For the Purrbabies

Overweight pets are at risk for serious health complications, but obesity is preventable. Here’s everything you need to know about the dangers of pet obesity and how to help.
Pet obesity is an epidemic with a 108% increase in dogs diagnosed as overweight or obese from 2011 to 2020, according to a Banfield Pet Hospital report. The news was worse for cats — a 114% increase in obesity diagnoses from 2011 to 2020. And the COVID-19 pandemic didn’t help with a 2.3% uptick in dogs diagnosed as overweight or obese from March to December 2020.
If you have an overweight pet, solutions may be a bit more complicated than cutting back on human food or other treats, but they’ll pay off in the long run. Keeping your pet at a healthy weight reduces the likelihood they’ll develop medical conditions like arthritis and diabetes.
Obesity occurs when a pet has excessive body fat. (Trusted Source) Typically, a vet will diagnose a dog as obese if their weight is 15% above the ideal body weight, and a cat if their weight is 20% more than their ideal body weight. (Trusted Source)
Though obesity is common among cats and dogs, that doesn’t mean it’s any less serious. According to researchers and vets, obesity is linked to several health risks, including heart disease, muscle and joint issues, and diabetes. If your pet is obese, a veterinarian can help you develop a plan.
There are a variety of factors that make your pet prone to obesity, including feeding them people food. We love our pets. When their big, hopeful eyes lock with ours as we rummage through our pantry, it’s natural to give in and let them have a little bit of the food we’re going to eat. But feeding your pets people food in addition to their pet food increases the number of calories and fat that they consume. Too much food, along with other factors, can cause serious health problems.
American bulldogs, Dachshunds, Labrador retrievers, and basset hounds are among the breeds with an increased chance of being overweight. Some of it is genetics, but dachshunds and basset hounds, in particular, also have a unique body shape and size that adds to their risk.
👉 For more helpful information, take a look at our vet-approved guide to potential health conditions that affect dogs.
Humans’ risk for obesity rises with age, and the same goes for our pets. As pets age, they don’t have as much energy for long walks and games of fetch. They prefer to take more naps during the day. However, it’s still important to encourage senior pets to exercise. Take your dog on a shorter walk more frequently, or have your cat chase a laser-pointer light up and down the hallway a few times a week. Exercise for pets of all ages is important to help maintain a healthy weight and keep their muscles toned. Senior pets also may require some lifestyle tweaks to make up for less exercise.
Spaying and neutering your pet has many benefits, including decreasing the risk of unwanted animals in shelters. However, recent research (Trusted Source) has linked spaying and neutering to pet obesity later in life. Pet owners can combat this risk by adhering to a healthy diet.
Food type
Pets need a well-balanced high-quality diet. Foods with too many kilocalories per cup (kcals per cup), can up a pet’s obesity risk. An Association for American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) label signifies a well-balanced high-quality pet food. Make sure you check for this label when looking for food for your pet.
Food amount
Overeating is a common factor contributing to obesity, whether it’s feeding too much human food, kibble, or treats. Gradually reducing a pet’s food intake may help. However, consult with your local veterinarian first to see if you are feeding your pet too much. Sometimes, a pet eats too fast to digest the food, so they miss hunger cues. You can pace their consumption with slow-feed bowls.
Underlying health conditions
Specific issues, including hypothyroidism and osteoarthritis, can raise a pet’s obesity risk. If your pet has these risks, pay close attention to their diet, body condition, and weight. Pet parents can access body condition charts to assess their dog or cat.
“It is important to consult with your local veterinarian about your pet's weight and diet. A local veterinarian will be able to tell you if your pet is overweight and what your pet's target weight should be. Also, your local veterinarian can give you guidance on the type of food to feed and the proper amount.”
Dr. Michelle Diener
Obesity isn’t a standalone condition. It has a ripple effect that can lower our fur babies’ quality of life. Obese pets are more prone to certain diseases, immobility, and a shorter lifespan.
The sooner you catch weight troubles in your pet, the more likely it is that you can help them get the number on the scale back to normal. Only a vet can provide a formal obesity diagnosis, but proactive pet owners can take a few steps to get ahead of the issue before an annual check-up. Early detection can go a long way in preventing painful and potentially fatal conditions.
You may struggle to weigh your dog at home, but looking at their figure can provide clues into what the scale would say. A dog’s waist should be defined and slightly raised near their backside. The tummy should not sag. Obese dogs will have a plump or oval-shaped figure.
As good as the eye test can be, your best bet is to take your dog to the vet to get an obesity diagnosis. Vets’ offices are equipped with high-quality scales specifically designed for pets. Vets know the ideal weight for your pet based on their size and breed.
Vets can also evaluate your pet’s figure to make sure it’s healthy. After assessing your pup, a vet will use a body condition score chart. A score of one indicates your pet is emaciated and nine means they’re very obese. Vets typically prefer a body condition score of a four or five — right in the middle.
You can gain some insights into your pet’s weight and body fat simply by petting them. Some breeds, like sighthounds, should have some of their ribs showing. Regardless of breed, pet parents should always be able to feel each of their pup’s ribs. If there’s a hefty fat layer covering your dog’s ribs, they are probably overweight and may be obese. Overweight pets will also have fat pads on their hips.
Obesity is treatable. You can take some simple steps to help your dog or cat lose weight. Remember, prevention is the best medicine.
👉 Shedding a few extra pounds can go a long way in keeping your dog healthy and happy. Here are more ways to help your pet lose weight.
Obesity is challenging to manage and fix, but it’s doable and important. Just like with people, it will take time for a dog or cat to lose weight. However, achieving a healthy body weight is crucial to reduce the risk of arthritis and diabetes and to live a longer and healthier life. A healthy diet, plenty of exercise, and regular check-ups with your vet to monitor weight and screen for underlying medical conditions are simple ways you can help prevent unhealthy weight gain.
Pet obesity occurs when a pet has too much body fat. Generally, dogs are obese if their body weight is 15% higher than ideal. Cats who are 20% over their normal body weight are diagnosed as obese.
More than a third of dogs and cats are overweight or obese. The number of obese dogs and cats jumped more than 100% from 2011 to 2020.
There are several ways to treat pet obesity, and the vet will typically recommend a multimodal approach. A healthy diet, regular weigh-ins, plenty of exercise, and a commitment from all family members to participate can help your pet succeed in their weight loss journey.
The recommended food intake for your dog or cat depends on multiple factors, including their size, breed, age, and whether they are obese or overweight. Most pet foods come with a chart with information on how much to feed an animal per day. Dogs typically have two daily meals, so you may need to divide the per-day number on the bag by two. Consult with your local veterinarian about your pet’s diet and feeding amounts.
Use a body condition score chart as a guide to determine if your pet is overweight. Also, schedule an appointment with your pet’s vet if you are concerned about your pet’s weight. Your vet can weigh your pet and guide you if they’re overweight. An overweight pet is more susceptible to health problems, so you’ll want to work with the vet to help your furry friend get back to a healthy weight.