For the Purrbabies

Dogs may eat poop out of curiosity, a nutritional deficiency, or even because they just like the taste. Here’s what to do about it.
A study conducted by Dr. Benjamin Hart, from the University of California, found that nearly one in four dogs (Trusted Source) has been observed eating poop at one time or another. The study also reported that the majority of dogs (more than 80%) eat the stool of other canines, but not their own poop.
The underlying reason is almost always behavioral, but nutritional deficiencies and medical conditions can also cause pups to eat poop (their own or another’s).
Dogs that prefer to eat non-food material, like rocks, grass, shoes, etc., may have a disorder called pica. If your dog is only interested in eating lots and lots of poop, then they may specifically have coprophagia (Trusted Source) — which is the practice of eating feces.
Eating poop isn’t always — or even usually — harmful to your dog. In many cases, nothing bad will happen from this behavior. However, there are things that can go wrong when a dog engages in coprophagia (especially when they eat feces from a sick animal), so it’s best to discourage and prevent the behavior.
Dogs might eat poop for various reasons, from behavioral to medical. Common causes include boredom, seeking attention, anxiety, or mimicking other dogs. Treatable medical issues like nutrient deficiencies, parasites, or digestive problems can also drive this behavior.
Dogs, just like their humans, respond to anxiety and boredom in a number of ways. Coprophagia may be one of them. If your pup is displaying other signs of anxiety (Trusted Source) , such as whining or panting, they may be engaging in coprophagia to cope with their emotions.
Dogs that want attention, (Trusted Source) much like young children, may resort to destructive behaviors or actions that are “bad” in order to get it. This isn’t the most likely explanation, but it’s possible, especially if your dog is engaging in other unwanted behaviors.
Puppies sometimes play and investigate their poop. Sniffing, biting, and eating are a pup’s most effective tools for learning about the world around them.
Some dogs seem to have an insatiable appetite. If there’s something edible around, your dog might decide to eat it, regardless of whether or not they’re actually hungry.
Dogs and other canines have scavenging instincts in their DNA, so they aren’t picky when they’re hungry. If there’s no other easy source of food around, fresh poop may be something your dog considers eating if they’re hungry.
Mother dogs ingest puppy poop in the nest when grooming and cleaning their pups — some puppies learn to mimic this behavior.
👉 Never stick your dog’s nose in their poop as a form of punishment. This could lead to further behavioral issues.
Some experts have theorized that eating poop was a way for adult dogs to protect their pack from intestinal parasites. Den mothers would eat poop to keep the area clean for their pups. If the stool was consumed before larvae could hatch, there was no threat to the pack.
This was long before the domestication of dogs (and pooper scoopers!), and today’s stool-eating may be a result of this ancestral instinct.
If your dog is lacking in key nutrients or has an enzyme deficiency, they’ll try to find solutions — including poop eating. Ask your vet about your dog’s diet, they may recommend a new food or additional supplements. Check the label on your dog’s food to ensure it’s WSAVA-compliant and a complete and balanced diet for their life stage.
Especially true of steroids, the medications your dog is on might increase appetite and have them eating things they normally wouldn’t.
While eating poop once or twice isn’t usually an issue, repetitive stool eating is. Dogs that are fully up-to-date on their heartworm medications are not as likely to get sick from eating poop. That’s because many heartworm meds are broad-spectrum and offer effective protection against intestinal parasites.
However, an underlying illness could be causing your dog to eat poop. It’s best to take your dog to the vet if you suspect something’s wrong or notice other unusual symptoms.
That said, bacteria in stool can still cause sickness and stomach problems. (Trusted Source) If your dog has been eating their stool and is vomiting, has diarrhea, is acting lethargic, showing weight loss, or whining, they may have contracted an illness from it.
The most common illnesses or parasites that dogs can contract from eating poop are:
None of these things are to be trifled with; if your dog is showing symptoms of one of these illnesses or parasites, head to the vet!
