For the Purrbabies

Dog eyes differ from human eyes in several key ways. Learn how these differences affect a dog’s ability to see in the dark.
For most people, the term “night vision” conjures images of high-tech night-vision goggles. Unfortunately, dogs don’t have that awesome ability to see in pitch black or total darkness. They can, however, see much better than humans in low-light situations.
Although dog and human eyes share many similarities, canine eyes have several features that help them see better at night. Learning how a dog’s eye works can help owners better understand their pet’s sight capabilities in different circumstances.
Ophthalmology can be a tricky topic, with many scientific names to decipher. In truth, dog eyes are quite similar to human eyes in several ways. Knowing how to recognize each individual part of the eye can help owners better identify when something seems wrong or out of place.
While dog’s eyes are similar to ours in form and function, there are several key differentiators that give our furry friends an edge, especially at night.
In both humans and dogs, the retina of the eyes contains photoreceptor cells, which respond to light. These cells are called rods and cones. Generally, rods function in collecting dim light, while cones are responsible for color vision.
In canines, the retina consists mainly of rods with fewer cones. The result is a dog’s improved vision at night or in low lighting, but a diminished ability to differentiate colors and fine details.
Dogs have pupils that are relatively larger than ours. Their larger pupils allow them to take in more light, which helps them see well even in dimly lit conditions.
Another factor responsible for our pups’ superior night vision is the tapetum lucidum. This reflective layer is located behind the retina and aids in magnifying light. When light hits the tapetum lucidum, it bounces back to the retina, giving the photoreceptors a second chance to absorb it. This is the reason why many dogs’ eyes shine at night. (Trusted Source) But some dogs, especially those with blue eyes, may not have a tapetum at all. Commonly, dogs with no tapetum will appear to have red eyes in photos due to the visualization of the eye’s blood vessels.
👉 Other animals, such as cats, may also have a tapetum lucidum. This is why their eyes often glow in the dark.
A commonly held misconception is that all dogs are colorblind. But dogs can see color, (Trusted Source) just not as well as humans. Dating back to the evolution from wild wolves, dogs developed larger lens and corneal surfaces, plus the tapetum membrane discussed above. The purpose was to improve night vision for hunting in the dark. To this end, dogs also developed more rod photoreceptors than cones, which help improve low-light vision in the retina. One result of this, however, was the presence of fewer cone receptors, responsible for color vision.
Dogs are considered dichromatic, meaning they only have two types of cones, while most humans have three. For this reason, many dogs view the world in a similar way as people with red-green colorblindness. This means they can’t easily tell the difference between red and green. But, they can see blue and yellow well.
While most dogs likely experience similar abilities to see, some dog breeds may have better vision than others. For example, sighthounds like the Basenji boast panoramic vision that’s especially accurate in low-light conditions.
Conversely, some dog breeds are more likely to develop cataracts and other eye problems than the canine population as a whole. Poodles, cocker spaniels, and labrador retrievers fall into this category. Age and other health conditions can also affect your dog’s eyesight, regardless of their breed.
Cats are crepuscular creatures who are much better at seeing in the dark than dogs. Their excellent ability to see in low-light situations helps their natural tendency to hunt around sunrise and sunset. However, dogs can likely see more colors than cats.
Even though dogs can see relatively well in the dark, they still don’t have perfect vision. Most importantly, if your dog is walking outside at night, there’s a good chance that humans won’t be able to see them. Follow these nighttime safety tips to keep your dog safe in the dark.
If you find your dog takes the lead in nighttime walks, it could be because their night vision is better than yours. Even so, it’s important to keep them safe at night by putting them in a reflective harness and only walking them on a leash. If you have a senior dog or live in an especially dark house, you might also consider plugging in a night light to help them get around when the lights are off.
While dogs can’t see in total darkness, they do have much better night vision than humans. This is due to their rod photoreceptors and a light-reflecting layer called the tapetum lucidum.
Most dogs have adapted well to low-light situations. Some, however, like those with eye diseases or those going blind, may experience some challenges in darkness. Generally, dogs should have no reason to fear the darkness alone.
You might feel bad about leaving your dog in the dark, but they likely don’t mind. Many dogs are fine with natural light, even at night, but you can consider a small night light if your home is especially dark, or if your dog is geriatric.
Most dogs should be able to see fine without any lights on because their night vision is better than ours. However, if you have an older dog with eye problems or live in an especially dark house, you might want to plug in a night light for them.
Dogs can see better at night than humans can, but humans have better day-time vision. However, dogs don’t necessarily see better at night than during the day.