For the Purrbabies

Learn how to teach your dog to stay until released with these easy tips and techniques.
The secret for teaching a dog to stay is surprisingly straightforward. You just have to practice the stay command frequently and make sure to reward your pup with plenty of positive reinforcement. Do this repetitively over time in short and sweet sessions, keeping your pet engaged for 5 to 10 minutes at a time.
Owners can use these training techniques on dogs of all ages, whether you have a puppy or a senior dog. Without further ado, here’s everything you need to know about teaching your dog the sit and stay command sequence—and the small steps you can take to make your process as simple as possible.
While these aren’t mandatory additions, there are several different items to consider adding to your training repertoire to make training a seamless process for both of you. We recommend:
While it may feel tough at times, both you and your furry friend are capable of learning how to teach a dog to stay — and executing it well. Here are a few other tips to consider as you plan out your training sessions:
Limit distractions — Ideally, both you and your pet will train in a distraction-free area where you can more easily focus. Once you master the command with your pal, you can practice it in different settings. Working this way can build your pet’s tolerance for distractions over time.
Set a dedicated, consistent training time — Pets, like babies, thrive on routine. Instead of sporadic training schedules, set aside dedicated time to teach your dog. (Trusted Source) You can do this by choosing the same place to train (such as a room in your house) and training off of a specific word and hand signal. After your pet gets the idea, you can teach them new commands or practice in a variety of situations. Staying consistent is a great way to encourage quick mastery of whatever skill you’re teaching them.
Be patient and positive — Dogs are very attuned to how we feel as humans and may react based on what they perceive from us. Staying patient and positive can get you some seriously great returns later on in your training process. Not sure where to start? Verbal praise is always a good option, or you can introduce special training time toys or after-training activities for your dog to look forward to, such as a trip to the dog park.
Read up on any necessary prep work — Different dogs may have different needs. For example, hard-of-hearing or deaf dogs may need hand signals to accompany commands throughout the teaching process. Experts also find that using a hand signal or release cue in addition to verbal commands is a good way to solidify command training for your pet. Planning and choosing which ones you’ll use consistently across training sessions will make your time more impactful.
🎉 Bonus tip: Define a clear beginning and end of the session for your pet. Professional dog trainers do this by pairing verbal commands like “release” or “OK” with positive reinforcement, giving both to the dog once the action is complete. Doing this further cements what the command means to your dog, signaling a distinct start and end of the action.
Before your dog can stay, they usually have to sit. This step helps your dog understand that they won’t be going anyplace anytime soon (or at least until after the “release” command is called!) Have your dog learn to sit before moving forward in the training process, and reward them for their obedience with some love and a tasty treat.
👍 Haven’t learned “sit” yet? No problem — but you may want to wait to teach your pet this command. It’s best to use “stay” as a follow-up command to “sit,” as sit is a more basic command for many pets to learn.
Command your pet to “sit” again, working in a delay before rewarding them for obedience. Repeat this and increase the delay by a few seconds each time. This should get your dog comfortable with sitting and waiting for your next command, which is a great segue into the “stay” and “release” pairing.
👁️ Once your dog gets good at “sit”, practice breaking eye contact after they obey. This alone is a form of gratification, connection, and reward for your pet, which may signal that the command is “done successfully.” By breaking this, you tell them that there’s more coming, and to stay alert.
For many pet parents, this first “stay” will be the first time that your pet has heard the command — but that doesn’t mean it has to be overwhelming! Try to be as clear and firm as you can, showcasing confidence and control as you go. Start with short windows of “stay” time at first (even if it’s only for a second or two), and build as you practice the command.
Don’t forget — you can pair the verbal command with a physical cue as well, such as holding your hand up or crossing your hands; placing one hand over the other in an “X” shape. Doing this can be helpful, even if your pet isn’t deaf or hard of hearing. You can simply build a positive association with both verbal and physical commands.
By doing this now, you can choose to use either form of the command later on, making it easier to navigate social situations.
Once your furry friend gets good at staying, repeat the process and take a few steps back. See if they’ll remain in the position for at least a few seconds. If they do, continue lengthening the time in the command and stepping back further. You can build on this skill and extend the distance to be as far as you like. If they can’t, continue to practice until they can — and reward liberally with positive reinforcement and treats in either case.
The release command is fairly simple and serves a single purpose – telling your dog it’s OK to return to doing what they were doing. Since it signals a natural end, it also encourages your dog to stay in the position until you tell them otherwise — making your training sessions more effective once the command is learned.
We recommend teaching release with helpful hand signals, which can be as simple as a thumbs up or a clap. Once again, this allows you to use either signal in the future and creates more of an association for your dog over time, which may also come in handy for aging dogs dealing with hearing loss
Proofing is a simple way to ensure that your dog is confident in the next step before continuing. It helps you to pace your training and ensures that your dog is comfortable throughout every stage of learning.
Here are some graduated milestones that you should consider proofing for:
Here are our expert-approved tips to make your training time as effective as possible. We’re here to help!
Don’t be afraid of repetition — You’re not annoying your pet by repeating the command sequence over and over again. Practicing a specific position or movement until it becomes a habit is a great way to empower your pet to get it right each time, without stressing them out by training against a range of half-learned commands.
Build up your training sessions over time — If training is completely new to your pet, they may have a hard time focusing. Instead of starting with a ten-minute session, you can start with a two-minute sprint — building up to long periods over time. The important part to focus on here is repetition and giving your dog plenty of exercise and practice with one specific command. While there is no “easy way” to train, honing down on a single new command in short, focused bursts is often the best way for many pet parents.
Use commands together as your dog continues to master them — You can build up from a single starting position (like “sit”) and work into a down-stay combination command as your dog masters each new command.
Sometimes, your furry friend might need a little extra help for lessons to stick. Here are a few signs that might signal a need for some professional intervention by seasoned trainers and specialists.
Teaching your dog to stay is a great way to help keep them safe in new situations. As you begin the training process, be sure to start small and slow, working in focused bursts of time and rewarding your pet (Trusted Source) with each act of obedience. If you need help, you can work with licensed trainers and your veterinarian. You can also consult our extensive betterpet training articles collection.
Dogs learn on their own time. Your pet may take a few days, weeks, or months to master a command. So don’t feel like you have to rush the process! Instead, focus on making each training session as effective as possible, working in short, focused sessions for the best possible result.
Training a dog to stay is a good way to keep them safe in unfamiliar situations. It can also be useful if you have to step away while in public, and cannot take the dog with you.
A simple command of “stay” is often enough for your pet to learn the command. It’s best to pair “stay” with a visual cue, such as holding an open palm up toward your dog or snapping your fingers.
You can begin the process of teaching them to sit first, moving to a “sit-stay” combo once your dog gets that down.