For the Purrbabies

There are many factors to consider when choosing a dog breed, including their personality, temperament, and maintenance requirements.
Maybe you’d like to get a dog but hesitate at the thought of having hair everywhere.
If you’d like to find a low-shedding breed for allergy reasons, or you simply want to maintain a fur-free home, rest assured that you have options.
Below are 27 dog breeds, listed alphabetically, that shed minimally.
This tiny, Ewok-looking breed originated in Germany and is most commonly found in Europe. They look shaggy, but their coats are clean and wiry, helping to keep dander at bay.
Affenpinschers are intelligent, easily trainable, and great with children and other pets. They do require a decent amount of play time or exercise per day to keep them physically and mentally at their best.
Learn more about Affenpinschers.
Afghan hounds are a medium-to-large breed that originated in the mountains of Afghanistan.
While they do shed in the spring and fall, the amount of fur that comes off is much lower than that of other breeds. Just be prepared for regular grooming, though — daily brushing and weekly baths will help keep shedding down even more.
These independent and strong-willed dogs are loyal but may be best for more experienced individuals rather than first-time pet owners.
Learn more about Afghan hounds.
As a hairless breed, American hairless terriers don’t shed. But you’ll need to protect them from cold weather and from getting sunburnt during the sunny months.
This Louisiana native is curious, lively, and affectionate. American hairless terriers are also excellent companions for families with kiddos and their small size works well with apartment living.
The Basenji’s short, shiny coat makes grooming a breeze. And much like cats, these dogs groom themselves! So one quick brush per week should suffice, giving you plenty of time for exercise (which Basenjis need a lot of).
Basenjis also have a unique, yodel-like bark and can be very independent — which means training will require patience on your part.
Another unique, low-shedding breed is the Bedlington terrier. This breed sports a wooly head that resembles sheep’s wool. Their tight, curly coat grows quickly but carries minimal dander.
Originally bred as hunters, Bedlington terriers are fast runners and require lots of exercise. They’re typically friendly with strangers, though they can be protective of their families if they sense a threat.
This little breed is full of personality. Both cheerful and playful, the bichon frisé loves entertaining a human audience.
Keep in mind that this breed’s soft white coat will need to be brushed multiple times per week. A bichon frisé does shed a little, but much of that stays in the undercoat — waiting for you to brush it out.
Learn more about the bichon frisé.
Nicknamed “bearded dogs,” Brussels griffons come in two different coat types: rough and smooth. Rough-coated Brussels griffons barely shed, but smooth-coated ones shed for around two weeks in both the spring and fall.
Sensitive and intelligent, Brussels griffons respond well to positive reinforcement. They’ll need plenty of training and mental stimulation because they tend to bark and lick a lot.
Learn more about Brussels griffons.
Named after the cairns they hunted around in Scotland, the Cairn terrier is curious and brave. They like to explore and dig when given a chance. Because of this, training is extremely helpful to establish boundaries for this excitable breed.
Though they can be assertive, Cairn terriers generally get along with other pets in their household. Their coat maintenance is also low — just some weekly brushing or combing should be enough.
Learn more about the Cairn terrier.
The Chinese crested can be either hairless (other than on the tail, feet, and head) or coated. The silky fur of the coated variety needs daily brushing.
Unsurprisingly, this breed loves the heat but can’t stand the cold.
While Chinese crested dogs are incredibly athletic, they’d typically much rather be with their human family than run around outside. They’ll also need proper socialization to get along with strangers.
Find out more about the Chinese crested.
The Coton de Tulear is a rare breed originating from Madagascar. This friendly, fun-loving dog is all about companionship.
Looks can be deceiving with this fluffy pet — their coats look thick but are actually quite thin. Even so, they need to be combed to the skin regularly to reduce the risk of matting. Keeping your Coton de Tulear’s coat short will simplify the grooming process.
Learn more about the Coton de Tulear.
This social butterfly — and the only breed native to Cuba — sheds very little. However, their long, silky coat needs daily grooming unless it’s clipped short.
Because Havanese are intelligent and sensitive to the needs of their pet parents, they’re often used as therapy dogs. Plus, they love to entertain a room. If you’re looking for an affectionate people-pleaser, a Havanese is perfect.
Learn more about the Havanese.
The tallest of the spaniels, Irish water spaniels are curious and brave. Though they can be shy around strangers, they’re affectionate with their families. Irish water spaniels love the water, so keep this in mind whenever you walk them by a pond or stream!
The Irish water spaniel is known for their curly coat that can trap dander. You’ll need to brush your spaniel’s coat weekly and trim it once every few months to keep the shedding down.
The blue coat of the Kerry blue terrier is soft but dense. This breed sheds very little on their own, so you’ll need to brush them weekly and trim their coat every six to eight weeks to help maintain their skin and coat health.
Kerry blue terriers are highly alert, making them great watchdogs. They’re also loyal to and gentle with their families, including young children. But they can be extremely strong-willed, so early training will be important.
If you’re looking for a cuddly, wooly pet, the lagotto Romagnolo might be perfect for you. Though they’re low-shedding, you might notice an occasional clump of hair in your home if you own this breed. You’ll also want to keep their coat trimmed since they’re more prone to matting than other breeds.
Lagotto Romagnolos were originally bred to be truffle hunters; as such, their endurance level is high. Along with their keen sense of smell, these Italian dogs are exceptionally patient and loving.
