For the Purrbabies

Learn more about the warning signs and symptoms of common puppy illnesses and how to seek treatment.
Between feeding, exercising, and training, being a dog owner comes with many responsibilities. But above all else, keeping our furry friends healthy is most important. It can be scary to see your dog not feeling well, especially a young puppy.
Since their immune systems aren’t fully developed, puppies face a high risk of contracting illnesses. The good news is a veterinary professional can get to the root of your pup’s illness and formulate a treatment plan. Here are some of the most common sicknesses to watch for in your puppy.
Your vet is the most qualified person to diagnose your sick puppy, but that doesn’t mean you can’t familiarize yourself with what signs to look out for. Here are some of the most common diseases to learn about to keep your puppy happy and healthy
Parvo, technically referred to as canine parvovirus, or CPV, is a highly contagious disease that attacks the lining of the gastrointestinal tract in puppies. The virus can result in severe dehydration, low white blood cell count, heart damage, or even death. Puppies can contract parvo by interacting with an infected dog or other contaminated environments or items like feces, leashes, toys, crates, or bowls.
Symptoms of parvo in puppies include:
Since the virus is difficult to eradicate, the most important treatment for parvo is prevention. Early vaccination greatly reduces the risk of contracting the virus, and keeping your puppy up to date on their shots is the most effective way to avoid this serious illness.
If your puppy is showing signs of parvo, especially fever and bloody diarrhea, it is vital to contact your vet and get your pup tested ASAP. If diagnosed with parvo, hospitalization will likely be necessary to keep your dog hydrated and to prevent further infections and complications.
While boarding your puppy can be a good option for when you are traveling, it also comes with some health risks. The most common illness spread in doggie daycares and dog boarding facilities is kennel cough. According to the CDC (Trusted Source) , it is “considered one of the most prevalent infectious respiratory diseases in dogs worldwide,” and is spread via airborne droplets from dogs near one another. If left untreated, kennel cough can develop into pneumonia, which can be deadly for puppies.
The main symptoms of kennel cough include:
If your puppy has come down with the disease, their vet can prescribe any needed medication to make sure the cough runs its course without causing further issues.
While it doesn’t completely protect against kennel cough, the Bordetella vaccine can significantly reduce the length and symptoms of the disease. Many boarding facilities and groomers won’t take unvaccinated dogs to reduce the risk of an outbreak.
More commonly known as the “dog flu,” canine influenza is an infectious disease transferred through droplets in the air and contaminated surfaces. Though uncommon, dogs can also get the flu from their humans.
The symptoms of canine influenza are very similar to the symptoms of kennel cough — including fevers, coughs, sneezing, and runny noses — making it difficult to differentiate between the two. Your vet will be able to determine which illness your dog is experiencing, if any, and the correct treatment plan.
Though canine influenza has no direct cure, symptoms can be alleviated with supportive care like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), fluids, and antibiotics aimed at boosting the puppy’s immune system. Additionally, your vet will be able to advise you on how to safely quarantine your pup to avoid spreading the flu to other dogs in your community.
Canine distemper is a highly contagious viral disease that attacks the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and nervous systems. There are three main ways that puppies can contract this illness:
The first sign of distemper that owners should look out for is a watery, pus-like discharge from the eyes. Further symptoms include fever, coughing, a runny nose, lack of energy, lack of appetite, and vomiting. In severe cases, dogs may start “circling,” have involuntary muscle twitches, head tilts, drool, or even seizures.
Prevention in the form of vaccination is key. Distemper in dogs is often fatal, and even pets that survive can face permanent nervous system damage. Since there are currently no known medications to help (Trusted Source) , treatment is focused on preventing further infections and making sure dehydration doesn’t worsen the condition.
Gastroenteritis refers to inflammation or irritation of a puppy’s gastrointestinal tract. The most common causes include viral or bacterial infections, adverse reactions to medicine, food allergies, ulcers, poisoning, and diseases in the pancreas, liver, and kidneys.
