For the Purrbabies

When your dog licks its lips waiting for dinner or a treat, it can be cute. But when they start doing it often or near your face, it can get frustrating. The noises and smells might be unsettling, but canine lip licking is typically harmless. Dogs may lick their lips for many reasons, including to tell you they feel excited or nervous. But licking can also be a sign of an underlying health problem. It’s important to understand a dog’s body language and the many potential reasons for lip licking. Here are five common reasons for this behavior, and what to do to help.
Dogs lick their lips for a variety of reasons. Consider the following causes for a dog licking its lips, and keep in mind the circumstances surrounding the behavior. They might lick their lips during meal time, which can be harmless, but sudden and excessive licking may mean it’s time to give the vet a call.
They may have a piece of food or foreign material stuck between their teeth. Sometimes, a dog is licking its lips simply to try and dislodge debris or food that is stuck in their mouth.
Like humans, dogs lick their lips when it’s time to eat. This may mean that they are excited for dinner or they are hungry and ready to eat. Perhaps something on the human dinner table looks appetizing, or they smell something tasty. Once they anticipate food, dogs’ salivary glands start working, and they often begin licking their lips in response.
Knowing this, you might be a little offended when your dog doesn’t lick its lips for meal time. If you have a pet that’s a canine foodie, you may need to find the best dog food for your picky eater.
If your dog is licking its lips, this could be a way to communicate with you. For example, they might be feeling calm or trying to calm down, or they may be showing signs of submission. Licking the lips may also signal that a dog feels nervous, anxious, or stressed. Canine anxiety may come about due to fear of loud noises or strange environments or separation from their owners, like when you head off to work.
Dogs may start to lick their lips suddenly and excessively when they are about to vomit, so keep an eye out for this behavior. They may lick their lips when feeling nauseous, even if this doesn’t precede vomiting. If your dog does have an upset stomach, it could be something they ate or a result of overeating. Other symptoms of nausea may include drooling, vomiting, decreased appetite, or the sudden need to eat lots of grass. You may need to give your dog a bland food diet and plenty of water to soothe nausea. Also, consult with a veterinarian when your dog is sick for the best treatment options.
Some health conditions may cause lip-licking behavior. Here are some common medical problems that may trigger the behavior in your pet:
Dogs often lick their lips in response to hunger or anticipation of food. When expecting food, dogs produce excess saliva, and lip licking helps get rid of the excessive drool before they start to eat. Similarly, thirsty or dehydrated dogs might lick their lips to combat a dry tongue, mouth, or throat, stimulating salivary glands for moisture.
Dogs frequently groom themselves by licking their bodies, and this behavior can extend to their lips and face. This is a natural behavior that helps them keep clean and can also be a way for them to soothe minor irritations or discomforts.
Displacement behaviors are normal behaviors displayed out of context. They arise from situations of conflict or stress. Lip licking can be a displacement behavior shown when a dog is nervous or anxious.
Allergies can cause discomfort around the dog’s mouth, leading the dog to lick their lips frequently. Similarly, skin issues on or around the dog’s face can lead to increased lip licking as the dog attempts to soothe the irritation.
If you notice that your dog is licking its lips more than normal consistently or showing any other symptoms like drooling or a decreased appetite, then scheduling a vet appointment is advised.
Dr. Michelle Diener
Depending on the cause of the lip licking, there are different ways to handle the situation. Your dog could be ready for dinnertime or in need of a vet visit. Here’s what to do when dogs start licking their lips excessively:
React based on the situation — If you’re eating something tasty on the couch or you’re grabbing the scoop for the dog food and your dog starts lip licking, they are probably just hungry or excited to eat. But if a new dog moves in next door or fireworks are going off in the neighborhood, they may be feeling anxious or scared, and you should try to remove them from the situation.
Look out for other symptoms — This behavior could be one of many symptoms of an underlying health condition. They might be licking their lips and then vomiting. Or, they might start licking their lips after licking their paws or fur, which could be a sign of other health issues, such as a skin infection. Note any and all symptoms or body language they are exhibiting to determine if the lip licking is a sign of a medical issue.
Consider seeing a vet — When in doubt, call the vet. If your dog begins excessively licking its lips and you aren’t sure why, you should visit the vet for an evaluation. If your dog is showing other concerning symptoms like vomiting or inappetence, quick and efficient treatment is essential.
For dogs with anxiety or underlying health concerns, you should take them to the vet for care. Since lip licking is one symptom of a wide variety of health conditions, such as an oral foreign body or a tooth infection, it’s important to get professional treatment as quickly as possible. If you can’t pinpoint why your dog is licking its lips, it’s always a good idea to make a video of what your pet is doing and show the video to your local vet at the time of your dog’s appointment as this may help your vet pinpoint the cause.
Lip licking is a curious behavior which may not have obvious causes. If your dog is displaying this behavior, ensure that you’re doing the following:
Dogs usually lick their nose and lips to calm themselves down, show submission in tense situations, or express they feel scared or nervous. It may be a stress response. Some breeds, like those with compressed faces, naturally lick their nose and lips more. In some cases, they may be licking due to health conditions, like dehydration, nausea, oral infections, or dental disease.
Your dog may be excited or happy, or they may be showing signs of submission. The dog may also smell something tasty on your hands from your recent snack.
Dogs who lick their face, paws, the sofa, and the floors may just want attention or feel bored. But licking can also be a sign of irritation or pain. The dog may have an infection or an upset stomach. If your dog starts licking everything often, you should schedule a vet visit as soon as possible.
The dog probably feels anxious or uncomfortable, or is trying to express uncertainty if they lick their lips when a person stares at them.
When a dog is persistently licking its lips and not drinking, it could be a sign of discomfort or illness. Lips licking can be an indication of oral discomfort, often linked with dental disease. Dogs may also lick their lips due to feelings of nausea or allergies. Dehydration is another common cause; if your dog isn’t drinking, it might try to moisten its mouth by licking its lips.
Dogs may frequently lick and swallow for behavioral reasons like showing anxiety or affection, but there are potentially serious reasons your dog may persistently lick and swallow. Dental diseases including severe gingivitis, rotten teeth, or mouth abscesses might cause frequent licking and swallowing in an attempt to ease the pain.
Another reason could be hyper-salivation or ptyalism, where the dog produces excess saliva, causing them to continuously lick and swallow. It’s also possible that your dog may have food particles or a foreign object stuck in its mouth, which can lead to continuous licking and swallowing.
In some cases, frequent licking and swallowing may indicate a serious underlying medical problem like chronic pancreatitis, giardia infection, irritable bowel syndrome, or acid reflux. If your dog’s behavior persists or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms, it’s crucial to seek veterinary advice.