For the Purrbabies

For animal lovers with cat allergies, it can be hard to enjoy the love and affection of a feline best friend while navigating their own healthcare. The good news? While no cat is truly hypoallergenic, there are cats out there that can fit your lifestyle!
While “hypoallergenic cat breed” (Trusted Source) is a popular term, there aren’t any true hypoallergenic breeds. Breeds like the ones listed above, however, are easier for allergy sufferers due to their coat type. But, what exactly causes allergic reactions?
It’s a common misconception that your cat’s fur causes your allergic reaction.Your cat’s saliva is actually to blame. The protein Fel d 1 is the culprit for allergy sufferers and, given how efficient cats are at grooming themselves, they spread the allergen across their coat. For cats that shed a lot, this fur, and the saliva on it, can be spread throughout the house and HVAC system used to circulate air.
Breeds that shed less, have less fur, or otherwise minimize how that allergen is spread are considered hypoallergenic.
Here are 10 hypoallergenic cat breeds that allergic pet lovers can welcome into their home without sacrificing their own comfort.
Also called the hairless cat breed, the Sphynx isn’t actually hairless, but their peach fuzz-like coat doesn’t shed. Because of this, they are an excellent choice for cat owners who suffer from cat allergies. However, they do require additional care and considerations compared to other cat breeds, so be mindful of these needs before rushing to adopt.
Known for their extra large ears and an angular face, the Cornish rex has a curly coat, making them unique compared to other cat breeds. Like hypoallergenic dog breeds, this curly coat sheds less, making them a better choice for allergy sufferers.
Javanese cats have a long, silky coat that, at first glance, may seem unfriendly to cat allergy sufferers. However, the lack of an undercoat and their fine hair mean that they shed less, which can minimize exposure to allergens.
While the Oriental shorthair may be more prone to shedding, their short, silky coat is easy to maintain. These cats tend to be excellent at self-grooming, but an occasional brushing may be beneficial at removing excess hair and preventing allergy flare ups.
Russian blues have a dense, short coat that these beautiful cats are able to maintain with little to no help from their owners. Baths aren’t necessary, but for those who have allergic reactions to cats, wiping down their velvety coat once in a while can be helpful in reducing allergens. We recommend making this part of your bonding experience with these curious, intelligent cats.
Like some other cat breeds, Siamese cats lack an undercoat and thus shed less. Siamese are the complete package when it comes to a cat — in addition to their low shedding and distinct appearance, Siamese have an amazing personality!
While Siberian cats have an extra thick, triple-layer coat, many cat sufferers say they have less of a reaction to Siberian cats. Scientists aren’t sure why exactly, but many theorize that Siberians produce fewer of the Fel d1 protein that allergy sufferers react to. Another possibility is that these affectionate, intelligent cats merely have a mutation resulting in fewer allergens altogether (Trusted Source) .
While the Balinese cat has a medium length coat, it’s silky and lacks an undercoat. This means that a Balinese who grooms themselves will likely minimize a pet owner’s exposure to allergens. However, occasional brushing can help prevent hair from getting on furniture and living spaces, and occasionally using pet wipes on your cat can reduce exposure.
Like some other cats on our list, the Devon rex has a unique coat that allows them to be a better option for cat allergies. These big-eared cats have a thin coat that typically sheds very little. While you can still expect some shedding, it’s infrequent and something that your cat can likely remove as they groom themselves.
A gorgeous and affectionate breed, the Burmese cat is a light, seasonal shedder with a short coat. This makes them ideal for owners looking for a cat that won’t leave their furry mark all over the home, or cause an allergic reaction to sensitive allergy sufferers.
There are a few ways to minimize the impact of these allergies, allowing cat owners to keep their beloved companions without the allergies (for the most part.)
👉It’s important to remember that your cat has unique and complex dietary needs. Do not make any changes or additions to their diet without first talking to your veterinarian.