yourself if you choose to give them, staying away from prepped grocery store peaches.
Grocery stores use factories to cut down the parts of the peach. A peach pit could be stuck into the bag at any point, possibly exposing your pooch to the pit in addition to the fleshy fruit. The same risk is also present with organic peaches, or peaches in small sizes, as they’re processed the same way.
If you believe your dog has ingested a peach pit, it’s always best to take them to the vet for a checkup. Signs of cyanide poisoning include:
🚨 Even trace amounts of cyanide (like you’d see in the leaves of peaches) is harmful to your pet. If in doubt, take them to the vet — it’s better to be safe than sorry.
If you think that your canine companion has had more than the flesh of a peach, it’s time to act immediately. The biggest danger comes if owners miss signs of cyanide poisoning — which does happen, as symptoms generally mimic those of an allergic reaction or upset tummy from a little fiber or extra sugar.
Here’s what you need to do to address peach pit poisoning in your pet:
Go to the vet — Time is of the essence. Your vet will offer oxygen and IV support for your pet.
Induce vomiting (if asked) — Your vet may ask you to induce vomiting, especially if there’s a choking risk. Do this only if requested by your vet.
Peaches are a good thing to use as a snack for your pet, addressing free radicals and other toxins that can affect their health. If you choose to feed your pet peaches, be sure to cut them up in 1-inch cubes (or smaller if you have a small animal). The goal here is to completely remove the peach pit and have nothing left but small, bite-size pieces your pet can snack on.
Looking for other fruity good choices for your pet? Your dog’s teeth can handle more than just meat. Many pups might enjoy the fresh taste of fruit free from pesticides and other preservatives — and fruit with high water content can offer a secondary benefit of hydration.
Here are some safe fruits to incorporate (Trusted Source) into your dog’s diet:
Here, we answer the big question: What fruits should you avoid giving your pet? We’ve compiled a list of non-pet safe foods and why.
A balanced diet is key to your dog’s health. The first step forward in this area of your dog’s life would be to speak with your vet to get personalized recommendations on what to include (and what not to include.) Addressing diet is a valuable investment in your pet’s life — giving them the best, longest and most supported experience possible.
While fresh peaches are a fine treat for your pet, canned peaches should be avoided due to artificial sweetener and high sugar content, which causes gastrointestinal upset (among other things, if fake sugar is used). It’s never a good idea to feed your pet human food (such as prepared or canned food) as preservatives and chemicals used in the prep process can harm your pet.
It’s safe to feed your dog frozen peaches, so long as they are in small pieces with no added sugar or artificial sweetener. This can be a healthy snack, especially in the summer. However, it must be given in moderation due to the high amounts of sugar in the peaches themselves.
Grilled peaches are a delicious treat during peach season, offering a rich source of dietary fiber to your pet. The biggest problem or risk here is twofold: if the peach is too hot coming off the grill, or if the peach has been prepared with other ingredients (such as honey or butter) that make it unsafe for your pet. Always ask about the addition of ingredients before feeding your dog a grilled peach.
Candy peaches introduce risk in your dog’s diet, as they’re laden with artificial sweeteners and too much sugar that can send your dog to the veterinarian. Chemicals in candy peaches are also known to cause difficulty breathing in pets, and the food itself is a choking hazard to most. We recommend steering clear of candy peaches, even in small amounts.
As a general rule, dog’s shouldn’t have anything prepared for humans. That being said, if you have a yogurt option that contains essential nutrients for your pet without peach stones, chemicals, sweetened syrups or harmful ingredients, it’s OK for your dog to have a taste. If you’re letting your pet indulge in store-bought peach yogurt, consider giving your ingredients list a once-over to ensure that you’re not missing anything that could hurt your dog.