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Can dogs eat seaweed?

Can dogs eat seaweed?

Pet-safe seaweed snacks are okay in moderation. Here’s what to know about feeding your dog seaweed.

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  • Some seaweed snacks are high in garlic or onion — Garlic and onion, two ingredients common in seaweed snacks for people, are toxic to dogs and should be avoided at all costs.
  • Keep your dog away from wild seaweed — Consuming wild seaweed strewn around the beach may lead to gastrointestinal blockages and other issues.
  • Seaweed snacks for pets can be great for your dog’s health — Seaweed and ocean algae contain omega-3 fatty acids, which can positively affect a dog’s immune system and skin.

Can dogs eat seaweed? The short answer is yes. Seaweed can be safely fed to dogs in moderation, including processed seaweed snacks like nori. Just be sure to check the ingredients to ensure that it doesn’t contain any garlic or salt.

Is seaweed good for dogs?

Seaweed is a broad term that refers to the many marine plants and algae that grow in oceans, rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water. When grown in controlled environments, seaweed can be jam-packed with antioxidants (Trusted Source) , and anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial agents — benefitting your dog’s immune system, skin, and coat.

Additionally, pet-safe seaweed snacks have a robust nutritional profile, rich in:

  • Iron. This mineral is good for red blood cell health and helps your dog’s body perform essential functions like maintaining and supplying oxygen to the circulatory system.
  • Iodine. Iodine is a trace mineral that’s essential for the healthy functioning of a dog’s thyroid and to produce triiodothyronine and thyroxine hormones. Proper amounts of iron prevent hypothyroidism (Trusted Source) . However, iodine cannot be produced by a dog’s body on its own and needs to be found in food sources.
  • Magnesium. After calcium and phosphorus, magnesium is the most common mineral in a dog’s bones. It’s also key to maintaining normal nerve and muscle function and strong, healthy bones.

Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s protect your pup’s skin and coat, support brain development in puppies, and act as a natural anti-inflammatory to reduce joint pain in your pet. However, omega-3s aren’t naturally found in a dog’s body, so they must get them from their diet through things like fish oil or seaweed.

How to safely feed your dog seaweed

So you want to give your dog a taste of seaweed? Here’s where to begin.

Remember, moderation is key — If your dog hasn’t eaten seaweed before, begin with a small amount and gradually increase the quantity until you reach the listed feeding recommendations. Be sure not to go beyond the recommended amount, as too much seaweed can cause GI upset in your pet.

👉 Most seaweed snacks and supplements for dogs come in powder form meant to sprinkle atop their food. Don’t overdo it!

Purchase snacks and supplements made specifically for Fido — As mentioned above, seaweed snacks and products intended for humans often contain seasonings that can be toxic to dogs, including salt, garlic, and onion. Choose pet-safe seaweed snacks to keep your furry friend healthy and happy.

Grind or break dog-safe seaweed sheets into small pieces — Because sea vegetables expand when wet, consuming large amounts of them may cause a blockage or stomach upset in your pet. It’s best to break down the seaweed into crumbs or pieces to minimize this risk.

Use as a garnish on dog food — To add a little pep to your pet’s meals,  sprinkle some dog-safe seaweed snacks or supplements onto their food. You can even add a little seaweed powder to their pet bone broth for savory hydration.

Always consult your veterinarian if you’re unsure — It’s best to consult with your veterinarian before any dietary change. Your vet will also rule out any illnesses that conflict with seaweed use, and they can also advise on risks and amounts to consider before offering the snack to your pet.

Avoid letting your dog eat wild seaweed

Dogs may be curious about seaweed found at the shore’s edge at the beach or lake — but don’t let them eat it. This type of seaweed likely contains harmful bacteria, contaminants, or parasites and should be avoided.

Wild seaweed near the ocean is also usually full of sodium due to the surrounding saltwater, which can further upset your puppy’s stomach or lead to salt toxicity, in extreme cases.

Symptoms of seaweed poisoning

Seaweed poisoning is a condition where seaweed expands in a dog’s stomach and leads to conditions like vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and loss of appetite. If your pet has these symptoms or is otherwise acting strange, consult with your veterinarian.

Types of seaweed

If you’re looking into getting some dog-safe seaweed snacks for your pup, there are several options available. Here are a few pet-friendly options that you can offer your pet.


Dulse comes from the northern parts of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans and has a reddish-pink hue. It’s most commonly known for its leathery texture, although some variations can be soft.

Dulse can also be purchased in powder form, shredded, or in dry flake form, which can be added as a supplement or topping to your dog’s meal.


If you’re a sushi lover, you’ve likely heard of Nori before. Nori is notable because it has a unique color. In its raw form, it has a purple-red hue — and when dry, it appears dark green. Nori gets roasted before it is pressed into dried sheets and made into snacks, and it can be given to your dog in flake form.


Kombu is a type of kelp that’s packed with flavor. It’s commonly used as a way to provide moisture for dry dog food, boosting the flavor of your dog’s meals. It’s best served alone in a hydrated or dry flake form.


Wakame, most commonly used in miso soup, is dark green. Compared to other seaweed types, it has a sweeter taste and is silky to the touch. Wakame is a great option to add omega-3 fatty acids to your dog’s diet, and it breaks down easily in their guts — minimizing the risk of a blockage.

👉 As a general rule, the types of seaweed that are edible for humans are also edible for dogs. However, it’s crucial to consider quantity, preparation methods, and any added ingredients that may not be dog-friendly.

If you’re considering implementing seaweed into your dog’s diet, it’s generally safe to do so. Just make sure you feed it to your pets in small quantities, choosing seaweed snacks that are free from additives.

If you’re unsure what kind of snacks to avoid, connect with your vet. They can help you to diversify your pet’s diet in a safe and controlled way.

Frequently asked questions

Can dogs eat wild seaweed?

No. Ingesting wild seaweed found on the beach or along other bodies of water should be avoided. Seaweed from the beach has been soaking in seawater which is high in sodium. Too much sodium can lead to toxicity and dehydration in dogs. Wild seaweed often contains other organisms such as bacteria and fungus that can make your dog very sick.

Can I give my dog dried seaweed?

Dried seaweed products intended for dogs and given in moderation are typically OK. However, you should not give your dog dried seaweed products meant for humans.  Consult with your local veterinarian on which seaweed product would be best to give your dog.

What are the benefits of seaweed for dogs?

Seaweed products intended specifically for your pet can greatly benefit your dog’s immune system and keep its skin and coat healthy. Pet-safe seaweed snacks have a robust nutritional profile as they contain iron, magnesium, iodine, and omega-3 fatty acids — all of which help support healthy thyroid function and regulate metabolism and digestion. Seaweed is also packed full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.  

How much seaweed can I give my dog?

Seaweed can be given to dogs in moderation as a snack or a food topper — no more than a teaspoon.  Just be sure there are no additives like garlic or onion.

Why is my dog obsessed with seaweed?

Many dogs love seaweed because it has a ton of natural flavor. It also has an interesting texture that piques their curiosity. However, it’s important to keep your dog away from unknown or wild sources of seaweed because these can contain high amounts of sodium and bacteria.

Is seaweed safe for dogs and cats?

Dogs and cats can eat certain types of seaweed in moderation. However, be sure to keep your pets away from wild seaweed as it contains harmful bacteria and can lead to gastrointestinal blockages and other issues.

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