For the Purrbabies

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Bananas make a safe, nutritional treat for dogs – when given in moderation.
Many pet parents might wonder: Can dogs eat bananas?
The short answer is yes, bananas are perfectly fine for dogs and can make a great healthy treat. Bananas are full of nutrients like potassium, magnesium, and fiber as well as vitamin C and vitamin B6. Large dogs can have up to ½ a banana, while smaller dogs should have 2-3 small pieces.
Because of the high sugar content, bananas shouldn’t be a regular part of your dog’s diet. If you’re giving your dog some banana for the first time, watch for signs of allergies like itching or trouble breathing.
Bananas offer many health benefits for people and dogs alike. While the fruit is most well known for providing potassium, lesser known vitamins and minerals include niacin (boost brain function), calcium, zinc, iron, tartaric acid (immune booster), and vitamins A and E, to name a few. Bananas also contain probiotics, and are easy on the stomach. They’re low in sodium, cholesterol, and calories, and dogs generally enjoy the taste.
Pet owners who like to share human food with their dogs will often seek out a list of fruits and vegetables dogs can eat. Unlike well known “no-no’s” like grapes and avocado, bananas are safe for animals, affordable, and versatile enough to be made into treats. Bananas are even safe for your puppy, as long as the bite size is manageable.
Even though experts agree bananas are safe, there are a few things pet owners should know before you start feeding slices of banana to your pup. Always take your individual pup into consideration, and how they’ve responded to new foods in the past. When in doubt, talk with your veterinarian. If you do decide to give bananas as a tasty treat, start with a small portion in little pieces.
Any dog owner who wants to offer their dog fresh fruits should keep in mind that treats should make up only about 10% of your dog’s daily food intake. That said, a fresh banana is a healthy treat. Pet experts recommend that smaller dogs (around 30 pounds or less) can handle two to three small pieces of banana a day, while larger dogs can safely eat half of a peeled banana.
Even very young puppies can handle a small bite of banana, but be careful not to overdo it. Growing puppies have specific nutritional needs and overdoing sugar and treats isn’t a good way to start off. Also consider if your particular dog breed is prone to obesity. Dogs like labradors, basset hounds, dachshunds, and pugs (to name a few) are more susceptible to weight gain, and have to be mindful of the sugar.
Before you give your dog bananas, make sure you’ve prepared them safely.
Peel the banana — Remove all the banana peel to prevent overdoing it on fiber or accidentally causing a blockage. An unpeeled banana will be more appetizing to your dog anyway.
Cut into small pieces — Particularly for smaller dogs, cutting into bite size pieces is important. Even larger dogs will do better with a cut banana.
Share in small quantities — If your pup hasn’t had any banana before, make sure to start small. Even seasoned banana eaters should only have two to three slices for small dogs and half a banana for larger dogs.
Consider mashing — Puppies and senior dogs might prefer a bit of mashed banana as an addition to their food, in moderation. Pet parents may consider hiding medication in mashed bananas as well.
Get creative — There are lots of ways to give your dog some banana. Whether you serve it alone, on top of food, mashed, frozen, baked, topped with a teaspoon of peanut butter, or inside the Kong.
Like humans, dogs are all different and have different needs. Bananas are safe, but that doesn’t always mean they’ll agree with your dog. There’s always a chance that your dog is uninterested in bananas, or has an uncommon reaction to one.
When it comes to homemade treats, bananas can be mixed with other safe ingredients for a fun snack. Bananas make a great base, and offer enough sweetness to really make for a tasty treat. Be careful to avoid giving your dog any homemade banana goods with added sugar, nuts, raisins, or chocolate. Simpler is better when it comes to your pup’s diet.
Gluten Free, Vegan, Vegetarian | 61 calories
Notes: The number of treats will vary with the thickness of the dough and cookie cutter size. This recipe makes 26 treats that are 2” circles.
Although a whole banana isn’t ideal, the good news is that it’s unlikely to harm your dog. Monitor your dog for any signs of allergies, vomiting or diarrhea. Call your vet if you’re concerned.
Yes. Bananas are safe for dogs of all ages. Puppies should have no more than 2 to 3 slices daily to prevent giving too much sugar or fiber.
Smaller dogs should have no more than two to three slices of banana per day, and larger dogs can have up to half a banana a day.
According to the American Kennel Club (Trusted Source) , there are a variety of fruits dogs can eat. Avoid avocado, tomato, cherries, and grapes.