For the Purrbabies

Before you start stroking your cat, learn more about their body language and follow our guide on the proper way to pet your favorite feline.
With their soft fur that rivals even the cushiest of pillows, it’s hard to resist giving your cat a good rub when they’re near you. Some cats welcome it, while others may have their reservations. Regardless of where your whiskered friend stands on being touched, cat owners should be aware that there is a right way and a wrong way to pet their favorite feline.
Not all kitties are the same, and you’ll get to know your specific cat’s preferences. Let’s dive into the specifics.
When it comes to petting a cat, body language is key. Our favorite fur babies are excellent communicators and can tell you a lot if you know how to listen. You’ll need to pay close attention to their movements, posture, and behaviors to assess whether or not they’ll be receptive to petting.
Cats can be notoriously difficult to read, and some breeds like ragdolls and Persians are known to be more affectionate than others. So how can we tell if they’re up for a gentle rub? Here are body language cues to look out for that indicate your cat is enjoying getting pets:
While some behaviors like biting or running off are clear indications that your cat does not want to be pet, other cues may be more subtle. If your cat exhibits any of these signs while you’re petting them, stop immediately:
👉 If your cat is demonstrating aggression or other bad habits, read our training guide for curbing unwanted cat behaviors.
So how exactly should owners go about petting their furry friends safely? It’s important to let your cat call the shots and interact with them on their terms. If you don’t ease into it, you could catch your cat off-guard and give them a negative association with contact or training. Follow our detailed guide for the best way to begin giving your feline pal a rub.
You may know it’s best to introduce yourself to a dog before you touch them, but did you know the same goes for cats? To do this, crouch down low so you’re on their level, and then slowly hold out two fingers towards their snout. Once your cat has had a chance to smell you, they may let their guard down and start “bunting,” a behavior in which they rub their head against your hand, face, or elsewhere. This is a cat’s way of exchanging scents through the glands in their head.
Or, they may just scamper away, and that’s fine too! Your cat could just not be in the mood for interacting at that particular moment. Don’t force it by following your cat around and sticking your fingers in their face, as that can end up making them even more resistant to being petted, and might even lead to an aggressive response. Be patient and try again another time when they may be more receptive to contact.
Once you’ve introduced yourself, your cat may decide to come closer. Keep in mind that just because your cat is approaching you, it doesn’t mean they’re ready to be petted. You need to consider the body language cues discussed above. There’s a big difference between rubbing up against you and purring, versus walking over with a raised tail and slanted ears. Give them a chance to feel out the situation and relax before you start engaging with them further.
When you’re ready to start petting your cat, it’s important to know which areas cats generally prefer to be touched, versus spots they get fussy about. It is believed that cats have a sweet spot for areas of their body where their scent glands are located, around their head.
Of course, every kitty is unique, so you’re going to want to gauge their body language to suss out their favorite places to be rubbed, and which parts are off-limits. For example, while one area may be commonly considered a spot cats like to be stroked, a condition like arthritis might make it a sensitive spot in your individual cat.
These are generally the best places to pet a cat:
While you may naturally want to stroke your cat’s fur for hours on end, you should be careful not to overdo it. Monitor your kitty’s body language the whole time so you can get a sense of when they start to seem “over it.” Your cat may communicate they’re ready to wrap up the petting session by shifting positions, stopping their purr, or inching away from you. When this happens, stop petting them so they don’t develop negative associations with it.
Cats have a reputation for being aloof and independent creatures. But the truth is, they crave attention more than you may think, even if they have a funny way of showing it sometimes. They are social creatures that often enjoy nuzzling and grooming fellow cats. While they know people aren’t cats, they will turn to them for similar interactions, whether in the form of contact, talking, or simply being around.
Petting a cat has been shown to benefit owners by reducing stress (Trusted Source) , improving cardiovascular health, and normalizing anxiety levels. It also benefits cats, as the action of being petted mirrors the action of being groomed by their mother or fellow kittens in their litter. In some cases, spending quality time with a cat can ease their depression and help them maintain a healthy immune system.
For many pet parents, the chance to pet their little furball is the reason they wanted to be a pet parent in the first place. If you’re careful to read their body language and not rush into it, you are not only setting yourself up for success but also setting your kitty up for bountiful rubs!
To pet your cat properly, let them come to you and read their body language to ensure they’re receptive to being petted. Cats generally prefer being pet on their heads between their ears, their cheeks behind their whiskers, under their chins, and along their backs.
Don’t pet a cat that is exhibiting aggressive or standoffish body language cues, like a tucked tail or hissing. When petting them, avoid areas they generally don’t prefer to be touched, like the belly, tail, legs, and paws.
Some of the things cats do to communicate love and affection are purring, kneading, slow blinking, and rubbing their heads against their human’s head, hand, or other body parts.
Petting a cat mimics the grooming and rubbing they would get from their mothers or other kittens in their litter. For humans, it can reduce stress and anxiety, and improve heart health.
If your cat isn’t being receptive to your petting, don’t force it or they’ll develop a negative association with petting and may resort to aggression. You can get your cat used to you by “introducing” yourself on their level with a couple of fingers extended towards their nose so that they get used to your scent, and then wait for them to come to you.