Feline Health Problems
What is leptospirosis in cats? Signs, symptoms, and treatment

What is leptospirosis in cats? Signs, symptoms, and treatment

Although leptospirosis is commonly thought of as a canine disease, your cat is also at risk.

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  • Leptospirosis in cats is rare — If your cat does develop it, cases are generally mild. However, leptospirosis may result in long-term kidney disease.
  • Owners are at risk, too — Leptospirosis affects animals and humans alike. It’s possible (though unlikely) that your cat can infect you.
  • Treatment averages around $1,200 — Between the cost of tests, procedures, and antibiotics, treating your cat’s leptospirosis can run anywhere between $800 and $3,000.

What is leptospirosis?

Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease most commonly caused when pets come into contact with contaminated soil, water, food, or bedding. There are more than 260 strains of the Leptospira bacteria, including Canicola, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Pomona, and Grippotyphosa. Dogs are generally vaccinated for these strains, but unfortunately, there is no vaccine available for cats.

While infection is rare among cats and cases are generally mild, leptospirosis can cause liver and kidney failure. Dogs may even develop severe lung disease or bleeding disorders. In cats, it is thought that leptospirosis may be responsible for the development of chronic renal failure (Trusted Source) at a later date.

🚨 Leptospirosis is transmissible between pets and people. If your pet has been diagnosed with the disease, wash your hands after handling your pet and wear gloves when cleaning up after them.

Symptoms of leptospirosis in cats

Leptospirosis is less well understood for cats than dogs, but in general, cats rarely show symptoms while they’re infected. Researchers say that there may be a link to future chronic kidney disease. Signs of kidney damage in cats can include:

  • Weight loss. As kidney damage sets in, toxins build up in the bloodstream, contributing to nausea. When your cat feels nauseated, they won’t want to eat, which leads to weight loss.
  • Vomiting. The nausea felt by cats experiencing kidney failure can cause vomiting. They may vomit bile, a greenish-yellow substance produced in the gallbladder. Excessive vomiting can also lead to dehydration.
  • Diarrhea. In addition to nausea and vomiting, toxin buildup can lead to diarrhea in cats suffering from kidney failure.
  • Swelling. Affected cats may experience swelling around their mucous membranes and/or lymph nodes.
  • Lethargy and stiffness. A cat that doesn’t feel well will be less active than normal, especially if kidney damage is setting in. Leptospirosis can also cause soreness and stiffness of the muscles (especially the legs), and an overall stiff gait.
  • Changes in urination. Damaged kidneys are unable to conserve water and concentrate urine well, so your cat will urinate more. Excessive urination can also lead to accidents outside the litter box.
  • Increased thirst. To help flush out toxins and compensate for dehydration, your cat will want to drink more, which also contributes to increased urination.
  • Poor grooming. A cat that doesn’t feel well won’t groom as much as usual. Systemic diseases like kidney failure can also contribute to hair loss, matting, and a general unkempt appearance accompanied by weight loss and/or muscle loss.
  • Pain. Cats with kidney damage may become irritable and uncomfortable when touched. Infection causes painful, swollen kidneys, muscles, joints, and gastrointestinal tissue.
  • Bad breath. At end-stage kidney failure, your cat’s breath may smell slightly like ammonia.
  • Hematuria. Red blood cells can become damaged and pass in the urine, causing the urine to appear red or dark brown.
  • Yellow skin and whites of eyes. Leptospirosis can result in symptoms similar to those of anemia, including pale or yellowish skin, overall weakness, difficulty breathing, and irregular pulse.

What causes leptospirosis

Outdoor cats have a much higher risk of contracting leptospirosis than indoor-only cats, as they may have contact with the urine of infected animals found in the soil, standing water, and on plants. There’s also a greater chance outdoor cats will suffer cuts and abrasions, which lead to moist, weakened skin where bacteria can enter the body, or become infected by coming in direct contact with wild animals. For example, cats that hunt and eat infected mice (Trusted Source) may become ill with leptospirosis.

