For the Purrbabies

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From covering their own scent to spreading the (smelly) word, dogs roll in poop for a variety of reasons.
Animal behaviorists have helped us understand a lot about dog body language and behavior — for instance, anxiety can make your dog chew and gnaw on things, and yipping or running in their sleep just means they are dreaming. But, why do dogs roll in poop?
One of the leading ideas is that dogs roll in poop to hide their own smell. Thousands of years ago, your Dachshund was more wolf-like, and food wasn’t guaranteed. Wolves need to hide their scent to successfully hunt and survive. Rolling in poop is simply in your dog’s nature.
Sometimes it can seem like dogs live to love us – and to do things that annoy us. Rolling around in grass, dirt, and poop seemingly five minutes after they’ve had a bath is one of those things that drives pet parents crazy. But, why do dogs roll in poop? The answers probably won’t surprise you.
A very popular theory about why dogs roll in poop is that it’s to hide their scent. Wolves don’t typically have to camouflage their scent due to predators (wolves are apex predators (Trusted Source) and thus, the top of most food chains,) but rather, to hide themselves from potential prey. While your dog doesn’t need to hunt to survive anymore, it’s still a deeply ingrained instinct.
While the more popular opinion is that your dog is trying to hide his scent, another theory is that your dog may be trying to leave his scent. This could be to signal to other animals that the area is your dog’s territory, or simply your dog’s way of saying, “Fido was here.”
Lastly, rolling in poop may be a way for dogs to communicate to each other that they’ve found something interesting. While we can easily call our family and friends when we find the best pizza place in town, for dogs, rolling in something smelly is a way of carrying the scent and leading the rest of their pack back to follow them back to the intriguing scent.
While dogs roll in poop for a variety of reasons, for most dog owners, none of those reasons are good enough to encourage the behavior. Here are three ways to discourage dogs from rolling in poop.
There should be no unsupervised time outside! When it comes to outdoor time, whether it’s to potty or play, make sure your dog is supervised. This may include leashed walks vs. counting on voice recall, or staying in the fenced in backyard while your dog is outside.
Staying with your dog is a good way to fix the issue temporarily, but ultimately, it’s important to use training to redirect their behavior and ensure your dog stops rolling in poop. One of the best ways to do this is by redirecting their attention. You can make noise that gets them to focus on something else, such as shaking keys, coins, or other sounds that may be more interesting than rolling in smelly things.
You can redirect by calling them/getting attention with the bag, then use a clicker or make them sit or something. Then, the new action (and not the poop rolling) becomes associated with getting a treat.
Dr. Erica Irish
Another way to prevent your dog from rolling in poop is to make sure there isn’t any poop to roll in. Pick up after your dog and check the yard before letting them out for a break. Even for fenced in backyards, stray cats and wildlife still see your yard as a great place to relieve themselves, so it’s important to check regardless if you picked up after your dog initially.
👉Has your dog rolled in poop? Here’s how to get rid of the smell: Give your dog a dog spa day with grooming and quality time. Be sure to use a quality dog-safe shampoo.
There are a lot of dog behaviors we don’t understand. At the end of the day, dogs can’t tell us why they do what they do (although you can train them to talk). (Trusted Source) Their behaviors can be explained by their ancestry, breeding, and external factors like trauma. In addition to the chewing we mentioned above, here are some other things our dogs do, and why:
Dogs roll in smelly things for a variety of reasons, but most of them revolve around instinct. Whether it’s to hide their scent or leave it, this instinctive behavior isn’t malicious or deliberate. It’s essential to remember this as you train your dog and clean up after them.
Your dog rolling in poop isn’t just gross, it can also be a health risk. In addition to spreading germs, bacteria, and foul smells all over the house, your dog wallowing in poop also puts their health in jeopardy.
Some health issues, like an upset stomach or diarrhea, can be caused by dogs rolling in poop. Other issues, like stunted growth, can occur in puppies to do a roundworm infection. (Trusted Source) Another illness that can result from parasites (which can be picked up by rolling in poop) is a whipworm infection, which can also result in weight loss.
While not an illness, it’s important to watch for these signs when your dog has been rolling in poop. Illnesses that can be passed from your dog to you (zoonotic) are also a consideration here. Be sure to stay sanitary and safe when handling waste!
Poop, especially from animals that haven’t been dewormed, can have parasites in it, such as worms. Look for white specks in your dog’s poop and, if your dog has ingested poop from other animals, watch for signs of parasites and reach out to your veterinarian for diagnosing and treating parasites.
The biggest, most obvious danger to your dog’s health when it comes to rolling in poop (and many other smelly things) is hygiene. While gross and smelly, it can also pose a risk if your dog ingests feces or decomposing matter. For dogs with shorter coats, bacteria can cause an infection if they get into any open wounds, such as shallow scratches from roughhousing.
Your dog may be attracted to rolling in poop due to their instinctual desire to mask their scent, which originates from their ancestral hunting practices. Some dogs also engage in this behavior out of curiosity, or because they find the smell interesting or appealing.
Yes, it can be harmful for dogs to roll in poop as it may contain parasites, bacteria, or viruses, which can lead to infections or diseases if ingested or if they come into contact with the dog’s skin or eyes. Additionally, harmful chemicals or substances ingested by the animal that produced the feces may also pose a risk to the dog.
You can prevent your dog from rolling in poop by keeping your yard clean and promptly scooping waste. On walks, keep your dog on a leash and steer them clear of any feces. Regular training on commands like “leave it” can also help control their behavior.
Not all dogs have the instinct to roll in poop. This behavior varies with individual dogs and can be influenced by their breed, environment, and personal habits. It’s not a universal behavior, but it is relatively common among canines.
Dogs do not generally differentiate between types of feces and are likely to roll in any kind that they come across. However, some owners note that their pets show a particular affinity for the feces of animals that are part of their diet in the wild, such as rabbits or deer.