For the Purrbabies

Humans are all too familiar with runny noses. Whether it’s because we have a slight cold, are experiencing allergies, or we’re watching a sad movie, the sniffles come and go year round. But when it comes to our dogs, the underlying reason for nasal discharge may not always be as clear. With over 100 million olfactory receptors in dogs (Trusted Source) compared to the roughly 6 million in us, the possibilities can seem endless!
Because dogs naturally have wet noses, it can be hard to tell the difference between a normal wet nose and a runny nose. If your furry buddy’s nose suddenly gets a lot wetter than usual, starts dripping, or has a different color or texture, that could be a sign of a runny nose. On top of that, look for accompanying symptoms such as lethargy, coughing, and appetite changes, which may indicate something more serious is going on. If you’re ever in doubt, it’s always a good idea to check with your vet.
Generally speaking, a clear discharge from your pup’s snout isn’t cause for concern unless it presents with other symptoms. Again, these could include coughing, nasal congestion, lethargy, or appetite changes. Owners should also be on the lookout for nose discoloration (paler than normal), excessive dryness, or texture changes. If their nostrils are flaring more than usual or they’re panting differently, they could be having respiratory problems as well.
As with any health issue, consult your veterinarian to rule out underlying conditions and receive the best guidance on how to treat your dog’s runny nose.
👉 Any color or texture aside from the first one (clear and runny) should prompt a vet visit.
So why is your dog’s nose on the run? Here are root causes in order of least to most severe..
Perhaps the most common (and least serious) reason for a canine’s runny nose is that they are sweating. Dogs can’t regulate their body temperature through their skin the way that humans do, hence the heavy panting when they exercise or overheat. Instead of secreting sweat through their pores, they do it through their paw pads and noses. In the case of the latter, this sweating will present itself in the form of clear, odorless water in the nasal passage.
Another likely culprit for your dog’s runny nose is allergies. The same way that seasonal weather changes and flowers in full bloom spell trouble for a lot of human’s sinuses, dogs can be susceptible to pollens, dander, and spores. Other irritants that may trigger canine allergies include certain foods, prescription drugs, and dust mites. If your dog is experiencing allergies, their runny nose may sometimes be paired with other symptoms such as sneezing, itchiness, coughing, and eye discharge.
Your dog’s runny nose may be a product of their environment. Cigarette smoke, cleaning products, dust build up, lit candles, and incense are all possible irritants once inhaled indoors or outdoors. While these reactions can be seasonal, they can also be long-term if caused by a permanent element in your home or regular environment. Atopic reactions like sneezing and itching may accompany your dog’s runny nose in this instance.
Some dog breeds are more genetically predisposed to runny noses than others. Brachycephalic breeds (flat-faced/shortened snouts), like pugs and boxers, tend to have nostrils with narrow airways that make them more prone to irritation and breathing trouble. These dogs tend to experience more extreme sensitivities to seasonal changes than other breeds, including respiratory issues and heat intolerance.
In some cases, a dog’s runny nose is caused by an object blocking their nasal passage. Objects such as seeds, small toy parts, cotton, candle wax, and button batteries are small enough to enter your pet’s respiratory tract. Once stuck in the upper airways, they can cause runny noses, excessive sneezing, and nosebleeds. Additionally, if your dog is frequently pawing at their nostrils, they may have inhaled a foreign object.
Bacterial infections impact humans and their furry friends alike. They are often the result of a weakened immune system brought on from diet, lack of exercise, aging, or other illnesses. Owners who believe their pup has been infected should consult their vet ASAP before things get worse. Here are bacterial infections that can cause runny noses in dog:
In addition to bacterial infections, dog owners should consider whether their dog’s runny nose is the result of a viral infection. If you suspect your dog has contracted a virus, seek medical attention immediately before it gets worse. Here are viral infections that can cause runny noses in dogs and how to treat them:
Trauma to your dog’s nose or face can cause their nose to run. Lethargy, confusion or disorientation, or swelling of the nose are all signs your dog has experienced an injury of some kind and should be brought to their vet for further evaluation. If they begin vomiting or have different pupil sizes, seek emergency care, as they may have a concussion.
When examining your pup’s runny nose, visit the vet if you notice they are excreting blood, pus, or mucus, as it could be a sign of a polyp, or in more serious cases, a nasal tumor. Other signs to look out for are noisy breathing, ongoing nasal discharge from one nostril, sneezing, swelling on one side of the nose, and/or decreased appetite. While polyps are benign, nasal tumors can sometimes be cancerous. To diagnose a mass, a dog will typically need to be anesthetized while a physical exam of the nasal cavity is performed.
