For the Purrbabies

Declawing was a common practice from the 1970s until the early 2000s when follow-up studies showed that the procedure made cats more aggressive and caused unnecessary pain.
So what’s a cat-scratched owner to do? Rather than opting for declaw surgery, responsible pet parents can redirect negative attention and reinforce positive behaviors, encouraging their cats to sharpen their nails on a scratching post instead of the sofa.
Declawing can take two forms: an onychectomy or a tendonectomy. While a tendonectomy is slightly less traumatic, neither option is really good for cats and can increase aggression, among other potential complications.
An onychectomy is what people typically mean when they refer to declaw surgery. This procedure slices off a cat’s distal phalanx, which is the last bone on the toe, with a surgical scalpel, surgical laser, or sterilized guillotine-style nail clipper.
Because a cat’s claws are connected to this bone, they usually won’t grow back. However, this surgery isn’t 100% effective. Sometimes a cat’s claws do attempt to grow back, which is extremely painful for the cat.
It can also predispose them to chronic pain, lameness, inappropriate elimination, and behavioral changes such as aggression.
Instead of cutting bones, a tendonectomy slices the tendon in a cat’s paws, preventing them from extending their claws or scratching. While it’s not as cruel as an onychectomy and the nails themselves are not removed, a tendonectomy still leads to some of the same consequences, including impaired balance and defense.
While declawing is still legal in most parts of the United States, the American Veterinary Medical Association and most veterinarians discourage it in most cases. There are a few limited reasons that may justify declawing a cat, including a tumor on their toe, injury, or an attempt to prevent euthanasia.
Some veterinarians opt for declawing a cat over a pet parent’s threat to surrender or euthanize their cat due to scratches. However, most veterinarians will suggest alternatives to declawing, including frequent nail trims, nail caps, scratching posts, or even rehoming the pet rather than putting them through painful surgery.
While declawing is sometimes mentioned as a precautionary measure for immunocompromised populations, Dr. Cahn warns that this advice isn’t grounded in truth.
Diseases such as cat scratch fever can be transmitted through cat scratches. However, it is not supported in literature or by major organizations (AAHA, AVMA, CDC) that cats should be declawed for human health reasons. The risks and harm of declawing to the cat far outweigh the potential for a healthy cat to transmit disease.
Dr. Liza Cahn
While you may be able to legally declaw your cat, there are many reasons why you shouldn’t. Some of these drawbacks include:
Declawing isn’t an ethical option, but thankfully there are countless ways to preserve your furniture that won’t hurt your cat.
Instinctually, cats scratch to sharpen and maintain their claws. Providing them with productive objects like a cat tree or cardboard scratching post keeps you both happy. “
Individual cats have different preferences. Try a variety of scratching posts (vertical vs. horizontal) and materials to see what your cat likes.” — Dr. Liza Cahn
Draping a cover over the back of the sofa or buying cat furniture protector tape sheets shields your furniture from claws while still giving your cat somewhere to scratch.
Nail caps slide on the tip of your cat’s nails, rendering them dull without removing them. A groomer or vet may be able to help apply them but keep in mind that they’ll need to be replaced about every 6-8 weeks.
Keeping your cat’s nails trimmed may reduce scratching. Getting your cat used to it early on will make regular trimming easier.
If anxiety is causing your cat to excessively scratch, a diffuser with a feline-friendly formula like Feliway may help relieve tensions.
👉 Always ask a vet before diffusing essential oils or any formula that isn’t made for cats. Some essential oils, chemicals, and fragrances are toxic to cats.
Declawing isn’t a humane option — even if it remains a legal one in most parts of the United States. If your cat scratches excessively, opt for safer ways to solve the problem, like nail caps, trims, or scratching posts instead. Reinforcing positive behaviors fulfills their instinct and protects your furniture, too.
Still struggling? Consider consulting a veterinary behaviorist.
Declawing doesn’t only remove claws, it also removes the last bone in each of your cat’s toes. While only two states have outlawed the practice so far — New York and Maryland — the procedure is illegal in most of Europe and many countries worldwide. Certain cities in the US such as Berkeley, California, have also banned declawing. Other states are currently working on legislation.
Declawing forces a cat to relearn how to walk, so it’s best to declaw them before they’re six months old — if at all. While many veterinarians discourage declawing regardless of age, a cat must weigh at least two pounds before surgery is on the table. If you’re planning on declawing your kitten, it’s easiest to do so when they are already under anesthesia during their spay/neuter surgery.
So far, New York and Maryland are the only states where it is illegal to declaw a cat. However, certain U.S. cities have outlawed the practice, and there are talks of more to follow. In most places in the US, you are still usually able to get your cat declawed if you want to. The American Veterinary Medical Association discourages the procedure though, and some individual veterinarians or entire clinics may choose not to offer those services.
While the AVMA discourages declawing, some vet schools still teach students how to perform an onychectomy. However, even these schools have their limits. For example, Purdue University Veterinary Hospital will only declaw under certain cases — usually to prevent euthanasia.
No, declawing permanently removes a cat’s claws and the last bone on their toes. This non-reversible procedure causes long-lasting consequences. Cats have to relearn to walk, painfully adjusting to walking without their toe bone or the claws themselves that they use for grip and balance. In some cases the claws can partially grow back, leading to further complications and the need for another surgery.