For the Purrbabies

Sometimes, dogs get itchy ears, and it can be more than just a small annoyance for them. This itchiness often comes along with allergies and other sensitivities, which is part of bigger health problems. Just like most skin problems in dogs, an issue with the ears might show that there are other problems happening inside their body.
You need to look at your dog’s overall health to alleviate the symptoms they are experiencing. Spotting the signs early, knowing what might cause these issues, and getting the right help from a vet can make a big difference in how comfortable and healthy your dog feels.
As dedicated pet parents, it’s vital to keep an eye out for signs that our furry friends might be dealing with itchy ears. You may notice your dog frequently scratching their ears or shaking their head more than usual. They might even try to find some relief by rubbing their ears against furniture or the floor. On closer inspection, you may see redness or swelling in their ears, or detect an unusual smell.
Understanding the root causes can empower us as pet parents to provide the best care possible for our four-legged family members.
Although any dog can develop these diseases, some dogs are more susceptible. For example, pets with floppy ears or allergies can be predisposed to infections. Dogs with lots of hair in the ears can also develop ear problems more easily. Here are some other common causes:
Ear mites are very common and can be found in the ears of many pets. They can infect the inner and outer canal, or cause skin infections if left untreated. Ear mites are highly contagious and are passed easily between pets. Symptoms of ear mites include:
Excessive scratching can cause your dog to rupture the blood vessels in the ear, which can make it swollen and painful and could require surgery to correct. Dogs of all ages can be affected, and all pets in the household will require treatment as ear mites are very contagious.
Along with ear mites, there are other parasites that can affect your dog’s ears:
Scabies. Caused by a highly contagious skin parasite, scabies tend to burrow in your dog’s skin which can result in scabs and hair loss. Scabies causes severe itching which can lead to intense and prolonged scratching.
Ticks. These are found in grassy or wooded areas and can attach themselves to you and your pet as you pass by. They have a tendency to find tender skin to bury in, like around the ears and under the legs, and can lead your dog to scratch at them. Although a tick’s bite does not itself pose a direct threat to your dog’s health, it can transmit serious (and sometimes fatal) diseases such as Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain fever.
Fleas. Fleas can make any dog’s life miserable (and their family’s)! These small, blood-sucking insects like to feed on your dog, causing them to itch and scratch. Not only can fleabites cause discomfort, itchiness and severe skin reactions, they can potentially transmit tapeworms if accidentally ingested by your dog.
👉 Worried about keeping your dog protected during flea and tick season? A chewable medicine, like Simparica, is easy to administer, safe, and effective.
If your dog won’t stop scratching their ears, they may have something stuck. Everyday objects like pebbles, twigs, foxtails, grass, grass awns, and grass seeds can find their way into your dog’s ears and cause issues. Some of these objects may be seasonal or dependent on where you live. So if you and your pup enjoy hiking in the woods or heavily weeded areas, make sure to be aware of potential natural plants and hazards in your area. Cheat grass and foxtails are the most common problems plants.
In addition to scratching, other signs that your dog has something stuck in their ear include head shaking, inflammation, redness, or a collection of seeds in or around their ear (most common during spring). It’s essential to locate and remove (this may require help from your vet) the obtrusive object as soon as possible to prevent further issues.
👉 Removal can be a very uncomfortable or even painful procedure. Many dogs will need heavy sedation or anesthesia to help the procedure be successful.
An infection in the external ear canal (otitis externa) is one of the most common types of infections seen in dogs. Breeds known to have large, floppy ears, such as cocker spaniels, basset hounds, or Labrador retrievers, tend to be more prone to ear infections, but ear infections can occur in any breed.
Yeast. Yeast infections are known to be extremely itchy. Besides rubbing and itching, other signs of yeast infection includes scabbing around the opening of the ear and a waxy residue. Yeast infections are usually associated with allergies, ruptured eardrums, a trapped object, a tumor or polyp in the ear or a bacterial infection. They can be painful and in some cases can lead to deafness if not treated. These infections are usually caused by trapped water or debris in the ear canal.
Mold, dust, feathers, pollen, cigarette smoke, certain foods, cleaning products, and other allergens can also lead to infections. If your dog has a yeast infection, you may notice the following symptoms:
Bacterial. In most cases, bacterial infections will develop as the result of another problem. Many of the other reasons listed above, such as allergic skin disease, foreign bodies or ear masses, can also be accompanied by bacterial infections.
Like the diseases previously mentioned, signs of bacterial infections include redness and swelling, shaking of the head and itching or rubbing of the ear. Ear mites are the most common cause of bacterial infections in younger dogs, and older pets may develop them due to yeast or bacteria.
Did you know that many dogs with chronic or recurrent ear infections may have allergies or low thyroid function (hypothyroidism)? Ear infections can often be a secondary symptom of underlying allergies, especially allergies to dust mites, pollens, and certain proteins in dog foods. If an underlying disease like this is suspected, it must be treated or your dog will continue to experience chronic ear issues.
👉 Help soothe your dog’s seasonal allergy symptoms with Premium Care’s Seasonal Aller-Immune Supplement for canines.
If your dog is showing any of the common signs of ear infections, it’s important to visit your veterinarian as soon as possible. Quick treatment is necessary not only for your dog’s comfort — these conditions can be painful! — but also to prevent the spread of infection farther into the ear.
When in the exam, your vet will use a magnifying ear cone to examine your pup’s ear. Your vet may also want to look at an ear discharge sample microscopically to determine the type of infection. If your vet suspects bacterial infection in the sample, the sample may get sent to a laboratory to determine the exact type of bacteria that is present and causing the infection.