How veterinarians diagnose leptospirosis in cats

Because leptospirosis can be transmitted to humans (also known as a “zoonotic” disease), vets have to take extra precautions when testing any pet for this condition. Latex or nitrile gloves should be worn at all times, and all body fluids are treated as biologically hazardous materials. Once the examination begins, the vet will conduct a number of common diagnostic procedures, including:

  • Medical history. Vets will ask for a detailed rundown of your cat’s medical history, including the presence of any underlying conditions and how long they’ve been exhibiting symptoms of leptospirosis. It’s helpful to provide the vet with clues as to how your cat may have contracted the infection, as it can help them determine what parts of the body might be affected.
  • Chemical blood profile. Also known as a blood chemistry test, this measures the level of different substances in your cat’s blood, including electrolytes, enzymes, fats, proteins, and sugar (glucose).
  • Blood count. This test measures the number and different types of cells present in the blood, including red and white blood cells, platelets, and hemoglobin.
  • Urinalysis. This test examines the content of a cat’s urine to detect possible urinary tract and kidney infections.
  • Electrolyte panel. This blood test measures the level of key electrolytes in the body, including sodium, chloride, calcium, potassium, bicarbonate, (Trusted Source) and phosphate.
  • Fluorescent antibody urine test. Also known as a fluorescent antibody technique, or FAT, this test detects the presence of foreign bodies like viruses and bacteria in urine by incubating a sample smear with a fluorescent labele antibody solution.
  • Urine and blood cultures. These tests help detect bacteria in a cat’s urine and blood, respectively.
  • Microscopic agglutination test (titer test). This test measures the presence of antibodies in the bloodstream to gauge your cat’s immune response to leptospirosis, and subsequently, the severity of the infection.

Treatment for leptospirosis

Treatment for a leptospirosis infection will ultimately depend on how severe it is when it’s caught. Mild infections can be treated with a course of antibiotics, but more severe cases can lead to long-term kidney disease, multiple organ failure, and even death. Severe illness will require immediate hospitalization, but cats have an especially good progress for recovery as long as the infection is caught early.

Leptospirosis is very rare in cats and most of the time goes undiagnosed. I don't know of any recent studies on carrier states and rates of infection. Generally speaking, a plethora of other serious diseases would be ruled out before jumping to feline lepto, unless a family member or dog in the family was diagnosed first. It's a case of looking for horses and not zebras when you hear galloping hooves.
Dr. Bruce Armstrong

The use of antibiotics

The type of antibiotic the vet uses to treat your cat’s leptospirosis will differ depending on the stage of infection, but you can generally expect courses to last for at least four weeks. Penicillin and ampicillin are effective for inhibiting growth in the early stages of the infection, but are unable to eliminate the bacteria once it’s reached the carrier stage.

Carrier stage cases of leptospirosis require antibiotics that more effectively reach the bone tissue, including tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones, and doxycycline. These antibiotics may result in adverse reactions and side effects. Keep an eye on your cat at all times throughout their treatment, and notify your vet ASAP if you suspect something’s off.

Milder cases of leptospirosis may not require a two-stage antibiotic treatment, and can often be treated with doxycycline alone.

Treating the symptoms

If your cat is experiencing dehydration or vomiting as a result of leptospirosis, they may require a combination of fluid therapy and anti-vomiting drugs, also known as antiemetics. Alternatively, a gastric tube can be used to help feed your cat essential vitamins and nutrients when they are unable to keep it down. In cases of anemia or blood loss, a blood transfusion may also be required.

If your cat has been diagnosed with kidney disease as a result of a leptospirosis infection, more extensive treatment may be necessary. This can include a special diet to limit your cat’s phosphorus and protein levels, as well as dietary supplements like fish oil, which has been shown to boost kidney function. (Trusted Source)

Kidney disease caused by leptospirosis is a chronic condition. That means it can’t be cured completely, but its progression can be slowed and symptoms can be minimized with the right treatment plan.

Managing your cat during treatment

Leptospirosis is a serious condition that can be spread to all mammals, including humans. That means you need to be extra careful around your cat as long as they are carrying the infection.  Follow these precautions to keep yourself, your family, and your other pets safe over the course of your cat’s treatment.

