For the Purrbabies

👉 Coming up with a pet name can be fun but tricky. Search no further! According to PetScreening’s 2024 database, the majority of our users name their male American Shorthairs Oliver; Milo is the 2nd most popular male name. Meanwhile, most of our users with female American Shorthairs love Luna, then Nala.
With loving personalities, round faces, and big eyes, cats of the American Shorthair breed are as sweet as they look. This medium-sized cat is known for affection and loves to cozy up with their favorite people. That said, these cats are also able to entertain themselves and will not need constant attention. Possessing a natural prey drive due to their working cat ancestry, they will often let you know when they crave play by bringing you a toy, or whatever they consider a toy. Interactive cat toys like teaser wands and puzzles, as well as places to explore like cat trees, will satiate their moderate exercise needs and provide mental stimulation.
Although they make for great family companions, American Shorthairs are incredibly adaptable and will fare well with singles, couples, or the elderly. With proper training and socialization, you can expect your American Shorthair to get along well with children and cat-friendly dogs. However, owners should exercise caution around smaller animals that may trigger their natural hunting instincts.
American Shorthairs are also not considered very loud, and will often rely on a soft meow when greeting a stranger or to indicate their hunger. If your cat is vocalizing excessively, they may be experiencing a health issue like anxiety, which you should consult your veterinarian about.
Health problems associated with American Shorthair cats
With a lifespan of 15-20 years, American Shorthairs are generally considered a hardy and healthy breed. But like all cats, they can experience certain medical conditions.
🚨 Male neutered cats are susceptible to blockages, which can be fatal if left untreated. Make an appointment with the vet immediately if you notice that your cat is having accidents.
Those looking for purebred American Shorthair kitties from reputable breeders can expect to spend anywhere between $1,000 and $3,000, whereas adopting one will usually only cost as much as $150. Before bringing home an American Shorthair, familiarize yourself with different pet insurance plans and enroll early to lower out-of-pocket veterinary costs for your new furbaby. Alternatively, having a pet savings account can prepare you in the event of a medical emergency. For example, when it comes to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, diagnosis alone will likely cost around $1,500.
A history that dates back to the Mayflower
The story of the American Shorthair began on an English ship transporting over 100 European colonists to what is now the continental United States. Among the passengers aboard the famous Mayflower were the direct ancestors of the American Shorthair breed.
Records show that the working cats were brought along on the journey for their natural ability to hunt and kill rodents, an ability that they possess to this day. This job carried over on land, where the breed was developed to catch and kill rats and mice and help manage infestations in homes across the country. Over time, American Shorthairs developed thick coats and a muscular build that was ideal for living and working outdoors.
While the breed was originally classified as a domestic shorthair, they were renamed the American Shorthair in 1966 to distinguish them from other shorthair breeds. According to the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA), they are the 8th most popular cat breed in the United States.
American Shorthairs are considered low maintenance cats and a great fit for any household type. Owners will want to schedule routine vet visits to make sure their kitten is up to date on vaccinations and in good health. Take steps to prepare your home with food, toys, and signing up for FidoAlert so you’re protected in the event they get out.
Although the breed has short hair, these cats do need to be brushed at least twice a week to remove loose fur and keep their coats from getting matted. Unless they get dirty, owners will not need to give them a bath once every 1-2 months. When cleaning the ears, use a damp cloth and keep your eyes peeled for any signs of excess discharge or redness.
Regardless if your cat is an expert at grooming themselves, there are still some routine tasks that you should help with to prevent issues like gingivitis. Brushing your cat’s teeth, bringing them to the vet for routine dental care, and trimming your cat’s nails are all essential to a healthy cat, and a happy you.
Since American Shorthairs are prone to obesity, owners should consult their vet when calculating how many calories and servings per day their cat should get relative to their size, life stage, and activity level. Generally speaking, an American Shorthair will likely need somewhere between 280 and 360 calories per day. Make sure your cat’s food meets the standards established by the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA). Also, look for the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) label on the packaging to ensure it meets their nutritional needs.
Those considering a homemade diet for their American Shorthair should ensure they’re avoiding foods considered toxic to cats. It’s important for pet parents to consult with a veterinary dietitian when developing homemade cat food; cats have specific needs that a homemade diet may not meet. You will also need to ensure your cat’s water bowl or fountain is always full to avoid dehydration.
While American Shorthairs are not considered high-energy, they do love playtime – either independently or with their humans. Interactive toys such as wands, felt mice, and jingle balls will help them meet their exercise needs. They’ll often let you know if they want you to get in on the fun by bringing a toy your way.
Because of their strong ability to adapt to their surroundings (their ancestors spent two months at sea, after all), the breed is considered a good fit for large and small homes alike. They love sunbathing, so a window perch or cat tree by a window will be much appreciated by your favorite feline, so long as you’re careful to avoid them overheating. If your cat is listless or spending too much time laying around, talk to their vet about possible underlying health issues, including depression.
Breeds similar to the American Shorthair
Not quite sure that an American Shorthair is right for you? Even if you are, it’s worth taking the time to research and consider other similar breeds. Here are a few to get you started:
As the name suggests, American Shorthairs are a short-haired breed, but that doesn’t mean they don’t shed. Owners should plan on brushing their cat every few days at the least to remove excess fur and keep their coats smooth.
Yes! The American Shorthair is considered a very affectionate cat breed that likes to cozy up against their humans. That said, they don’t need constant attention and also value alone time.
While they have a long lifespan and are generally considered a healthy breed, American Shorthairs are prone to some medical conditions such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (heart disease), obesity, and polycystic kidney disease. Scheduling routine vet visits can help you monitor your cat’s health and receive professional medical guidance and care.
American Shorthairs are not generally a loud cat breed. If anything, they will usually use soft meows to indicate their needs, like hunger. If your cat is excessively vocalizing with their proper exercise and nutrition needs being met, seek veterinary care to rule out medical concerns.
American Shorthairs used to be categorized as domestic shorthairs, before they were renamed in 1966 inorder to be distinguished from other shorthair cats. The American Shorthair has set breed standards, whereas the Domestic Shorthair can be used to characterize any mixed-breed shorthair.