For the Purrbabies

Like humans, pets need to stay hydrated throughout the day for optimal health. Pets need clean water to help with digestion, flush out toxins, and hydrate and protect their bodies.
Dirty water from sources like lakes, puddles, ponds, and streams can be quite dangerous for both dogs and cats. Just a few sips of water from a tainted source can lead your pet to develop a host of illnesses and infections. To keep your pet healthy, it’s essential to keep in mind that not all water is safe.
There are many hidden and microscopic dangers in dirty water. Some of the most common are listed below.
Leptospirosis is a disease that can infect both dogs and cats and spread through the urine of infected animals that can seep into water sources like puddles and streams. It’s also a zoonotic disease, meaning animals can pass it on to humans. Signs of infection include vomiting, fever, shivering, change in urination frequency, lethargy, and muscle tenderness.
For the best prognosis, leptospirosis requires early treatment by a vet. If left untreated, it can lead to liver and kidney diseases. Treatment often includes hospitalization with isolation, IV fluids, and antibiotics. If there’s an increased risk of exposure in your area, you can also talk to your vet about a yearly leptospirosis vaccine for your dogs and cats.
Giardia is a single-celled parasite found in freshwater and moist soil. If your pet drinks water and is infected with giardia, the parasites will live in their intestines and cause diarrhea that can sometimes be bloody. Treatment often involves oral medication, such as a dewormer, and following good hygiene practices to properly remove cysts and prevent reinfection.
Coccidiosis (Trusted Source) is an intestinal tract infection that can be transmitted by ingesting feces from an infected animal (particularly rabbits). Common ways pets contract this infection is by consuming contaminated soil or water that’s come into direct contact with infected feces.
Visible symptoms in adult dogs usually only include diarrhea, but puppies or adult dogs with other ailments may show signs of dehydration, abdominal distress, and vomiting. Cats may be able to pass the infection without displaying any noticeable symptoms or may display similar symptoms including watery diarrhea, loss of appetite, and vomiting. Your vet will need to perform a fecal float test to diagnose an infection as these intestinal worms are unlikely to be visible to the human eye.
Blue-green algae is a type of bacteria that can overgrow in warm, stagnant water, like lakes, ponds, and streams. Blue-green algae tend to be most common during the warm summer months. Ingesting water contaminated with this toxin is hazardous for humans and pets and can cause serious illness and death.
The most common symptoms of your pet ingesting contaminated water include vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, tremors, seizures, and collapse. Avoid letting your pet swim in water with a green hue or a bluish-green scum on the surface.
Colloquially shortened to “crypto,” this waterborne illness is caused by a parasite known as Cryptosporidium. (Trusted Source) Multiple species of this parasite exist across different animal species, and some have the ability to cross-infect humans, too.
Crypto strains are equipped with a thick outer shell that makes them quite resilient in their environment — it even offers protection from chlorine disinfectants. This durability makes cryptosporidiosis one of the most common contaminants in public water sources. Most cases result in watery diarrhea that in turn leads to dehydration, but the good news is that symptoms are usually mild, resolving within a couple of weeks under proper treatment.
Among humans, this condition is commonly known as “swimmer’s ear” — but make no mistake, it’s equally infectious to our canine companions. In fact, chronic ear infections (Trusted Source) are reported as one of the most common reasons for dogs going to the vet. They can be caused by allergies, yeast, and bacteria, including the water-based organism Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Symptoms include scratching around the ear canals and a potent odor around the head, but most cases can be easily treated using a combination of flushes and vet-prescribed topical treatments.
Most commonly found in warmer climates, (Trusted Source) like Texas or Louisiana, dogs can contract the flatworm Heterobilharzia americana (canine Schistosomaisis) while swimming or wading in contaminated freshwater sources. This parasite pierces through the skin before making its way to the lungs, liver, and gastrointestinal tract.