Management at home

Once your cat is discharged from veterinary care, they should be isolated from pets and people for at least six weeks to prevent the spread of infection.

During treatment, always wear gloves when feeding and cleaning their litter box. Use iodine-based disinfectants or bleach solutions when cleaning the litter box and immediately dispose of any waste outside your house. For added safety, you may wish to double-bag your pet’s waste during their treatment to prevent wild animals from getting into it. Last but not least, be sure to wash your hands (Trusted Source) every time you come in contact with your cat.

If any children or pets were present in your home before your cat’s diagnosis, it may be best to have them tested for leptospirosis, too. Remember: this infection is more easily treated the earlier it’s detected. After the initial six week quarantine has ended, it’s also advised to run follow-up tests with your vet to ensure your cat is no longer in the carrier stage of the infection.

Preventing leptospirosis in cats

Leptospirosis is not only expensive to treat — it’s a potentially life-threatening condition that’s capable of spreading to every member of your family (furry and otherwise). This makes prevention extra important here. Unfortunately, there’s no widely available vaccine for leptospirosis in cats, and diagnostic tests aren’t always 100% accurate. However, you can still take these steps to minimize your cat’s risk of infection:

  • Keep your cat indoors. Keeping your cat indoors greatly reduces or completely eliminates their risk for several infections. Not only will keeping your cat inside help prevent leptospirosis, it will also fend off a host of other communicable diseases between cats, including feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), feline leukemia virus (FeLV), and feline panleukopenia (FP).
  • Prevent your cat from drinking standing water. If your cat does go outdoors, ensure they have a steady supply of fresh, clean water to drink. Dump out bowls, plant pots, and other containers that may trap water to prevent cats from drinking stagnant water.
  • Invest in a cat water fountain. Going off the last point, clean water is essential for preventing leptospirosis. The movement of cat water fountains encourages cats to drink more, subsequently improving their kidney, bladder, and overall health.
  • Keep rodents out of your home. Infected rodents are a major source of leptospirosis among cats. If mice are getting into your home, hire an exterminator to block their entrance points and deal with infestation as quickly as possible. Just make sure to keep rodenticides well out of reach from cats during this time.
  • Vaccinate your dog for leptospirosis. While leptospirosis can be transmitted from pet to pet, vaccines are available to protect dogs from infection. If your dog is vaccinated, it significantly decreases the risk that they’ll pass the disease on to you or your cat.
  • Avoid introducing new animals into your home. While it may be okay to get new pets after your cat’s infection has cleared, mixing with other mammals poses an increased risk for both contracting and spreading leptospirosis.

Frequently asked questions

Can I get leptospirosis from my cat?

Yes. Leptospirosis is a “zoonotic” disease, which means it’s communicable between multiple species of wild and domesticated animals, including dogs, cats, cows, pigs, sheep, and even humans. That’s why it’s so important to take the proper precautions when treating a leptospirosis infection in your pet.

How do I know if my cat has leptospirosis?

Your veterinarian will take a blood or urine sample from your cat to definitively diagnose leptospirosis. If you suspect your cat has leptospirosis, use caution when interacting with your pet. Wear gloves when cleaning their litter box or accidents outside the litter box. Leptospirosis can be transmitted to you from your cat.

Can cats survive leptospirosis?

Yes, cats can survive leptospirosis. Treatment with antibiotics and intravenous fluids will eliminate the bacteria while supporting kidney function. On the other hand, a leptospirosis infection may cause cats to develop other, potentially life-threatening conditions like chronic kidney disease.

How common is leptospirosis in cats?

Leptospirosis is rare in cats, especially in indoor cats. In fact, it was once thought that cats couldn’t get leptospirosis. Additionally, even if a cat does become infected with Leptospira bacteria, they rarely develop clinical signs. If they do develop disease, symptoms are usually mild.

Can cats be vaccinated against leptospirosis?

No. There is no vaccine available for leptospirosis in cats. However, there is one available for dogs. To prevent this disease from being transmitted to other pets and people in your household, vaccinate your dog.

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