For the Purrbabies

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Coughing and gagging are abnormal behaviors in cats that can be quite serious, though some causes are less concerning than others. If your cat frequently gags after drinking water, they could develop an aversion to water or even refuse to drink entirely, so you’ll need to take your feline to the vet to figure out what might be going on.
Sometimes the reason for a cat’s gagging is simple. Maybe they just drank too much too quickly. Other explanations, like an infection, can be pretty serious. Below are some of the most common reasons why your cat might be gagging.
Drinking too much at one time can cause a cat to cough. Your cat might also be excessively thirsty if they have a health problem such as diabetes, Cushing’s disease, or kidney disease. These conditions can cause your cat to drink large amounts of water and then gag.
Cats have small stomachs, and they typically sip water instead of gulping it. If they drink a large amount of water too quickly, this can cause them to gag because they simply aren’t used to drinking that amount of water in one sitting.
Cats also have very sensitive stomachs. If they drink water when their body is anticipating food instead, they may gag or even vomit.
Cats, like most animals, are pretty sensitive to temperatures, tastes, and smells. You might notice your cat’s a bit picky about their food or water. Exposure to certain flavors and textures of food early in life can shape your cat’s dietary preferences later on. The material of a cat’s bowl can also affect the taste of their water, so if you notice your cat isn’t drinking enough, you might want to offer them a few different dishes to see what they like best.
If a cat’s collar is too tight, this might make it difficult for the cat to swallow water. Adjusting your cat’s collar will fix the problem. You should be able to slip two fingers between your cat’s collar and their skin.
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A hairball (Trusted Source) might be causing your cat to gag and retch. Often, cats are coincidentally drinking water right before they cough one up.
Respiratory infections can cause symptoms such as coughing and difficulty breathing. Gastroenteritis (inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract) would make a cat dry heave or gag shortly after eating or drinking, while lower airway disease (Trusted Source) can cause a cat to cough, too.
Wheezing is different from coughing or gagging. This term refers to a cat that’s having significant trouble inhaling and exhaling — meaning they aren’t getting enough oxygen to their lungs. Wheezing can indicate your cat is in respiratory distress.
If your cat is truly wheezing, this respiratory problem is something to be concerned about. Conditions such as feline asthma and heart failure can cause wheezing, so it’s a good idea to get this symptom checked out by a vet.
Choking is also different from gagging. If you think your cat is choking, you’ll want to ensure their throat is clear. Food or even toys can get lodged in a cat’s throat and restrict their airways. This can have serious consequences and is an emergency situation.
If your cat is exhibiting symptoms like excessive drooling, gagging, regurgitation, and repeated attempts to swallow, you should go to a veterinary clinic immediately. The vet will take an X-ray to look for any foreign objects (Trusted Source) stuck in your cat’s esophagus.
You can also learn first aid and the Heimlich maneuver to help a choking cat. Prevent choking by picking up things like hair ties, rubber bands, and string, and make sure you don’t have a cat toy with any small, detachable pieces.
There are several steps you can take to help prevent gagging in cats, some of which are below:
Make sure their water is the right temperature — Aim for room temperature or lukewarm liquids. Most cats don’t like extremely cold water.
Refresh their water frequently — Your cat’s water should always be fresh, so make sure to change it out at least once a day.
Ensure their collar fits properly — Collars that are too tight pose a choking hazard to both cats and dogs. It’s best to make sure your kitty’s collar is never too tight.
Stay on top of your cat’s health — Regular vet checkups are the best way to ensure any underlying medical conditions will be detected as soon as possible.
Your cat might gag because their collar is too tight. Or they might be attempting to throw up a hairball. In other cases, cats gag when they drink too much water too quickly.
If your cat is choking, you can perform a “finger sweep” by gently sweeping your cat’s mouth with your index finger to remove the obstruction. Make sure to look and feel under the tongue; often, that’s where the foreign object can be found. If this doesn’t help, immediately go to the nearest veterinary clinic.
Your cat might cough because of a hairball or a sensitive stomach. However, if your cat is also drooling, gagging, and repeatedly attempting to swallow, they’re likely choking and will need emergency assistance.
A cat’s stomach is small and sensitive. Quickly drinking a large amount of water might stretch or upset their stomach and cause them to throw the water back up.
It’s unlikely that your cat is choking on water. Coughing after drinking can be a sign of a too-tight collar or a sensitive stomach. But, if you also notice symptoms like drooling, gagging, and repeated attempts to swallow, immediately go to a clinic so a veterinarian can look for a foreign body or obstruction.