For the Purrbabies

Carrots are considered a great source of nutrition for humans, but are they safe for dogs?
Humans are often encouraged to eat their fruits and vegetables. It’s a fact that produce like carrots have nutrient-dense properties like vitamin C, minerals, and antioxidants. Consuming them is a great way to support a healthy immune system. It’s natural for pet parents to want to support their dog’s health, too, and diet is an important way to do so.
Is it a good idea to give your dog carrots? Does it matter what form the carrots are in — frozen carrots, baby carrots, raw carrots, cooked carrots? All good questions. We have the answers.
Generally, yes, dog owners can feel comfortable giving their pets carrots. Some human food, like onions and chocolate, are toxic to dogs, but carrots make a good, low-calorie treat in moderation.
Raw, frozen, and cooked carrots are all considered safe options for most dogs. In fact, frozen carrots may help relieve pain for teething puppies. Still, it’s always best practice to speak with your vet before giving your dog a new food.
Studies show carrots have a slew of health benefits for humans, such as a reduction in free radicals (Trusted Source) and vision (Trusted Source) improvement. Can we say the same about a dog’s health and carrots, or should we consider the vegetable more of a tasty snack? Let’s dig in.
Carrots are an excellent source of vitamin A, a vital nutrient for vision. Like humans, dogs deficient in Vitamin A can experience night vision loss. What about dogs getting enough vitamin A from a standard diet? Right now, there’s no evidence to support the idea that eating more carrots will help these dogs with vision improvement.
Raw carrots require chewing, which can be soothing for a teething or stressed dog. The amount of chewing involved may promote stronger teeth. Like other veggies, carrots may help clean a dog’s teeth, though brushing a pup’s teeth regularly for gum and dental health is still a good idea.
Carrots have soluble fiber and insoluble fiber, which may aid in digestive health. Soluble fiber can help with both constipation and diarrhea because it dissolves in water, slowing digestion. Insoluble fiber attracts water to stool, so it’s easier to pass. Therefore, it can help with diarrhea. Carrots have both, making them beneficial for a pet’s digestive system.
Dog owners will want to prepare carrots for their pets to consume safely. These tips will help you serve carrots to your dog in the safest, healthiest way.
Wash carrots — Carrots are root vegetables that may have been exposed to pesticides. Washing carrots will help remove these.
Peel carrots — Removing the peels is another way to nix pesticides and dirt.
Cut carrots — It’s best to cut whole carrots (including whole baby carrots) into small pieces. Larger pieces of carrots or full carrot sticks present a choking hazard.
A teething puppy or even an adult dog may love the crunch and challenge of raw carrots. Gnawing on raw carrots can feel like playing with a chew toy – except it’s a slightly sweet, yummy treat. Though giving a full carrot stick to a larger dog may be tempting because it resembles a chew toy, it’s still best to cut the veggie to reduce choking risks.
Not every dog enjoys the crunchy treat like a raw carrot. Some pups may not like the tough texture. Cooked carrots still have health benefits, and you may be consuming them yourself for dinner. Remember, some seasonings and spices are not safe for dogs, such as garlic and onions. It’s best to give your pet a plain carrot.
Carrot juice is OK to feed a dog, particularly if you are putting it in a homemade treat, but the juicing process reduces the fiber content. Additionally, some juices contain high sugar content. Check the nutrition label. A raw or cooked carrot is a better choice for a healthy snack for a pet.
Though carrots have health benefits, you’ll want to make sure your dog doesn’t consume too many. Carrots contain sugar, and too much of it can lead to weight gain.
How many carrots can your dog consume? That answer will vary based on your pet’s size. A larger dog breed will be able to consume a few more carrot pieces than a smaller one, like a shih tzu.
Monitor your dog. If they experience vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, or any general discomfort, it’s probably best to stop treating them with carrots.
The majority — 90% — of your pet’s diet should come from dog food.
Perhaps your dog doesn’t like carrots, or maybe you want to mix up what you treat your pup each day. Carrots aren’t the only vegetable considered healthy, tasty treats for dogs in moderation. Consider picking up these veggies next time you head to the grocery store:
Don’t be worried if your pup eats a carrot or two – they’re perfectly safe! Just be sure to talk to your vet before making any permanent dietary changes.
Generally, yes, dog owners can feel comfortable giving their pets this orange vegetable. Not all human food, like onions and chocolate, is safe for pups, but carrots are not toxic. In fact, they make a good, low-calorie treat in moderation, such as for good behavior.
It depends on your dog’s size. A dog’s diet should consist of 90% high-quality dog food. The other 10% can come from low-calorie treats, like carrots.
Yes, you can treat a dog with carrots every day in small amounts. Look out for signs your dog may not tolerate carrots well, such as vomiting or diarrhea. Carrots do contain natural sugar, so too many can lead to weight gain.
Garlic, onions, chives, and shallots are among the vegetables that are off the table for pups. It’s best to discuss any new foods you’d like to introduce to your dog with your veterinarian.
Carrots contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber that may benefit a dog’s digestive system, eyes, and teeth. That said, high-quality commercial dog foods contain all the nutrients your pet needs. Consider carrots an occasional treat.