For the Purrbabies

Help your pup master their manners with these helpful training tips.
Being a pet parent can be a joyous journey, but there are times when our furry friends’ behavior can leave us puzzled and even frustrated. One such behavior is when a dog jumps up at strangers on walks or on guests in the home.
If you’re wondering how to stop your dog from jumping on people, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll share effective strategies for curbing this unwanted behavior, including:
Understanding why your dog behaves a certain way is the first step towards addressing the issue effectively. Dogs are social animals, and they often jump on people to express their excitement or seek attention.
When puppies are small, this behavior is usually seen as adorable, and it often gets rewarded inadvertently with giggles, petting, or treats. As dogs grow older, this behavior can become problematic, especially if your dog jumps up at strangers on walks.
In the wild, dogs jump up to greet each other face-to-face, as it’s a natural way for them to interact. So, when your dog jumps up on people, it may simply be trying to say hello in a way that feels instinctively right to them. However, while this behavior may be rooted in your dog’s natural instincts, it doesn’t mean it’s acceptable or safe.
Training your dog not to jump on people is a process that calls for patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. (Trusted Source) It’s important to remember that your dog isn’t trying to upset you when they jump up; they are simply behaving in a way that feels natural to them. Our job as pet parents is to guide our dogs towards more appropriate behavior.
Each of the following steps can be used individually or together to create a comprehensive training plan. Let’s dive into these effective strategies to help you understand how to stop your dog from jumping on people.
While training your dog to stop jumping on people, it’s important to manage their behavior effectively. This means creating an environment that reduces their opportunities to jump on people. For instance, if your dog tends to jump on visitors, consider keeping them on a leash or in another room until they calm down.
Managing your pet’s behavior also involves staying calm and patient. Dogs can pick up on our emotions, so if you react with frustration or anger, your dog might become more excited or nervous, leading to more jumping. Remember, this is a learning process for your dog, and it will take some time for them to fully understand what you expect from them.
One effective technique to stop your dog from jumping on people is to teach them to sit when greeting others. This method not only promotes good manners but also provides an alternative behavior for your dog. Here’s a simple way to do it:
By following these steps with patience and consistency, you’ll be well on your way to having a well-behaved dog who stays grounded during greetings.
The “four on the floor” method is a simple yet effective strategy to discourage jumping. The idea behind it is straightforward: your dog gets attention and rewards only when all four paws are on the floor. Here’s how to apply this technique:
Practice this method consistently until your dog understands that keeping all four paws on the floor leads to rewards.
Ignoring bad behavior is an essential part of training your dog not to jump on people. This means not rewarding your dog with any form of attention when they jump up. To effectively communicate with your dog that you disagree with their behavior turn away, cross your arms, and completely ignore your dog until they stop jumping.
Only when your dog stops jumping and calms down can you reward them with attention and praise. This will help your dog understand that jumping up leads to being ignored, while calm behavior leads to rewards.
Training your dog not to jump isn’t just about greeting people. It’s also valuable in other scenarios, like when you come home, when you’re sitting, or when guests arrive. Dogs often express their excitement or seek attention (Trusted Source) by jumping, but with consistent training and patience, they can learn more appropriate ways to interact.
Dogs often jump on their owners when they’re sitting as a way to seek attention or show affection. While it might seem endearing, this behavior can become problematic, especially with larger breeds. It’s crucial to discourage this behavior by ignoring your dog when they jump and rewarding them when they are calm and seated.
Coming home to an excited, jumping dog can be overwhelming and potentially dangerous, especially if you have a large dog. This is an instinctive greeting behavior in dogs. To manage this, try not to greet your pup immediately upon entering. Wait until your dog calms down, then reward them with attention and praise. Over time, your pet will understand that calm behavior leads to rewards.
Some dogs may jump on doors or walls out of excitement, anxiety, stress, or boredom. This behavior can lead to property damage and potential injury to your pet. Distracting your dog with toys or activities can help to alleviate this issue. Keeping them mentally and physically stimulated will also help relieve any pent-up energy or stress.
If your dog continues to jump on walls or doors, it may be worth consulting with a professional trainer, behaviorist, or a veterinarian to rule out any underlying issues.
Training your dog not to jump can sometimes be a challenging task, and it’s okay to seek professional help if you feel overwhelmed. In some cases, a dog’s jumping might be more than just an expression of excitement—it could be a symptom of deeper behavioral issues. Engaging with a professional trainer or behaviorist can be extremely beneficial.
If your dog needs to learn basic manners or tricks, a dog trainer would be a good choice. But if your dog has deeper issues—like aggression or extreme fear—that need addressing, you might need the help of a dog behaviorist. In some cases, you might even employ both – a trainer to teach commands and a behaviorist to tackle more complex behaviors.
Look out for these problem behaviors that may indicate the need for professional intervention:
Remember, there’s no shame in reaching out to professionals who have extensive experience in handling different dog behaviors. The American College of Veterinary Behaviorists (ACVB), (Trusted Source) the certifying board for veterinarians who specialize in animal behavioral health, can help you find a licensed dog behaviorist in your area.
Training your dog not to jump on people can seem like a daunting task, but remember, every step you take is a step towards a more harmonious relationship with your furry friend. You’re doing an amazing job, and it’s essential to keep in mind that these things take time. Your patience, understanding, and consistent effort are what will help your dog learn.
If you ever feel overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. There’s a whole community of pet lovers and experts who are ready to support you. Keep going, and remember – every day is a new learning opportunity for both you and your dog. Happy training!
Dogs often jump up on people as a way of greeting or seeking attention. It’s a natural behavior that stems from their early days as puppies when they would jump up to lick their mother’s face. Dogs might also jump to smell or reach something that has caught their interest. Remember, it’s not a sign of bad manners—it’s just how dogs communicate their enthusiasm and curiosity.
Training your dog to ignore strangers requires patience and consistency. Start by teaching your dog the “leave it” or “ignore” command. Use treats to reinforce positive behavior when they obey these commands. Gradually expose your dog to different environments with new people, always rewarding calm behavior. If your dog struggles with this, consider seeking help from a professional trainer or behaviorist.
Desensitizing your dog to visitors is all about creating positive associations. Start by having a friend or family member visit regularly. Keep your dog on a leash at first, rewarding them for calm behavior. Gradually increase the number of visitors and the frequency of visits while continuing to reward your dog for maintaining calmness. Over time, your dog should start to feel more comfortable around visitors.
It’s never too late to socialize your dog! While early socialization during puppyhood is ideal, older dogs can still learn new behaviors. Start slow, introduce your dog to new experiences gradually, and always make sure those experiences are positive. Seek professional guidance if you’re unsure—dog trainers can offer invaluable advice and techniques to help socialize your dog at any age.
Ignoring a dog’s jumping can be an effective part of your training strategy. Dogs often jump up for attention, and by ignoring them, you’re teaching them that jumping doesn’t achieve what they want. However, it’s important to combine this with other training methods, like redirecting their energy to a more positive behavior and rewarding them when they behave appropriately. Always ensure you’re consistent with your approach.