Aural masses (masses in the ear) such as tumors or polyps, can act just like foreign bodies and be uncomfortable for your dog. Ear polyps are a type of tumor that grow in an abnormal place, like the ear canal, and spiral out of control. They can be fairly common in pets with frequent infections. If left untreated, they can cause infections and wax buildup, which can interfere with the function of the ear, such as balance and hearing.
Though uncommon to begin with, masses in the ears are more commonly benign or from chronic inflammation by a variety of causes and tumor does not mean malignant or benign, it only means "growth" and only can be determined with biopsy.
Dr. Bruce Armstrong
Mouth and tooth discomfort could be the root problem of your dog’s ear scratching. A tooth rot abscess (Trusted Source) , or infection of the root of a tooth, may be causing your pup to paw or swipe at their ears to try and relieve dental pain. Along with scratching or pawing at their ears, if you notice your dog is less inclined to chew on toys or food, it’s time to call the vet for an evaluation.
Your dog may be scratching at their ears more due to extra wax in their ear canals. If you notice more earwax than usual, you’ll need to determine what’s causing it. Allergies, infections, and ear mites are all common causes of excess ear wax, so make sure to give your vet a call to see if your pet needs to be evaluated.
Once the underlying cause is treated, your vet will help you develop a regular ear cleaning regime for your pup to prevent future irritations.
Once the reason behind your pup’s itchy ears has been diagnosed, your veterinarian will prescribe the proper treatment.
Foreign object. Your dog may try to shake their head to get something out of their ear. If you notice this behavior, check their ears for any signs of a foreign object. If you can do it safely, extract the object with your fingers or tweezers. Do not attempt to flush the ear with liquid as this can easily cause more damage and drive the foreign body deeper. Your vet will be able to assist with the removal in a safe manner.
Polyps. Ear polyps can usually be diagnosed with an otoscope, but some cases that are far back in the ear canal may require sedation and an MRI or CT scan. The most effective way to treat aural masses is to remove it surgically.
Infections. For ear infections, your veterinarian may want to take an ear discharge sample to search for bacteria, parasites or yeast. They will give your dog a thorough ear cleaning using a medicated cleaning solution. Your vet may also prescribe an ear cleaner, ear drops, or a topical medication for you to use at home. In severe cases, your vet may prescribe oral antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications.
Most uncomplicated ear infections resolve within one to two weeks, once appropriate treatment begins. But severe infections or those due to underlying conditions may take months to resolve, or may become chronic problems.
In cases of severe chronic disease where other treatments have failed, your veterinarian may recommend surgery such as a Total Ear Canal Ablation (TECA). A TECA surgery removes the ear canal, thus removing the diseased tissue and preventing the recurrence of infection.
It’s important to follow your veterinarian’s instructions closely and return for any recommended recheck appointments.
👉 Lapses in your dog’s treatment may lead to the recurrence of the infection.
As with most diseases, prevention is always best. Excess moisture is a common cause of ear infections, so be sure to thoroughly dry your dog’s ears after swimming and bathing. If your dog is prone to chronic or recurrent ear infections, identifying and managing any underlying causes, such as allergies, can help prevent new infections from occurring. Below are simple steps you can take to help keep your dog’s ears clean and problems at bay.
Inspect the ears regularly — Make sure to take a look inside your dog’s ears regularly to check for any changes, like redness, inflammation, excessive earwax build-up, wounds, foul odor, or discharge.
Use a vet-approved ear cleaning solution — Ear cleaning solutions aren’t one size fits all. Make sure to talk with your vet to find a vet-approved product that is right for your pet. It’s important not to overclean your dog’s ears and follow the cleaner’s instructions for regular use.
Massage the ear — Gently massaging your dog’s ears can help loosen build-up and make it easier to clean them out. It can also be a nice and relaxing bonding moment between you and your pet.
Wipe the inside of the ear — Cotton balls or rounds are great options for cleaning out your dog’s ears. Moisten the cotton ball or round with a vet-approved ear cleaner and wipe around the outer part of their ear. Make sure not to go too far inside their ear as this can cause damage to the ear canal.
Similar to regularly trimming your dog’s nails and having them bathed and groomed, cleaning your dog’s ears is an important step in maintaining their health. Talk with your dog’s vet to determine which ear cleaner is best for your pet. Our recommended ear cleaner is Virbac Epi-Otic Advanced Ear Cleaner.
Once you’ve chosen an ear cleaner, make sure to regularly clean your pup’s ears to reduce build-up and infection, especially if they’re an avid swimmer. Avoid cleaning your dog’s ears if they have an ear infection or an injury or redness in the area.
👉 Avoid at-home treatments that induce hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, or apple cider vinegar, and never stick a Q-tip in your dog’s ears.
Soothing your dog’s ear problems will vary depending on what is causing it, like a wound, infection, or something stuck inside the ear canal. Schedule a trip to your vet so they can determine what’s causing the increased itching and determine how to treat it.
Your vet will need to evaluate your pup to confirm if they have ear mites. Common symptoms of mites include scratching, head shaking, swelling, inflammation, or dark, crusted debris in or around your dog’s ear canal.
Dogs naturally scratch their ears, but excessive scratching is an issue. You need to confirm and address the underlying problem to treat obsessive scratching. Talk with your vet about possible solutions, like using a vet-approved ear cleaner and proper ear cleaning techniques.
Your dog might be itching his ears and shaking his head due to a discomfort in the ear. This can be due to a buildup of wax, presence of parasites like ear mites, bacterial or yeast infections, or allergies. If the behavior is persistent, it’s recommended to consult with a vet for proper diagnosis and treatment.
If the ear itching is persistent, if you notice other symptoms like redness, swelling, discharge, or bad odor, or if your dog seems to be in pain, it’s time to take them to the vet. These could indicate a more serious condition that needs professional attention.