For the Purrbabies

Just like us, dogs need healthy greens. Here’s how to give your dog broccoli and the health benefits associated with this cruciferous vegetable.
Like many other fruits, vegetables, and foods our pets inevitably get hold of, broccoli is fine if dogs don’t eat much of it. However, keep in mind that the plant compounds known as isothiocyanates in the florets aren’t good for pups, and neither are the seasoning humans like, like garlic salt, for example. But, there are a few notable benefits for dogs who eat their greens (sparingly!)
Broccoli is a healthy choice for people, and it’s beneficial for pups, too! So, there’s likely no need to panic when Fido cleans up fallen broccoli florets at dinner. Here are some of the benefits of broccoli.
👉 Before adding broccoli to your dog’s diet as a supplement, consult your veterinarian or a board-certified veterinary nutritionist.
Broccoli has some great health benefits for dogs, but there are still risks associated with giving your dog broccoli stems, florets, or any other part of this green.
While dogs can eat unseasoned broccoli in pretty much any form, it’s best to prepare and cook it. Here are a few ways to cook broccoli for your dog.
One of the biggest concerns with giving your dog broccoli is portion control. Too much broccoli can cause problems for your dog ranging from gas to an intestinal blockage that requires immediate veterinary attention. Vegetables for dogs shouldn’t be more than 10% of their diet, so it’s important to remember that this is only an occasional treat.
Sometimes dogs require surgical intervention due to the location of blockages, but if the obstructing substance is a big wad of fiber wedged in the colon, constipation can show. In most of these circumstances, a surgery probably isn’t needed and professionally administered, pet-safe enemas and cleansing colonics can solve the problem.
Dr. Bruce Armstrong
When giving your dog broccoli, it’s best to start slowly and with a small piece. Some dogs are more sensitive to broccoli than others, so a smaller piece without any other new treats or food can help you determine how well your dog will do with it.
If you don’t notice any ill effects, give your dog a slightly larger portion. Remember that this shouldn’t be too frequent due to the isothiocyanates in broccoli. Monitor your dog’s potty breaks for signs that bowel movements have normalized, and watch out for signs that they don’t tolerate it well, like vomiting.
If broccoli isn’t for your dog, some alternatives might be a good choice for your pup. From other people foods to foods designed especially for Rover, here are some alternatives to broccoli.
For diabetic dogs, remember that they have additional dietary restrictions that other dogs may not. Consult with your vet before making any changes to your dog’s diet, such as treats or adding new foods, to avoid jeopardizing their health.
As with all things, it’s important to take a balanced approach to your dog’s health. Yes, you can give your dog broccoli, but in moderation. Just like playtime, baths, treats, and snuggles, moderation is important to maintain their health. Consult with your vet before changing your dog’s diet, and be mindful of how much your dog is cleaning up around you in the kitchen while preparing dinner!
Cooked and raw broccoli are good for your dog. Broccoli packs essential vitamins and nutrients like vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, and vitamin K. However, excessive amounts of broccoli can have adverse effects.
In addition to broccoli, dogs can also enjoy raw asparagus, carrots, broccoli sprouts, leafy greens, and numerous other veggies that humans enjoy. It’s important to consult with your vet, watch for negative side effects, and only feed your dog smaller portions.
Dogs can eat every part of broccoli, but it’s important to cut it into bite-sized pieces to reduce the risk of your dog choking. Supervise your dog when they eat broccoli or any other vegetable.
Yes, dogs can eat broccoli stalks, provided that they are in small enough pieces. Avoid feeding your dog large amounts of broccoli and monitor them for symptoms of GI issues, such as stomach upset.
Some dogs can be allergic to broccoli. Because of this, it’s best to monitor your dog closely when they eat broccoli and watch for signs of GI upset, itchy skin, or trouble breathing. If your dog has breathing problems, take them to the vet immediately. Additionally, puppies are still developing, so certain vegetables, like broccoli, can do more harm than good with their still-forming digestive system.