Find out more about the lagotto Romagnolo.
Lhasa apsos, with their floor-length coats, once served as guards at palaces and monasteries in the Himalayas. So it might not surprise you that they’re an alert, fearless breed.
They’re not one-dimensional, though. Lhasa apsos are also affectionate dogs who’ll snuggle on their family members’ laps.
Many owners give their Lhasa apso the “puppy cut.” This makes grooming easier and allows your dog plenty of movement with ease.
Learn more about the Lhasa apso.
Playful and intelligent, the Maltese is typically a good fit for new pet parents. They’re a small but mighty breed that loves to be with their people — whether playing or relaxing.
The Maltese’s long, straight coat is low-shedding but typically requires daily brushing to avoid matting. Thankfully, this breed tends to love the attention their owner gives them during grooming time.
The Peruvian Inca orchid has both a coated and hairless variety. While you’ll find more hairless than coated ones, this breed is rare overall.
Peruvian Inca orchids aren’t outdoor dogs, though they do like to play and go for walks. You’ll just have to be mindful of their sensitive skin. If you opt for indoor play, try mentally stimulating activities like hide-and-seek or trick training.
The poodle’s curly coat is well-known for being low-shedding. This breed does need more grooming, though, than other breeds.
Poodles are also a highly intelligent breed. These fun and lively dogs need plenty of exercise or mental stimulation per day and love playing games with their families.
Whether you want a standard-sized, miniature, or toy, a poodle fits the bill as a great low-shedding family pet.
Find out more about the poodle.
Bred to be the ultimate fisherman’s helper, Portuguese water dogs are both obedient and brave. Their energy and affectionate nature make them excellent pets for active families.
Though Portuguese water dogs are low-shedding, they’ll need daily brushing and monthly coat trims to combat matting. You can also keep their coats clipped short for more help.
And here’s a fun fact: the Obama family dog, Bo, was a Portuguese water dog!
Learn more about Portuguese water dogs.
This breed comes in miniature, standard, and giant sizes. They love to be part of a pack, making them perfect for families. However, schnauzers are an active breed, and they need at least an hour of daily exercise.
Best known for their bushy eyebrows and beards, schnauzers shed very little. You’ll want to brush them daily, though, and get their coat trimmed every five to eight weeks to maintain good skin and coat health.
The Scottish terrier is an independent and confident breed with a strong hunting background — and lots of energy to burn. They love their human families but aren’t often fond of other pets in the household (though socialization and training can help here).
This breed’s grooming needs include beard cleanings, weekly brushings, and coat trims every two months.
Learn more about Scottish terriers.
The translation of the shih tzu’s name, “lion dog,” is perhaps a bit deceiving, as this social lapdog rarely shows aggression. As they were originally bred in China’s Imperial Palace, shih tzus were companions of royalty and the ultimate charmers.
Shih tzus typically love pampering and don’t mind the regular grooming and upkeep of their fur needs.
This Irish working breed loves activity and play. Soft-coated wheaten terriers are both happy and loyal, a great choice for first-time pet parents.
Though this breed is low-shedding, their soft coat needs daily care to keep matting at bay. You’ll also want to keep their coat free from the various debris that they may pick up on their adventures.
Learn more about wheaten terriers.
If you’re looking for a furry pet with low grooming needs, the Spanish water dog might be for you. It’s recommended that you don’t brush your Spanish water dog’s wooly coat; however, they do need frequent clippings depending on your preferred coat length.
Bred as a sheepherder, Spanish water dogs are patient and diligent. They like to play, but for them, work always comes first. Consider taking them hiking, running, or swimming.
Learn more about the Spanish water dog.
Entertaining and playful, the “Westie” is a great choice for families in urban and rural areas. Even though they’re eager to please, they do have an independent streak. Early training is key since Westies love to chase anything that moves!
Although this breed looks soft, their coat is quite prone to tangles and mats. Your pup will need daily brushing and grooming every four to six weeks.
Learn more about West Highland terriers.
Ancient Aztec dog of the gods, the “Xolo” (also called the Mexican hairless in the U.S.) is an excellent watchdog and family playmate. They require consistent play and exercise, but they have a great off switch when indoors.
Xolos come in three sizes: toy, miniature, and standard. They can also be coated or hairless. Whether you choose a hairless Xolo or a coated one, they’ll need minimal grooming — occasional brushing for a coated Xolo and a wipedown with a soft, warm cloth for a hairless Xolo.
Learn more about Xoloitzcuintli.
The “Yorkie” is a feisty little breed with a huge personality. They’re eager to please and respond well to praise. Yorkies are also perfect apartment pets since their exercise needs are lower than that of other breeds — though they’ll still need some exercise, both physically and mentally.
The Yorkshire terrier’s coat is silky and needs daily brushing. You’ll often see Yorkies with the fur on their head tied into a top knot or clipped short to help keep it out of their eyes.
Learn more about the Yorkshire terrier.
No dog breed is 100% hypoallergenic or non-shedding, though many are pretty close. Whatever your reason for wanting a low-shedding breed — to keep allergies at bay, have a fur-free living space, or for a different reason entirely — there’s a perfect pet out there for you.
In your search for the right breed for you, it’s just as important to ensure that your dog’s temperament and personality match your lifestyle. And it’s betterpet’s mission to provide you with the resources you need to make the right decision for your family. Which breed with you go with?