For the Purrbabies

Learn to read your cat's many signals — from tail positions to ear movements — and become a pro at understanding what they need.
Cats are excellent communicators if you know what to look for. From the soft purring when they’re content to the swish of their tail when they’re annoyed, your cat is constantly telling you exactly how they feel.
Cats aren’t as aloof as they seem. They use their body to communicate with their humans, visitors, and other pets. Pay close attention to their movement and behavior to gauge their receptiveness to being petted, picked up, or played with.
Some cues can be both positive and negative depending on the situation, so you’ll have to look toward other signs or symptoms to understand what exactly your kitty is trying to say. Here are common physical cues that cats exhibit:
Cats also communicate through their posture or positions they’re in. This is likely an evolutionary instinct carried over from their ancestral roots as predators. Here’s how to best interpret your feline friend’s posture:
One widely held belief is that cats expose their bellies to their humans when they want to be rubbed. This likely stems from dogs, who do in fact assume this position when they’re yearning for a good stomach scratch or massage. And while this can be the case for cats, it’s also possible your kitty is lying on their back to bat away a potential aggressor — including your hand.
If your cat has their eyes closed in a relaxed position, you can probably assume they’ll be more receptive to belly rubs than one with their eyes wide open and alert. The more you get to know your feline friend’s personality, the more it should become clear what they’re asking for with an exposed stomach.
A kitty’s tail can be quite expressive. Fear, excitement, and agitation are among the emotions cats use these appendages to communicate. Here are some common feline tail positions and what they mean:
Relaxed high tails. Cats with a relaxed, raised tail that curls at the tip are likely in friendly spirits.
Tense high tails. On the flip side, a cat may abruptly shoot their tail up high in the air to make themselves seem bigger in the face of a threat.
Tucked tails. A tail tucked low behind a cat’s rear is likely a sign of anxiety and fear. They’re essentially trying to make themselves a smaller target.
Flicking tails. Context is key when determining why your cat’s tail is quivering. They may be excitedly wagging their tail like a dog when you come home or are holding up a toy. Or they may be shaking their tail in fear when a different animal approaches them. Look at the situation and assess accordingly.
You can also add ears to the list of body parts cats use to speak their mind. The more cats turn their ears backward or to the sides, the more unsettled they are likely to feel. Here are the common ear positions cats use to communicate:
Ears forward. The baseline for a cat’s ear should be forward and relaxed, suggesting they’re at ease.
Ears up straight. A cat’s ears will stand up straight when they’re on high alert, like hearing a voice coming from outside or a stranger approaching them.
Ears turned back. Cats turn their ears backward as a sign of aggression. Take this as a warning to back off.
Flattened ears. A common sign of fear in cats is flattened ears, which are sometimes called “airplane ears” because they stick out to the side like airplane wings and are typically present right before a cat bolts away.
To understand what your cat is saying with their eyes, look at how opened, closed, or dilated they are.
Here are different ways our feline friends communicate with their eyes:
Droopy eyes. A sign that your cat is trusting of you is that they’re gazing upon you with half-closed eyes.
Wide open eyes. While wide-open eyes can be a sign of affection, they can also indicate your cat feels alarmed.
Dilated pupils. Cats’ pupils dilate when they suddenly become stimulated, either from fear, surprise, or excitement. Other body cues will be needed to determine which one.
Staring. A cat may resort to staring without blinking to assert their dominance when a threat is perceived.
Has your cat ever slowly opened and closed their eyes while looking at you? Cats slow-blink at one another to communicate their affection, so it’s quite an honor when they do it to humans too. Next time it happens, slowly blink back at your cat to strengthen your bond.
Although the aforementioned cues will give you more to work with, cats do also use their whiskers to express certain emotions. Whiskers pointing outwards are considered a sign of relaxation. Cats flatten their whiskers inwards towards their face when they’re agitated or afraid.
Interpreting cat conversation
The most human-like way that cats communicate is by vocalizing their needs. Cats make a lot of sounds beyond the standard “meow,” and they all are intended to tell us something. So what exactly is your kitty yapping on about? Let’s take a look:
👉 If your cat is vocalizing excessively, consult your vet to rule out an underlying health condition.
Cats are more expressive than they get credit for. As owners, the more you learn to “speak cat,” the more you’ll be able to address their needs and strengthen your bond with your furry friend. Remember that all cats are unique, and it may take time to learn your individual kitty’s personality and how that informs their body language.
A happy cat will have a normal, relaxed posture with their ears facing forward, eyes partially closed (or slow blinking), and their tail upright with a curl at the tip.
Cats who are scared will have “airplane ears” that flatten and stick out to the side, a tucked tail, and a crouched posture.
Cats who have imprinted on you may communicate relaxed purrs or meows, as well as lay on you and follow you around.
Cat postures indicate how a cat is feeling. For example, a crouched cat may be trying to make themself smaller because they’re scared, while a cat with an arched back may be feeling threatened and ready to attack.
Slow blinks are a sign of trust from your cat. Kneading and purring are also considered signs of feline affection.