For the Purrbabies

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Just like humans, dogs hiccup, itch, pass gas, and burp! When your dog burps, it’s because there’s too much air in their stomach. Their belches release the excess gas from their gastrointestinal tract.
🧠 For a more technical explanation, gas forms in their digestive tract due to a combination of stomach acids, digestive enzymes, and foods with a high pH level. Dogs belch to get rid of that air through their esophagus.
Burping is natural and can be caused by many things. Some behaviors, like fast eating, or underlying illnesses can cause belching. The important thing is to understand why your dog is burping and what to do if it is a serious case.
Burps usually go away on their own. However, sometimes burping can be an early sign of gastrointestinal problems or an underlying condition. If you notice any of the following symptoms, it could be a sign of a more serious condition or emergency:
When you arrive, the veterinarian will talk to you about your observations, observe your dog, and potentially order diagnostic tests. Treatment options will depend on what the burping is caused by.
For example, if the cause is inflammatory bowel disease, vets may do blood work. If your dog’s kibble or diet is suspected as the cause behind the burping, vets may use food elimination trials to determine if your dog has an allergy or intolerance. Vets may also give your dog fiber supplements or probiotics.
Burping isn’t necessarily a bad thing, though it may annoy you. However, in some cases, it could be a sign of something more serious. Though there’s no way to fully prevent burping (it’s natural!), you can reduce dog burps.
Change their diet — Look for dog food brands that are highly digestible and low in fat. Check to make sure that the brand includes enough fiber to help them digest their food. Talk to your vet about switching to a new food brand before making any changes.
Puzzle feeders and slow feeders — If your dog is eating too quickly, try replacing their food bowl with a puzzle feeder or slow feeder. You can buy one or create your own by sprinkling kibble on your floor or by placing small amounts of kibble inside each cup of a muffin pan.
Alter feeding times and portions — Try giving your dog several small meals throughout the day instead of a single meal. Smaller portion sizes can help your dog digest their food better.
Wait to feed your dog — Don’t feed your dog immediately before or following a long walk or when they are out of breath. If your dog is panting heavily, they will swallow more air as they eat.
Monitor mealtimes and avoid mealtime competitions — Dogs will eat quickly to protect their resources in a group setting. If you feed multiple dogs, avoid competition at mealtimes by feeding dogs in separate rooms.
Exercise — Leading an active lifestyle can help dogs get rid of built-up gas. If your dog has been extra gassy or burping more, try taking them on a longer walk or letting them loose in the backyard.
At the end of the day, dogs burp as a natural means to expel trapped air. If you notice consistent or more frequent dog burping, consider the potential causes — both harmless and more concerning — and contact your vet. More often than not, with a few tweaks to their routine, you’ll be able to reduce the excess burping to a normal level!
First, know that dog burping is normal. However, there are several steps you can take at home to help reduce excess burping, like slowing their rate of eating with a puzzle feeder or ensuring they’re getting enough exercise. If you worry that your dog is burping too much, seek veterinary care. Some situations are more emergent such as if your dog is in the beginning stages of bloat. Stay vigilant and aware of your dog’s symptoms.
In most cases, burping is totally normal for dogs. However, if you notice burping that leads to vomiting or is accompanied by abdominal pain, blue gums, or bad breath, see your vet as soon as possible as it could be caused by something more serious.
Yes, though it doesn’t necessarily sound like a human burp. But, all dogs are different and some pups may burp loudly.
A foul-smelling burp can be attributed to a few things, but the most common is an excess buildup of gas within the gastrointestinal tract or dental issues. If you’re worried that your dog’s breath post-burp is extra smelly, visit your vet.
It all depends on the dog! Some dogs rarely burp, and if they do it’s quiet. Others may burp more often and louder. Burps depend on multiple factors, such as diet, exercise, and breed.