For the Purrbabies

It is natural for dogs to pant, but there is cause for concern if it seems excessive. It’s important to know the signs and causes.
While some dogs take well to car rides, others can find it very stressful, causing an increased likelihood of accidents, excessive barking, and panting. But exactly why do dogs pant in the car?
Panting can be due to a few factors — they could be too hot from a lack of air conditioning or they could feel nervous and anxious. However, some dogs will pant because they’re excited about the ride. It all depends on each dog’s personality. Additionally, some dog breeds have short snouts, making it harder to breathe in excessive heat, like French bulldogs, English Bulldogs, Shih Tzus, and Pugs.
While the most common reason a dog pants is to regulate its temperature on a hot day, other causes could range from excitement to more serious medical issues.
When the weather hits high temperatures, it is common to see your dog lounging in the shade with an open mouth. Panting is their natural way of cooling off since their fur coat traps heat. The evaporation of water off a dog’s tongue and lungs has a cooling effect similar to when humans sweat.
However, there may be cause for concern if it’s not a warm day or if your dog hasn’t been engaging in physical activity. This could be a sign of stress from hiding a physical injury or a side effect of a health issue. Thankfully, this isn’t always the case.
Brachycephalic or short muzzled dogs have some serious malformations like a narrowed windpipe, excess soft tissue surrounding the throat and windpipe, and what is part of upper airway changes that can easily contribute to dyspnea or difficulty breathing. It is like a constricted throat. Excitement and excessive heat are common reasons for these problems. However, keeping them cool and responding quickly if you suspect a problem can help avoid tragedy, and immediate veterinary care and supervision may be necessary.
Dr. Bruce Armstrong
If you notice a drastic change in your dog’s respiratory habits, it’s imperative to notify your vet as soon as possible. This change in their body language may not seem like much to you, but it could have a different meaning to a medical professional. Also, if you are worried your dog isn’t comfortable, it could help to contact a dog behaviorist.
While panting is known to be a cooling mechanism for your four-legged friend, it’s important to keep an eye out for strange behaviors. Please contact your veterinarian if you notice any of the following symptoms:
There are plenty of different reasons why your dog might be panting in the car — From sudden, loud noises on the road to having a hard time moving around. It’s important to try to reduce the possible causes to make it an enjoyable experience for all parties involved.
Creating positive associations between your dog and the car and their travel crate can help them stay calm during travel. If the tight space is not scary to them, they will not feel stressed or worried in their new surroundings. Short trips around town to get them used to the car can help.
On particularly warm days, make sure that you have given your dog plenty of water to help keep them hydrated. Additionally, don’t be afraid to turn on the AC or lower a window to get some cool air circulating.
If your dog is having trouble staying calm in the car, it might be a good idea to take them for a long walk before the car ride. This will help reduce excessive energy and increase their chance of sleeping through the ride. You might also ask your vet for medication that can help ease anxiety and/or motion sickness.
While not every dog will breathe the same way, it’s good to keep an eye out for changes. Some short-muzzled dogs will have shallow breathing due to a shortened upper respiratory tract, so they will pant to try to get the air they need. Sometimes, you just have an excited dog on your hands that wants to keep playing. Observation is key, and don’t be afraid to ask your vet questions.
While it is not an immediate solution, training sessions can help your dog become more comfortable with the idea of getting in the car. You can also ask your vet to prescribe short-acting anxiety or motion sickness medication to make your dog’s car ride less stressful.
Dogs pant for various reasons like cooling down, coping with motion sickness, or because they are stressed and need an outlet.
If your dog seems afraid or distressed at the idea of getting in the car, they likely have car anxiety. Medications and showing them that the car is nothing to fear might help. This includes showing them that the car doesn’t always take them to places that they don’t enjoy.
There are different medications that your veterinarian might prescribe for your furry friend, including antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Always ask your vet before giving your pet any medication.