For the Purrbabies

So you’ve noticed that your dog has pale gums — is that cause for alarm? The truth is, pale gums could be normal for your pet, especially if you’ve noticed them before. However, there’s always the chance that it could mean something more serious, like cancer, anemia (Trusted Source) , or some other underlying cause.
If your dog’s gums appear pale or off-colored, you should take them to the vet immediately, as this can be a sign of a life-threatening condition. Some common causes of pale gums in dogs include:
Your dog could be anemic, which means they don’t have enough circulating red blood cells. Poor circulation results in pale gums and other possible symptoms such as lethargy or lack of appetite.
Anemia in itself is not a disease, however, an anemic dog may have another illness that’s causing their condition. These could include an autoimmune or chronic disease such as kidney failure (Trusted Source) , internal bleeding, metal poisoning, parasites, or cancer. They might also be experiencing a bleeding mass in their abdomen or chest area. Heavy blood loss can also cause anemia without any other illness present.
Bloat in dogs can occur when trapped gas causes their stomach to become distended. A swollen stomach can cut off blood supply to vital organs very quickly, so if you suspect bloat, take your dog to the veterinarian immediately. Your dog’s stomach or colon can experience volvulus (twisting), which will require surgery to treat.
Like anemia, internal bleeding in dogs is a sign of a serious medical issue. Cancerous tumors, trauma, or ingesting poison (like rodenticide) or toxic foods or chemicals are all possible reasons for internal bleeding to occur.
There are two different types of kidney disease in dogs — chronic and acute. While chronic renal failure is a degenerative condition with no known cure, acute renal failure is typically caused by infection or anemia that can occur from ingesting toxic items such as chocolate or ibuprofen. If your veterinarian catches this disease early, your pet stands a better chance of recovery.
Poor circulation from heart disease can result in pale gums. Unfortunately, heart disease is fairly common, especially among elderly dogs. Although there isn’t a cure, your pet can still have a good quality of life with proper treatment.
There are several different types of blood clotting disorders in dogs. Some are genetic in origin, and others have environmental factors, such as eating rat poison. While it may seem like an odd symptom, the paleness is caused by the blood’s inability to coagulate — blocking the redness of the heme to show through the thin skin of the gums. While these disorders cannot be cured, they can be managed.
Other causes for blood loss that aren’t clotting-related include anemia, persistent vomiting (specifically vomiting up blood), and a bloody nose that has not resolved.
Severe dehydration can cause pale gums in dogs. Especially during warmer summer months, Fido must have plenty of access to clean water. Dogs with a lot of fur can overheat relatively quickly compared to those with shorter coats. This also holds true for flat-faced, or brachycephalic (Trusted Source) , dog breeds.
Similar to dehydration, but much more serious, shock occurs when your dog can’t get enough oxygen to their brain. There are several different types of shock including hypovolemic (loss of fluid), cardiogenic (originating from the heart), anaphylactic (allergic reaction) (Trusted Source) , and subjection to extreme temperatures. In addition to pale gums, signs your dog might be going into shock include excessive yawning, lethargy, and cold skin or ears.
⚠️ Going into shock can be life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention. If you sense your dog is going into shock, call the vet at once.
Pale gums in dogs can be pretty easy to recognize. However, you should check your dog’s gums periodically as part of a comprehensive healthcare routine. Pay special attention to changes you see, especially if your dog has spotted or black gums that can hide health-related changes.
Here are some steps to check your pup’s gums:
If your dog has pale gums — or if they are discolored in any other way — you should take them to the vet to determine any underlying health issues. Discoloration you might notice can be directly related to your pet’s circulation and blood cell health, which is critical for their survival.
After you notice the color change and connect with your veterinarian, watch your pet closely for symptoms such as increased heart rate or respiratory trouble that could mean your pet is going into shock.
Any gum discoloration you see is reason enough for a veterinary visit — whether or not your pet is experiencing any accompanying symptoms. However, certain symptoms are more urgent than others, requiring immediate medical attention — such as:
Once you arrive at the clinic, your veterinarian will determine the underlying cause of the changes you’ve seen in your dog’s gums. There are many different ways they can diagnose your pet.
If you notice a change in the color of your dog’s gums, there are many different non-invasive methods your pet can use to determine potential causes. Some of the most common include:
Lab testing can give your veterinarian a better look at what’s going on inside your dog — assessing for key counts/values and other signs that could speed up the diagnostic process.
Some of the most common lab tests used if your dog has pale gums include:
Your dog’s gums should always be somewhat pink. If your dog’s gums are noticeably any other colors, you should take them to the vet. Here are some other possible conditions that might be making your dog’s gums change colors. If your dog’s gums are:
👉 Black or brown-colored gums can be common for some breeds and breed mixes, including chow chows, Shar-Pei, and others. Knowing the baseline color of your dog’s gums can help you more easily notice any changes.
The treatment of your dog’s pale gums generally depends on the cause. If your dog normally has lighter-colored gums, pale gums can be normal. However, the sudden development of pale gums could point to a deeper issue at hand — either something fairly routine, like anemia, or one that could require emergency medical attention like cancer or internal bleeding.
Identifying pale gums in dogs and their underlying causes are often two first steps toward getting your furry friend well again. That means that any time you notice a change in the coloration of your dog’s gums, it’s time to visit your veterinarian. They can help you to address the problem as quickly as possible, keeping your furry friend healthy and safe.
In many cases, yes! Pale gums often signify serious underlying health issues that will require immediate medical attention.
If you suspect your dog might have unhealthy gums, try the gum test. Hold your index finger to their gums for two seconds and then release. Their gums should turn white for a couple of seconds and then go back to normal. If the color in their gums doesn’t return to normal (typically pink), take your dog to the vet, as pale or discolored gums can be an indicator of a serious health problem. You can also check for irritation around the gum line that could show signs of gum disease.
White gums can indicate dehydration in dogs, especially if their surrounding oral (or mouth) area is dry to the touch. However, if their gums feel slimy or sticky beyond what you’d normally expect with saliva, it could be a sign of a serious medical condition.
Your dog can have a variety of gum coloration when they are sick. The better thing to watch for is any sort of rapid change. Some breeds naturally exhibit colored or spotted gums, and others have pink gums. Any rapid changes in color, such as significant darkening or lightening, could indicate sickness.
Yes, anemia can cause pale gums in dogs. If you notice pale dog gums, seek veterinary support right away. A doctor can successfully diagnose and treat your furry friend, giving you both the peace of mind you deserve.