When the flatworm lays eggs in a dog’s GI tract, it triggers a host of inflammation-based symptoms including vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and weight loss. Most cases are treated with high-dose courses of common anti-parasite medications including praziquantel and fenbendazole, but treatment can sometimes prove ineffective if the affected dog develops chronic inflammatory lesions in the GI tract.
This is a rare but potentially life-threatening disease caused by the mold-like fungus Pythium insidiosum. It more commonly infects plants, but it can cause severe symptoms among dogs if they ingest it while swimming in contaminated, often warm, freshwater (or if it gets into their system via open wounds on the skin or mucous membranes).
This disease most commonly affects large breeds under the age of 6, with symptoms including vomiting, diarrhea, and weight loss as a result of gastrointestinal infection. The prognosis for pythiosis is often poor, with less than 10% of dogs cured with medication alone.
🚨 Dogs with pythiosis don’t present symptoms until they’ve been infected for a long period of time. Take them to a vet the moment you suspect they’ve come into contact with dirty water.
Like pythiosis, this condition is caused by an oomycete, a mold-like pathogen that’s more similar to algae than a true fungus, but still affects pets similarly to a fungal infection. Affected dogs and cats commonly experience lesions on and under the skin, especially on the torso, limbs, and near the genital area.
Because it’s contracted from swimming in lakes and ponds, lagenidiosis is almost exclusively seen in dogs. This is a severe condition that can only be treated with surgery or amputation, but often it’s too far advanced to remove completely. Severe cases of lagenidiosis can result in aneurysm and death.
With so many water sources out in the world, it’s important for pet owners to know which ones are okay to let their pets drink from — and which ones aren’t. As a rule of thumb, it’s safe to assume that most communal or natural water sources aren’t clean enough to drink. On the other hand, that doesn’t mean tap water is inherently safer.
Keep these key differences between safe and unsafe water sources in mind the next time you’re looking to give your pet a drink.
Pets need access to clean, fresh water to stay hydrated and healthy. When choosing water sources for your pet, it’s best to select one of the following options.
Unfortunately, dirty or unsafe water for pets is quite common in many areas. Avoid letting your pets drink water from the unsafe sources mentioned below.
Though unsafe drinking water is commonly found at parks or on walks, this doesn’t mean you need to forgo any new adventures. Whether at home or outdoors, there are a few simple ways pet owners can help prevent their furry friends from drinking dangerous, dirty water.
Most homes are equipped with faucets, water filters, and other amenities that make clean water easy to come by any time, any day. However, there are a couple measures we recommend taking to minimize your pet’s exposure to contaminated water sources just in case.
It can be tricky to keep an outdoor cat or a thirsty dog away from dirty water sources — but rest assured, there are plenty of ways to entice them away from puddles, ponds, and other questionable drinking spots.
We can’t always keep our pets away from dirty water sources. When accidents happen, the best thing you can do is take your furry friend in to see a vet straight away. These tips are surefire ways to keep your pet happy and hydrated and to give yourself peace of mind knowing you’re taking all the necessary steps to protect them from the dangers of dirty water.
Yes. Dirty water can be a host to bacteria, viruses, parasites, and other contaminants that can make your pet sick and may require medical attention.
Yes, dogs have the potential to contract giardia from contaminated water. These parasites will infect your dog’s intestines and require medical attention.
Be aware of and on the lookout for signs of illness like vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, difficulty breathing, and/or excessive drooling. If you notice your pet exhibiting any of these behaviors after drinking lake water, make a call to your veterinarian ASAP.
They may. Toilet bowls tend to contain cleaning solution residue that can make your pet sick. To avoid any risk, make sure to close your toilet bowl lid.
Blue-green algae is a toxin that often looks like a paint spill in lakes, ponds, and streams. Blue-green algae is most often found in warm, shallow water and is harmful to humans and pets. Ingesting water contaminated with blue-green algae can poison your dog and cause symptoms like weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, and seizures. Call your vet immediately if you suspect your dog swam in or ingested contaminated water.