For the Purrbabies

Shaking isn’t an uncommon thing for a dog to do, but it might make you wonder if they’re okay.
Learn about some of the common reasons why dogs shake, shiver or tremble and what might constitute a trip to the vet.
There are a handful of reasons as to why your dog may shake, and it’s important to know which are normal behaviors caused by harmless reasons and which are causes for concern. Let’s dive into the various reasons for shaking:
Your pet may express their anxiety or stress in a multitude of ways, including by shaking. Some dogs are reactive to things like thunderstorms, loud noises, trips to the vet, meeting new people, or you leaving. Oftentimes, causes are specific to your dog and their background.
Signs of stress include:
If your dog experiences anxiety over repetitive situations you can’t avoid, consider desensitization and counterconditioning training or seeing a vet for anti-anxiety medication.
One of the possible reasons that your pup shakes their entire body is because they’re full of excitement about a situation. This adrenaline rush can sometimes feel overwhelming so shaking is a means to help express their excess energy and calm themselves down.
This is especially common in younger dogs who have weaker impulse control. It’s also a way for them to show that they love you when they haven’t seen you!
Shivering and shaking can be signs of illness and distress. Some potential causes are canine distemper, poisoning, liver disease, or kidney disease. It could also be something more common and less life threatening like an upset stomach or an injury like a hurt paw. Signs of pain include decreased appetite and aggression.
Monitor your furry friend and their body language and seek vet attention immediately if the shivering is accompanied by abnormal behavior or if your dog becomes unresponsive.
Just like you, your dog can be affected by the cold weather. Certain dog breeds fare better in colder weather like Siberian huskies and samoyed. Slender dog breeds like the greyhound or smaller breeds like Chihuahuas have a harder time regulating their body temperature.
It’s important to understand your dog’s breed and how their size and body mass can affect how they experience the environment. In some cases, exposure to extreme cold can cause hypothermia.
Limit exposure to the elements when possible, and ensure they have a warm spot in the house to heat up. If you’re feeling it, dog clothes can be a great option!
Shaking coupled with other symptoms like stiffening of their limbs and excess salivation can be signs that your dog is experiencing a seizure and perhaps has a seizure disorder like epilepsy. If your dog’s shaking is caused by repeat seizures, it can cause an increase in body temperature that leads to organ failure.
Another medical condition that prompts shaking is generalized tremor syndrome (or shaker syndrome), which vets often attribute to an auto-immune dysfunction, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), or nursing mothers who have low blood calcium.
If you suspect that your dog is having a seizure, avoid restraining them and keep your hands away from their mouth. Take a video of the event and contact your vet immediately.
If you notice your dog shaking their head excessively, they could have an ear infection or other ear problems. While all dog breeds can get ear infections, some breeds such as Cocker Spaniels, Basset Hounds, and Golden Retrievers are more prone to them than others.
Old age can cause a loss of muscle tone and development conditions like arthritis or joint pain. This in turn can cause what looks like shaking or shivering. Shaking in older dogs can also be a sign of canine cognitive dysfunction, which causes anxiety and restlessness in dogs.
Consult with your vet if you notice your senior dog shaking as this could be a sign of an underlying issue that can be solved with medication or therapy.
White dog shaker syndrome (Trusted Source) is most common in small, white-coated breeds, like Maltese or West Highland white terriers, but any breed has the potential to develop it.
Consult a veterinarian who may use prednisone to treat shaker syndrome and manage symptoms over time.
Wet dogs find the quickest and most effective way to dry off is to shake that water off of their coats. Dogs can shake off as much as 70% of the water in their fur in a short time, just 4 seconds!
Sometimes, tremors and muscle weakness in dogs are caused by toxins or medicine overdoses. Common toxins include chocolate, permethrin (an insecticide), and xylitol. Familiarize yourself with less common toxic substances (Trusted Source) and what people foods can cause toxicity in dogs.
🚨 If you can’t get a hold of your vet’s office, call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (Trusted Source) at (888) 426-4435.
If your furry best friend suddenly starts to shake or tremble without an obvious cause, or if they develop other troubling symptoms in tandem, consult with your vet or seek treatment at the emergency vet.
Shaking can be harmless in many cases, but it’s best to be cautious. If everything turns out fine, you may feel like you overreacted — the risks of underreacting, though, are too great.
Sometimes, it’s hard to know what’s causing your dog’s tremors. With so many potential causes, it can be difficult to rule out something more serious. However, if pet parents see muscle tremors and it’s accompanied by any additional signs of sickness, you should contact a vet immediately to help get your pup back to health.
It depends on the cause of their shivers. A shaking dog doesn’t automatically mean there are any issues. Small breeds often shake due to their low body mass. White dogs have a predisposition for shaker syndrome. Dogs with motion sickness may shake in the car and dogs with separation anxiety may shake in your absence. However, some shaking is due to an underlying cause that warrants intervention.
The most common reasons for dog shivering usually are normal responses due to anxiety, stressful situations, or fear or excitement. Sometimes, certain health conditions can cause shivers like hypoglycemia or epilepsy. In certain severe cases, the ingestion of a toxic substance, the canine distemper virus, a neurological disorder, or kidney failure can cause your dog to develop tremors.
Trembling can be a symptom of high fevers, seizure activity, lack of body heat, a contagious virus-like canine distemper, neurological diseases, and more common causes like excitement or anxiety.
The most likely reason your dog is shaking is from fear, stress, or anxiety. At home, dog owners can use a blanket or dog jacket to help them feel safe and protected, much like humans with weighted blankets. This also helps cold dogs hold body heat and warm up quicker. Another helpful tip is to pay attention to them! Walk them, sit with them, and play with them, and the tremors may subside.
There’s a good chance that the dog shakes you’re seeing aren’t caused by a life-threatening problem. As a dog owner, you should be on the lookout for additional symptoms that could point to a larger issue. Common signs of shaking that are caused by an underlying problem can present as drooling, lethargy, and diarrhea.