For the Purrbabies

Anything with the word “infection” in it can be scary for pet parents to hear, but when it comes to canine urinary tract infections (commonly referred to as UTIs), they’re quite common. In fact, about 14% of dogs (Trusted Source) today get a UTI at some point in their lifetime, which is about one out of every seven dogs.
This condition isn’t exclusive to dogs, as humans and most other animals can also contract them. That said, UTIs can lead to more serious medical issues if not treated properly, so it’s good for owners to familiarize themselves with the signs and what to do in the event their fur baby comes down with one.
Here’s what you need to know about canine UTIs.
A urinary tract infection is a bacterial infection of the urinary tract, which includes the bladder, the kidneys, and the ureters. They are most common in female dogs because they have a shorter urethra than male dogs. Age can also be a factor, as older dogs are considered to be prone to the condition.
Some breeds, like shih tzus, Yorkshire terriers, and pugs, can be more likely to develop them than others, but all dogs — male or female, young or old — are capable of contracting UTIs.
The signs of a urinary tract infection can be difficult for dog owners to spot and are often confused for bad behavior (like marking in the house). In some cases, dogs with UTIs exhibit no symptoms of illness or bladder issues at all. “Urinary accidents are the most common symptom,” says veterinarian Dr. Erica Irish. “Sometimes, owners may see blood in their pet’s urine when an infection is present.”
Here are signs owners should look out for if they’re worried their pooch may have contracted a UTI:
You’re probably wondering how exactly your canine pal can contract a urinary tract infection in the first place. There are a wide array of reasons dogs develop this condition, including:
Canine UTIs may be caused by more serious underlying conditions, such as diabetes, Cushing’s disease, or kidney disease (among others). Bladder stones, which are water and mineral formations found in a dog’s urethra, can either cause UTIs or be caused by them. Crystals can also form from high pH concentrations in their urine.
Additionally, anatomy can play a part. Some female dogs may have a recessed vulva that triggers UTIs from moisture buildup after they urinate. For male dogs, diseases and infections in the prostate (Trusted Source) can trigger UTIs in some cases. Your dog also may have been born with urinary tract problems such as hypospadias (Trusted Source), which is abnormal positioning of the urethra that causes UTIs.
Our furry friends can have a hard time getting over a UTI without treatment because, unlike humans, it’s harder to monitor. If a UTI goes unaddressed and the infection spreads to another part of the urinary tract or rest of the body, it can cause serious damage; such as:
If you suspect your dog has contracted a urinary tract infection, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as possible. Although some UTIs clear up on their own, your vet will be able to 1) diagnose the UTI, 2) determine what caused the UTI, 3) advise you on how to best treat the UTI, and 4) rule out any underlying condition that may be present.
To diagnose the UTI, your vet will typically conduct a urinalysis. To do this, they’ll need a sterile urine sample as a first step to diagnosing a UTI. This can be done with a sample your vet collects directly from the bladder via a cystocentesis. Your vet may also be able to use a free-catch sample you bring in, though it typically is less sterile.
If bacteria is found, a urine culture can be ordered to confirm a bladder infection. This test can typically cost $150-$300 (not including follow-up appointments and treatment medication) but should be covered by pet insurance plans with illness coverage.
Ultimately, treating bacterial urinary tract infections depends on the severity of the condition and whether or not the infection has spread to other areas like the kidneys. But generally, a run-of-the-mill urinary tract infection can be treated with a course of antibiotics prescribed by your veterinarian.
Here are other ways your vet may recommend you address your dog’s UTI:
👉 As with all antibiotics, to ensure you fully eradicate the infection, make sure to administer the full course of meds even if your dog’s symptoms seem to improve.
Unfortunately, UTIs are unavoidable in some cases, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t steps you can take to prevent an infection for your best friend. Even if UTIs are considered “normal,” they still cause a lot of pain and discomfort for your furry friend, so it’s best to try to avoid them at all costs.
Here are tips on how to help prevent canine UTIs:
As dog owners, we all want to ensure our pups are always comfortable — and unfortunately, UTIs can be as unpleasant for canines as they can be for humans. Just stay vigilant when it comes to spotting symptoms and be ready to consult your vet if the signs are there to avoid further difficulties for your pet’s health. Your fur-ever friend will be feeling better in no time!
Common symptoms of a canine urinary tract infection include frequent urination, excess licking of the genital area, cloudy urine, and lethargy.
If you suspect your dog has a UTI, your vet will most likely prescribe an antibiotic. Other treatments that can be done in tandem with antibiotics include working water-rich foods into their diet and administering supplements.
While in most cases a UTI is common and not an emergency, you should still consult your vet for medical advice as soon as possible to understand the underlying cause of the UTI and rule out any other health conditions like bladder stones or Cushing’s disease.
While in some cases canine UTIs are unavoidable, steps can be taken to prevent them like keeping your dog regularly groomed in their urinary area, making sure they’re hydrated, and scheduling a sufficient amount of bathroom breaks.
Untreated canine UTIs can result in more severe medical conditions like kidney stones, prostatitis, and even bladder cancer down the line.