Owners with sick puppies should note that gastroenteritis is a blanket term that can cover four different types of the illness:
Symptoms of gastroenteritis in puppies include vomiting foamy bile, diarrhea, loss of appetite, low energy, weight loss, slight fever, and tenderness in the stomach area. The treatment your vet prescribes depends on the underlying cause, but bland diets, probiotics, and antibiotics may be used to help your dog recover. You’ll also want to ensure your puppy is drinking plenty of water, as dehydration is a concern with gastroenteritis.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are bacterial infections of the urinary tract. The condition is fairly common in not just puppies, but all dogs. A study from the University of California, Davis found that 14% of dogs experience a UTI in their lifetime. Thankfully, not all UTIs are serious or cause significant distress. That said, owners should be aware of the symptoms to prevent them from becoming worse.
UTIs can be especially difficult to detect in puppies who aren’t fully housetrained, as one of the main signs of the infection is having accidents in the house. Other signs of a UTI include bloody or cloudy urine, frequent licking of the genitals, and a fever.
If you are concerned that your puppy has a UTI, your vet will advise on whether or not medication is needed for their unique case. To help treat and prevent infection, be sure your dog is drinking plenty of water, stays well-groomed around the genitals, and has ample opportunities to go out and do their business.
Dogs, cats, and even humans are at risk for leptospirosis (Trusted Source) , a bacterial infection that can spread through a puppy’s bloodstream. It is contracted when your puppy makes direct contact with infected water, mud, or urine. This is most prevalent in wooded areas where wildlife is abundant. The infection can be transferred from animals to humans, including children.
Symptoms of leptospirosis include:
Though it doesn’t target every strain of the infection, the lepto vaccine is the best way to protect your dog from the condition.
If you suspect your puppy may have leptospirosis, you must handle them with protective gloves to prevent infecting yourself. Your vet will likely conduct a chemical blood test or urinalysis to determine if your puppy has leptospirosis. If so, an IV may be administered to prevent dehydration.
Depending on your pup’s unique case, other treatments can include antibiotics, nausea medications, a blood transfusion, or a tube to aid in digestion. Your family or other members of the home will also need to be tested to make sure they’re not also infected.
Puppies love getting into mischief, so it’s possible that the symptoms they’re experiencing aren’t necessarily the result of an underlying illness. Instead, look towards these other factors that can contribute to your pup not feeling well.
While routine vet checkups and vaccinations can go a long way in ensuring your puppy stays healthy, it’s also a good idea to take steps at home to keep them from getting sick. Here are considerations for maintaining a healthy immune system in your forever friend.
👉 Emergency pet care is extremely costly. Enrolling early in a pet insurance plan can provide you with the coverage you need in the event your puppy requires emergency surgery.
We all wish our cute little puppies could stay the cute little puppies forever, but they will inevitably age. As your fur baby turns into a fur adult, keep these changes in mind that will affect your dog’s health.
It’s super important to have your puppy seen by your vet regularly as they grow to catch any health issues early and keep their vaccines up to date. And never be worried about calling your vet’s office with any questions about your puppy!
Dr. Jennifer Schott
betterpet vet
With all the different illnesses your puppy can contract, keeping them healthy can seem like a daunting task for pet owners. But it’s important to remember that getting sick is as inevitable for dogs as it is for humans, and as long as you keep your new best friend up to date on their shots and seek help when they present symptoms, you can rest assured they’ll be getting the help they need to live a long, happy life.
You should always consult your veterinarian before trying to treat a sick puppy on your own. Guidance for at-home care may include rest, giving them plenty of fluids, and recommended diet changes. Your vet may also prescribe medication that you can administer every day.
If your puppy has symptoms that last longer than a day, schedule a vet appointment as soon as possible. For severe symptoms like an injury or excessive vomiting, seek emergency care.
Common illnesses that puppies may experience include parvo, gastroenteritis, kennel cough, and UTIs. Vaccinations can reduce symptoms and even prevent certain health issues. Heartworm preventatives administered at home can protect against intestinal parasites.
Symptoms like coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and seizures are indications that your puppy is sick and requires veterinary care.
Generally speaking, most puppies are eligible to be vaccinated after 12 weeks of age. Puppies and young dogs have underdeveloped immune systems, so the sooner they are vaccinated, the better.