For the Purrbabies

Is Fido waking you up in the middle of the night with their snoring? Find out why dogs snore and how to prevent it.
Dogs snore for the same reason as humans — because the airflow in their nose or throat is blocked. Tissue or blockages may cause their airflow to stop and start rapidly, making your pup snore. The noise sounds a lot like drinking through a straw in a nearly empty glass.
Snoring is normal in dogs. However, it can be a symptom of health issues that pet owners like yourself should be aware of. Sleep apnea is perhaps the most familiar of these, and it’s defined by a lack of proper oxygen while sleeping. A key sign of sleep apnea in most pets and humans is snoring, but the causes of snoring itself are varied.
The sound comes from the nasal cavity or nasopharynx, the area connecting the nasal cavity to the back of the throat. When something’s blocking a dog’s airway, even if it’s just the angle at which they’re sleeping, the air forces its way through, vibrating the nasal cavity and producing the snoring sound.
The solution to snoring is to make sure your dog’s airways are open and have no blockages or constrictions. If you can help your dog open up their airways, the snoring will subside. It’s important to detect the reason your dog is snoring — treatment depends on what’s causing the snores.
12 Common causes of snoring in dogs
Short-nosed (brachycephalic) breeds are far more likely to snore than others. Their snouts are shorter, and some have lots of skin bunched up at the front of their faces. While cute, these brachycephalic breeds are much more likely to be natural snorers:
If your dog is a natural snorer (their snoring has no other cause), you shouldn’t worry about stopping it. Besides, you probably can’t get them to stop snoring, because it’s just a part of who they are!
👉 If your pup’s snoring is keeping you up during the night, consider letting them sleep in another room of the house.
Sleep apnea is the most common health problem connected to snoring, but pet parents should avoid jumping to this conclusion too early. If your dog begins snoring suddenly (especially if they’ve never snored before), if it gets progressively worse, or if they have nasal discharge, then you should contact your veterinarian.
When a dog is snoring constantly, the first thing that most pet parents think of is sleep apnea. (Trusted Source) Sleep apnea affects more than 20% of male dogs and 10% of female dogs. If left untreated, sleep apnea can have negative effects on your dog’s mood, and psychological and cardiovascular health.
Sleep apnea is a serious condition that happens when a dog isn’t getting enough oxygen while they sleep. This leads to grogginess, irritability, and a lack of focus in the morning. Over time, sleep apnea contributes to a lower quality of life and other health issues. In fact, hypertension can be caused or aggravated by sleep apnea, because your dog’s body isn’t getting the proper rest it needs.
Snoring and obesity are the leading causes of sleep apnea. If your snoring dog is overweight, you need to be on the lookout for this condition. Not every dog that snores has sleep apnea, but any dog that has sleep apnea almost certainly snores.
🚨 If you’re concerned about your dog’s snoring, it’s important to take them to the vet so that they can be examined.
Humans have many more treatment options than dogs do when it comes to sleep apnea. Whereas humans can use continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines to alleviate their symptoms, there’s no such treatment for dogs. Some companies sell CPAP masks that fit dogs, but there’s no conclusive research backing these products.
The best treatment for a dog with chronic sleep apnea is exercise and weight loss. Because obesity is one of the leading causes of sleep apnea, losing weight is one of the most effective ways to treat it. Talk with your vet about safe ways to help your dog be more active, as well as how a dietary change can help them slim down.
Tips to help your pup stop snoring
Whether you’re missing out on some much-needed rest or want to help your dog sleep better at night, here are some ways to prevent your dog’s snores.
👉 Always check with your veterinarian before giving any medication.