For the Purrbabies

This savory-sweet snack might be the perfect protein-filled treat for your dog.
Savory, sweet, and deliciously crunchy — it’s no wonder our furry friends love to snack on a nut every once in a while. If you’re concerned because your pet got into the cashew bowl, don’t be (unless you have macadamia nuts hiding in there!) Cashews are generally safe for dogs, so long as they aren’t overly processed, salted, or mixed with other nuts.
Here’s what you need to know about nut safety for your dog.
Yes — but before you go buying a can for your furry friend’s treat time, let’s discuss your pet’s nutritional needs.
Dogs are omnivores (Trusted Source) , meaning they can enjoy both meat and plant sources of dietary nutrition. Unlike cats, they can get their protein from a range of options, including meat such as beef or chicken, or veggies like peas, sweet potatoes, and spinach.
Nuts might fit into this nutritional landscape for some pups, acting as an occasional treat after a training session. With an estimated 5 grams of protein per ounce, they’re a great plant-based solution if you’re looking to add more to your dog’s diet.
About 22-33% of a puppy’s diet (Trusted Source) should come from protein, a need that should slowly level off as they reach their next life stage. Since nuts offer valuable protein (but would likely have to be given in extremely high amounts to satisfy regular dietary needs), most owners enjoy giving them as treats.
As with all aspects of your dog’s nutrition, it’s best to connect with a vet and ask about your pet’s specific dietary needs prior to feeding them any treat.
Much like humans, dogs need a range of vitamins and minerals to stay healthy over the course of their lifetime. Below, we’ve compiled a short list of the vitamins and minerals found in cashews that could benefit your pup’s health.
Your furry friend needs both fiber and healthy fats to live a long, happy life. These two elements help to:
Regulate your dog’s bowel movements. Fiber helps your dog at many steps in the digestive process. After fermenting, it breaks down into fatty acids, reducing overgrowth and discomfort. It also bulks up the poop so your dog can pass waste easily and efficiently.
Support healthy neurological function. Fats directly contribute to the health and wellness of your dog’s brain. This is why healthy fats are important in a pet’s diet; even small amounts can enhance function.
Regulate their blood sugar. Fiber doesn’t just help the GI tract — it goes the extra mile and helps your pet regulate their blood sugar, slowing the digestive process and allowing complete absorption to occur.
Support healthy weight. Fiber helps your pet stay at a healthy weight, allowing them to feel fuller with fewer calories.
Cashews are rich in fiber and have large quantities of healthy fats. The same is true for treats like cashew butter and cashew milk.
👉 Remember: Cashews are safe for your dog so long as they are not fed consistently in large quantities, and so long as they are plain cashews (unsalted cashews that are otherwise unflavored).
Beyond being a great snack for our canine companions, cashews offer a wealth of potential health benefits for your pet. Here are just a few of the perks you’ll get after adding these nuts to your treat rotation:
🛑 While uncommon in dogs, cashew nuts can be an allergen to some pets. If you’re concerned that your dog got into a handful of cashews, call your veterinarian and watch for signs of an allergic reaction — such as skin disruptions, GI issues, or trouble breathing.
Now that you know the possible benefits, it’s time to look at the risks that pet parents may face when feeding large amounts of cashews to their dogs:
It is possible to feed your dog cashews in a way that boosts your dog’s health. Unlike other types of human food that can lead to health problems later, cashews have a relatively low risk profile when fed in small quantities (like as a treat!)
Here’s a few tips to consider the next time you feed your dog cashews!
Choose the right cashews. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again (because it’s just that important!) Choosing the right cashews can make the difference between helping and harming your pet. Cashews in a mix or flavored cashews can have toxic ingredients that harm your pet, causing abdominal pain or liver damage.
Select the proper portion. Too many cashews can wreak havoc on dogs’ stomachs. The key? Finding just the right amount for your furry friend. Generally, you can give this healthy treat in a quantity that doesn’t exceed one ounce — giving your pet the benefit of the essential nutrients without the risk of obstruction.
Give everything in moderation. This can be true for any treat — whether it’s green beans or another pet-safe food. Too much of anything can cause health concerns, which is why it’s best to start with small pieces in moderate amounts.
Now that we know that whole cashews are OK for your dog, you might be wondering: Are there other safe nuts and seeds for dogs? After all, nuts and seeds can be a good source of protein for pets in moderation.
The good news (and short answer) is, yes! There are other nuts and seeds that can be fed in small portions that offer a low number of risks.
Here are some example nuts and seeds that your dog will enjoy, actin as great sources of fiber for your furry friend:
Likely nothing, unless your furry friend has had too much or has a food allergy. The nuts are generally non toxic for dogs, making them a high-fat and high-protein option for pets who might have a special diet.
There are certain nuts that can cause a problem for dogs — such as walnuts and macadamia nuts. These are in a lot of mixed nut combinations, so it is imperative you do not give any mixed nuts to your dog. Common symptoms to watch for if your pet gets into these include stomach upset, obstruction, or seizures, as these nuts are very prone to tremor-causing mold growth.
Any source of moldy food can pose an issue to your dog. Even a trace amount can lead to ataxia (trouble walking and balancing) or seizures, depending on the pet’s size. If you’re concerned about possible ingestion, always reach out to your vet.
Cashews can mold, as they have a significant amount of trace liquid and moisture in each nut. Signs of bad cashews include a rancid taste and odor, visible mold growth, and slimy texture.
This generally means that bugs got to your pet’s treats before they did — and the nuts should be tossed out. The damage can lead to a bitter, unpleasant taste, and possible mold growth. This can be harmful for your dog.