⚠️ If you have a new puppy, be sure to keep them away from other dog’s poop until they’re fully vaccinated. Unvaccinated puppies are at risk of contracting parvo from poop.
If the behavior continues for long periods of time, has come out of nowhere for your adult dog, or if there are other symptoms of illness/behavior changes, it’s time to make an appointment with your vet.
If your pup eats poop and isn’t up-to-date on its medications for heartworm and other parasites/diseases, you’ll want to call your vet sooner rather than later. In that case, it’s wise to get ahead of potential health problems rather than waiting to see whether or not they’ll arise. Your vet will evaluate your pet and may also test their feces to determine whether or not they have any intestinal parasites.
If your dog is eating poop, don’t worry — there are several things you can try to stop the behavior:
Both outside and on walks, a little vigilance can go a long way. If you see them sniffing at feces, use vocal commands and reward them with a treat if they listen. The more you reinforce the idea that poop is to be left alone, the less you’ll have to worry about it.
Clean your dog’s stool immediately after they poop, and if your pup plays/roams in public areas, try to survey the ground for feces every once in a while. If there’s no poop to eat, there are no problems. Here are our favorite leak-proof poop bags to keep handy.
Keeping your dog away from poop is the easiest thing you can do. If you can’t be around to help prevent the behavior, consider keeping them crated.
Train your dog not to eat their poop. If you’re unsuccessful with training, a professional trainer can help.
Ensure that their nutritional needs are being met. Proper nutrition is essential for healthy, happy dogs. Always remember to talk to your vet before implementing a new diet.
Some dietary supplements change the taste of your dog’s poop so they won’t eat it.
👉 Never start your pup on a new supplement without discussing it with your dog’s vet.
If you aren’t able to remove feces from your dog’s environment, using a muzzle (Trusted Source) may be a good idea when you can’t monitor them.
Couldn’t stop your dog in time? Cleaning your dog’s mouth is important after they’ve consumed poop. Use a wipe to clean their face and offer a dental chew to help remove any remaining pieces.
If you’re up for the task, brushing your dog’s teeth is a great option to clean their mouth and practice good hygiene with your pup. Using dog toothpaste (see our favorites here), gently brush your dog’s teeth, making sure to be patient. Give them plenty of water, too — that’ll help flush out their mouths and ensure there isn’t any fecal matter sticking around. After you finish brushing their teeth, make sure you give your dog a treat as a reward!
You shouldn’t be shocked to see your dog eat poop, nor should you panic about what might happen when they do. Your dog should be fine; if you see them eat poop, keep an eye out for signs of illness and take steps to deter them from eating it again!
Pineapple is a healthy treat for dogs, (Trusted Source) provided it’s in small quantities. This tropical delight is rich in many vitamins and minerals (especially b-vitamins and digestive enzymes) which may help your dog feel more whole and make them less likely to eat poop. It isn’t a guaranteed solution, but a little bit of pineapple may help!
Your cat’s poop probably smells like their food — which to dogs, smells good. Because dogs are natural scavengers by nature, this is normal behavior. You should try to keep your dog away from the litter box as consuming cat litter could potentially be harmful to your pup.
Options for deterring coprophagia in your furry friend can be easily administered as topical powders and chews. One product called For-Bid can be sprinkled onto your dog’s food, and it makes their poop taste bad to them. There are also other products like No Poo Chews from Bark & Spark or StrellaLab that can help.
If your dog is eating poop and drinking a lot of water, it could be a sign of a health problem like diabetes or Cushing’s Disease. Sometimes, infections or parasites can also cause these symptoms. It’s best to take your dog to the vet for a check-up to find out what’s going on.
Dogs might eat other dogs’ poop if they are lacking certain nutrients in their diet. They could be missing vitamins, minerals, or enzymes. Sometimes it’s due to digestive problems or poor absorption of nutrients. Make sure your dog is eating a balanced, high-quality diet, and talk to your vet if you have concerns.