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Dog Parent Basics
Behavior and Training
Why do dogs tilt their heads?

Why do dogs tilt their heads?

What’s cuter than a floppy-eared head tilt? Find out the meaning behind your dog’s inquisitive look.

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  • Researchers aren’t sure why dogs tilt their heads — Leading theories are that it may be behavioral, or for more practical purposes.
  • It may indicate something more serious — Certain medical issues, like an infection or neurological problems, can be the cause of a dog tilting their head.
  • Some breeds may do it more than others — Certain breeds, like those with longer snouts, may tilt their head more out of necessity than other breeds.

It’s one of the cutest things our pups do: tilting their head as they look at you. But why do dogs tilt their heads? While no one is 100% sure why dogs do this, the popular theory is that they’re communicating interest and engagement. Dogs are social animals so, similar to how humans nod during conversation, head tilting is meant to encourage more interaction. Much like people, a lot of communication occurs with a dog’s body language.

4 popular theories for why dogs tilt their heads

While little is known about why dogs tilt their heads, there are some popular theories (Trusted Source). From practical reasons to simply eliciting an adoring “aww” from their owners, here are the four most popular theories.

1. Amplifying sound

Because many dog breeds have ear flaps that can obstruct hearing, dogs will sometimes perk up their ears and tilt their head to improve their hearing, or move and tilt their head to better hear interesting sounds (like the treat bag!)

👉 If you notice other issues, like hearing loss or stinky ears, it can be signs of a ruptured eardrum or ear polyps. Make an appointment with your vet as soon as possible.

2. Improving vision

Dogs with longer snouts and certain head shapes may need to tilt their head to see you better. For example, a German Shepherd has a longer snout, making it necessary for them to tilt their head to get a better view of an object or person. Dogs with a shorter snout, like a French Bulldog, may not need to.

To get an idea of what your dog sees, hold a medicine bottle up to your nose with the lid facing you, and focus your eyes (and the bottom of the bottle) on an object across the room. You’ll likely have to tilt your head to see it. Now, try it with just the lid of the bottle.

3. Expressing empathy

Research (Trusted Source) has shown that dogs are more like humans than any other species. This may be partly due to the long history that dogs have had with humanity. Whether it’s because of their shared history with people or scientific similarities, scientists believe that dogs can pick up on human emotions and respond to them better than any other animal.

4. Learned behavior for positive encouragement

The reasons behind your dog’s adorable head tilt are still unclear, but one popular theory is that dogs do it to please us. Positive reinforcement training (Trusted Source) is a proven way to train your dog without traumatizing them, so dogs may tilt their head for an outcome they like — making you happy.

While the reasons behind why dogs tilt their heads aren’t entirely understood, one fact remains: it’s an adorable behavior that owners love. Research is ongoing into this behavior, along with the numerous other things that are a part of your dog’s body language.

Frequently asked questions

Are dogs that tilt their head smart?

Research indicates that dogs who are more responsive to commands and learn faster (i.e. smarter dogs) tilt their heads more often than other dog breeds.

Why is my dog constantly tilting their head?

While occasional head tilting is normal, a dog that keeps their head tilted to one side may be experiencing a medical problem. Dogs who develop a dysfunction in their vestibular system may tilt their head more often and exhibit other symptoms, like being unsteady on their feet or wobbly. If you notice these symptoms, it’s best to seek vet advice.

Why do dogs tilt their heads and wag their tails?

Dogs may tilt their heads to hear better, or to have a better view of something. Or, it may be a sign that you have their full, and excited, attention. The reasons behind why dogs tilt their heads aren’t fully understood.

Is head-tilting behavior observed in all dog breeds or is it more common in some breeds than others?

Head-tilting behavior is observed across all dog breeds, but it is speculated to be more common in breeds with flatter faces and larger ears, as it may assist them in localizing sounds better. However, more comprehensive studies are needed to confirm this theory.

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