For the Purrbabies

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Peppermint oil is extracted from the leaves of a peppermint plant, a wintergreen mint and herb found in North America and Europe. For people, peppermint oil (Trusted Source) can aid digestion and relieve headaches, muscle pain, and itching. Its mild antibacterial and antifungal properties have shown its effectiveness in some studies. Many enjoy essential oils, like peppermint oil, in a diffuser or a topical roller.
Unfortunately, your dog won’t get those same benefits, and more bad news: many other essential oils used in home diffusers are also unsafe for pets.
⚠️ Pine, citrus, cinnamon, tea tree, and ylang-ylang essential oils are also toxic to pets. Avoid giving them to your dog or even diffusing them, as this can trigger inflammation in your pet’s airways.
Despite the risks, some pet owners say it’s an effective treatment for several dog health conditions. With relatively little scientific research, it’s difficult to say what, if any, amount is safe or even beneficial. As with any pet product, your source of truth should be your veterinarian.
We don’t find any of these to be a trade-off for the list of possible symptoms below — all of which can happen even when peppermint oil is used in small amounts in essential oil diffusers or when topically applied. You’re taking on a large amount of risk for minimal benefits, if any.
⚠️ If you’re looking for alternatives to flea medicines, check out our list of natural and safe ways to get rid of fleas on your dog.
A lack of enzymes in your pet’s liver may be to blame for peppermint oil’s toxicity. Compounds that would normally be processed and eliminated by humans build up in dogs. It’s not just oil, either — everything peppermint-related, from the oil to the plant and peppermint tea, is toxic to your pet. The high concentration of menthol (the main component of peppermint oil) in any part of the mint family can cause a range of symptoms that can be uncomfortable, or in some others, deadly.
I have had cases of severe contact dermatitis and immune-mediated dermatitis from essential oils. Serious GI issues and esophageal and oral ulcers can occur just from contact alone. Further research into retrospective studies and additional research yet to be conducted could offer promise in the future but at this point, use is not recommended.
Dr. Bruce Armstrong
In short, peppermint oil may make your dog quite sick.
Essential oils are highly-concentrated plant extracts that are usually made through distillation. They’re primarily used for aromatherapy, but some people use them for medicinal purposes. Many essential oils are toxic for dogs, whether ingested, applied topically, or breathed in from a diffuser.
Claims of essential oils’ health benefits in dogs are not yet scientifically backed. But, some dog owners swear by essential oil products — chamomile oil is thought to prevent worms; lavender oil is claimed to ease anxiety; and some say lemongrass wards off mosquitos. However, you should remember that these claims are personal testimony, not scientifically or medically supported facts.
The potency of these oils also makes them especially dangerous to dogs with lower-functioning livers, including puppies, older dogs, and dogs with liver disease. High-potency substances like essential oils can cause strain and damage to the liver, leading to the symptoms of essential oil poisoning.
Here are a few helpful tips to help keep you and your pup as safe as possible.
Even products you use on yourself can be fatal to your dog. Adverse side effects can result if your dog comes into contact with you after you’ve used or applied peppermint oil, so take precautions before handling your dog.
If you want to try out an essential oil, do your research and talk to a veterinarian. They can help you pick out a quality, expert-formulated product with plenty of carrier oils to dilute the potency.
No, peppermint oil is not safe for cats. Applied topically, peppermint oil can seep through their fur and skin and cause liver damage. Even when used aromatically, the smell can overwhelm their sensitive noses and cause difficulty breathing or increased heart rate.
Bring your dog to the vet or nearest vet emergency center. We also recommend calling pet poison control immediately. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control phone number is (888) 426-4435.
Simply breathing diffused peppermint oil can cause respiratory distress in your dog. Wheezing, coughing, and breathlessness can occur due to the severity and potency of peppermint oil. If this has happened, we recommend getting your pet to fresh air ASAP to avoid further complications.
Peppermint is not OK for dogs, as the plant oils can sit on the surface of the leaves. Because of this, your dog might experience irritation or symptoms of intolerance by simply touching a peppermint plant or peppermint product — they don’t necessarily have to eat it to be affected.
There are conflicting reports about what essential oils are truly “dog-safe.” Because of the range of sensitivities and reactions that your furry friend can have, we generally recommend against using ANY essential oils on or around your pet. These include diffused scents, which can enter your dog’s sensitive respiratory tract.
Peppermint oil, no matter what you’re using it for or on, should always be diluted with a carrier oil such as coconut oil. However, peppermint is generally not a safe plant or essence for dogs in any context, so we do not recommend it in any form, even when diluted.