If you notice your dog has a runny nose or unusual discharge specifically after meals, this may be due to a cleft palate/lip or an oronasal fistula. A cleft palate or lip, seen commonly in beagles and Boston terriers, is a birth defect that causes two sides of your dog’s palate not to fuse properly, resulting in an opening of the upper lip. An oronasal fistula, on the other hand, usually happens due to oral infections or the loss of a tooth.
Depending on the cause of your dog’s runny nose, there are several treatments that can effectively get your pup feeling back to normal.
Keeping your dog inside during the hottest parts of a summer’s day (typically around 3:00 pm when the sun reaches its highest point) and giving them plenty of clean water can help prevent overheating and heat stroke. Owners can rest assured that a sweat-induced nose run should go away on its own when their fur baby’s body temperature goes back down and doesn’t require further treatment. Of course, if symptoms persist or change, it doesn’t hurt to bring them to the vet for a checkup.
The fastest and easiest way to avoid seasonal allergies in dogs is to steer clear of irritants that cause these symptoms whenever possible. Your vet may prescribe antihistamines and/or anti-itch medications to make your pup more comfortable, but if symptoms continue or get worse, they’ll likely administer an allergy test.
For environmental irritants, it’s best to separate or remove such triggers. In addition to prescribed antihistamines, the same Benadryl you have in your medicine cabinet can be used to safely combat allergic reactions your dog is having to elements of their surroundings that can’t be removed. Owners should always consult their vet to determine the right dosage for their respective pet.
Owners should seek veterinary care to have the object removed. That said, if you can see the object in their nose and feel comfortable trying to remove it yourself, make sure to use a clean pair of tweezers or small pliers, and plan a follow-up vet appointment to ensure your pup is okay. It’s very important to get the object out as soon as possible, both for your dog’s comfort and to prevent infections.
If your dog has an infection or injury and that’s what’s causing the runny nose, your vet will be able to help you find the best treatment to get your pooch feeling better. For infections like Bordetella, medication may be prescribed to speed up recovery, along with an additional antibiotic post-treatment to reduce the risk of a secondary infection.
For runny nose issues related to periodontal disease, professional dental cleaning will be administered and may require extractions for teeth that can’t be saved. For other infections, your vet may recommend certain antibiotics and steroids to boost their immune system and encourage you to help your dog recover with lots of rest, hydration, and drippy nose cleanings.
When it comes to potential injuries, your vet is the person most equipped to determine whether or not your dog is experiencing an injury and the severity of it. Walk them through your pet’s symptoms and they’ll advise you on the best treatment plan for their specific injury.
If the cause of your dog’s runny nose is due to narrowed nostrils, also known as stenotic nares, a simple cosmetic surgery can be performed to widen them and make breathing easier. Owners can also be mindful of overexertion during humid summer days and chilly winter days, when dogs genetically prone to runny noses may experience the most irritation.
If your dog has a polyp benign tumor, routine surgery can be administered to safely remove it from their nasal passage. In the event your dog is diagnosed with a cancerous nasal tumor, radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy are considered the best treatments to slow the growth of the tumors and prevent further spreading. Surgical removal of cancerous tumors in a dog’s nose is rarely successful.
And finally, if the cause of your pup’s runny nose is due to a cleft palate/lip or an oronasal fistula, the only effective way to treat these is through surgery. For puppies, a feeding tube may be implemented to allow the opening to grow smaller.
Owners should not hesitate to schedule an appointment with their vet to discuss their dog’s runny nose, regardless of the severity of it. Once there, a physical examination will be conducted to figure out the root of your dog’s sniffles and determine the best course of action, if any.
In some cases, you may be advised to treat your dog’s runny nose from the comfort of their home. Making sure you take the safest measures to prevent further illness will be key when treating your dog yourself.
No one wants to see their canine companion uncomfortable. Taking steps to prevent a drippy nose will keep your pup happy and looking spiffy.
If your dog has clear nasal discharge, it is likely nothing to worry about and will go away on its own. If the runny nose is accompanied by other symptoms like difficulty breathing or coughing, or if the discharge is discolored, consult your vet.
Air humidifiers, plenty of rest, and soft compressions can aid a dog with the sniffles in getting back to normal. If their runny nose persists, seek veterinary care.
Yes, it is safe to give your dog Benadryl to treat allergy-induced runny nose. Be sure to consult your vet on the right dosage for your respective pup.