For the Purrbabies

Poop stinks, but it belongs in every dog’s daily routine. Color and texture are the biggest tell-tale signs of a problem. A healthy dog should have slightly soft brown feces that only leave a little residue when scooped. Here’s a dog poop chart that breaks down what different types of dog poop mean and when it might be time to go to the vet.
Every dog’s poop is slightly different according to their diet, size, and individual factors. For this reason, it’s important to familiarize yourself with what’s normal for them so that you have the most accurate gauge for detecting problems as soon as they appear.
Poop is usually supposed to be various shades of brown. Abnormally colored poop, or brown poop with white specks, is usually cause for concern.
The consistency of your dog’s fecal matter will likely be your first clue that something’s wrong. A healthy bowel movement will be compact, moist, log-shaped, and able to retain its shape somewhat when picked up.
In contrast, bowel movements that take a lot of effort and appear pellet-like, hard, or dry typically indicate constipation.
If they’re experiencing diarrhea, the stool will be loose and without a defined shape. Waste that forms piles rather than logs is considered mild diarrhea. Bowel movements that are watery puddles are more severe.
Here’s a fecal scoring chart outlining the different types of poop consistency for dogs. Number 3 out of 7 is considered normal — 1 and 2 indicate constipation, and all numbers above 4 signify diarrhea.
Dogs should typically have one to two bowel movements per day. That being said, you know your dog’s digestive habits best, so you should be looking for abnormal behavior for your dog.
While most dogs poop once or twice a day, their normal differs slightly according to their diet and medical conditions. Thus, a baseline “normal” for one dog might look like pooping 2 times a day, but another dog might only poop once daily. You should also look out for:
Anytime your dog’s poop deviates from their normal routine, you should try to remember if they might’ve eaten anything that’s not a regular part of their diet.
For example, if your dog ate green cupcake frosting, that might be why their poop is green — not an issue with their gallbladder. If you can’t determine a dietary cause or if the event repeats, you should call the vet to see what to do next.
👉 Dark red stools indicate bleeding in the upper GI tract, which is a medical emergency. Always call your vet immediately if you spot black or maroon stools.
While your vet may be able to produce a stool sample in-office, your visit will go smoother if you bring one. To collect a stool sample, you’ll need to:
While dog poop might not be the most exciting aspect of pet ownership, it’s a good idea to keep up with the color, consistency, and frequency. Your pup’s bathroom habits can provide the first hints of when they’re not feeling well, which helps you give them the medical attention they need to stay healthy.
Normal stool is dark brown, solid, and easy to scoop but not rock hard. Unhealthy poop either squishes when you pick it up or feels like rocky pebbles. It may also have hints of other colors, like yellow, red, or green. If your dog has tapeworms, you may also see them as tiny white flecks in their poop that look like rice.
Chocolate brown poop that matches Type 3 or Type 4 in the dog poop texture chart is considered normal. Anything above or below indicates diarrhea or constipation.
Orange or yellow-tinted poop may indicate pancreatitis. However, it could also be something benign, such as indigestion. Call your vet if you notice yellow or any discolored poop to see what to do next, and take note of any other unusual symptoms.
When you scoop your dog’s poop on a walk or when they go in your yard, take note of the color and texture. Poop is a solid indicator of your dog’s health condition.
Yes. Pooping more than three times a day can mean something is wrong with your dog, especially if you observe a weird color or texture each time. Puppies poop way more than that — up to five times a day is considered normal as long as the color and texture is okay.